1. 09 Oct, 2020 3 commits
  2. 08 Oct, 2020 34 commits
  3. 07 Oct, 2020 3 commits
    • Darren Austin's avatar
      Migrate Material framework tests to null safety (#67556) · 3c21775c
      Darren Austin authored
      Migrate Material framework tests to null safety.
    • Casey Hillers's avatar
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Preserve composing range if possible on sel change (#67197) · b851f997
      Chris Bracken authored
      When setting the TextSelection in a TextEditingController, preserve the
      composing range so long as the new selection is:
        * a collapsed selection; in other words, a cursor rather than a
          selection with an extent. A selection with an extent is not
          permitted when composing.
        * within the composing region. Moving the cursor outside the composing
          region ends composing mode.
      When using physical keyboards for input with an IME, users expect to be
      able to navigate using the cursor within the composing region with the
      arrow keys in order to edit text in the composing range.
      As an example, a user might erroneously enter the composing text
      にほんごにゅうろく in kana, then hit the left arrow, followed by
      backspace in order to delete the ろ, then input りょ in order to
      generate the correct composing text にほんごにゅうりょく, before then
      hitting the conversion key to convert to the kanji text 日本語入力 and