Unverified Commit 54e2a0e6 authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

Reland: Increase threshold for usage of compute for utf8 decoding on large...

Reland: Increase threshold for usage of compute for utf8 decoding on large strings to 50 KB (#64498)
parent d1de20c5
......@@ -71,11 +71,13 @@ abstract class AssetBundle {
// that the null-handling logic is dead code).
if (data == null)
throw FlutterError('Unable to load asset: $key'); // ignore: dead_code
if (data.lengthInBytes < 10 * 1024) {
// 10KB takes about 3ms to parse on a Pixel 2 XL.
// See: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31954
// 50 KB of data should take 2-3 ms to parse on a Moto G4, and about 400 μs
// on a Pixel 4.
if (data.lengthInBytes < 50 * 1024) {
return utf8.decode(data.buffer.asUint8List());
// For strings larger than 50 KB, run the computation in an isolate to
// avoid causing main thread jank.
return compute(_utf8decode, data, debugLabel: 'UTF8 decode for "$key"');
......@@ -562,9 +562,11 @@ class HotRunner extends ResidentRunner {
} on vm_service.RPCError {
// Do nothing, we're already subcribed.
// Ideally this would wait for kIsolateRunnable, but either this subscription occurs too
// late to receive the event, or it is not forwarded for hot restarted isolates.
device.vmService.onIsolateEvent.firstWhere((vm_service.Event event) {
return event.kind == vm_service.EventKind.kIsolateRunnable;
return event.kind == vm_service.EventKind.kServiceExtensionAdded;
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