1. 31 Aug, 2020 4 commits
    • Dan Field's avatar
      Remove assert about release mode (#64813) · 3aa0243a
      Dan Field authored
      b/150295238 has been resolved for a while now.
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Prefer moreOrLessEquals over closeTo (#64915) · c0ea00ed
      Chris Bracken authored
      Flutter's `moreOrLessEquals` has a few advantages over `closeTo` from
      the `matcher` package:
         * It emits the epsilon value in the test result on failure.
         * It uses a named parameter for epsilon, which improves readability
           at the call site.
         * It has a reasonable default for epsilon in cases where something
           more specific isn't required.
      Using it also has the nice property that it aids in its own discovery
      when when people go looking for such functionality in new tests.
      This change also includes a couple unrelated whitespace formatting cleanups.
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Prefer moreOrLessEquals to closeTo (#64914) · c935a448
      Chris Bracken authored
      moreOrLessEquals is the preferred mechanism for checking that a value is
      within some error bound epsilon, with default value for epsilon of
      This patch replaces instances of closeTo using precisionErrorTolerance.
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Match lerped values using moreOrLessEquals (#64908) · 8fa5c55e
      Chris Bracken authored
      Several of our tests make use of numbers without an exact floating point
      representation (frequently 0.x where x!=5) which, when scaled, also
      scale the error. The end result is that some of these tests currently
      implicitly rely on an implementation detail of floating point math and
      are sensitive to differences in the ~15th decimal place.
      This patch reduces the sensitivity of some of these tests, checking
      values using `moreOrLessEquals` from the flutter_test package
      rather than requiring en exact match.
  2. 29 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  3. 28 Aug, 2020 8 commits
  4. 27 Aug, 2020 8 commits
  5. 26 Aug, 2020 4 commits
  6. 25 Aug, 2020 6 commits
  7. 24 Aug, 2020 9 commits