1. 22 Feb, 2024 7 commits
  2. 21 Feb, 2024 6 commits
    • Kate Lovett's avatar
      Deprecate redundant itemExtent in RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor methods (#143412) · 09e0e1b8
      Kate Lovett authored
      Multiple methods in `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor` pass a `double itemExtent` for computing things like what children will be laid out, what the max scroll offset will be, and how the children will be laid out.
      Since `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor` was further subclassed to support a `itemExtentBuider` in `RenderSliverVariedExtentList`, these itemExtent parameters became useless when using that RenderObject. Reading through `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor.performLayout`, the remaining artifacts of passing around itemExtent make it hard to follow when it is irrelevant. 
      `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor.itemExtent` is available from these methods, so it does not need to pass it. It is redundant API.
      Plus, if a bogus itemExtent is passed for some reason, errors will ensue and the layout will be incorrect. 💣 💥 
      Deprecating so we can remove these for a cleaner API. Unfortunately this is not supported by dart fix, but the fact that these methods are protected means usage outside of the framework is likely minimal.
    • Taha Tesser's avatar
      Update `hourMinuteTextStyle` defaults for Material 3 Time Picker (#143749) · 3403ca41
      Taha Tesser authored
      fixes [`hourMinuteTextStyle` Material 3 default doesn't match the specs](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143748)
      This updates `hourMinuteTextStyle` defaults to match Material 3 specs. `hourMinuteTextStyle` should use different font style for different entry modes based on the specs.
      ### Specs
      ![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 15 06 40](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/48603081/5198a5da-314d-401e-8d7f-d4a68b86e43c)
      ![Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 15 07 22](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/48603081/79436ce4-fef6-480a-bc43-b628497e860f)
      ### Before
       return _textTheme.displayMedium!.copyWith(color: _hourMinuteTextColor.resolve(states));
      ### After 
            return entryMode == TimePickerEntryMode.dial
              ? _textTheme.displayLarge!.copyWith(color: _hourMinuteTextColor.resolve(states))
              : _textTheme.displayMedium!.copyWith(color: _hourMinuteTextColor.resolve(states));
    • Taha Tesser's avatar
      `CalendarDatePicker` doesn't announce selected date on desktop (#143583) · 5d2353c1
      Taha Tesser authored
      fixes [Screen reader is not announcing the selected date as selected on DatePicker](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143439)
      ### Descriptions
      - This fixes an issue where `CalendarDatePicker` doesn't announce selected date on desktop.
      - Add semantic label to describe the selected date is indeed "Selected".
      ### Code sample
      <summary>expand to view the code sample</summary> 
      import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      void main() {
        runApp(const MyApp());
      class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
        const MyApp({super.key});
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          return const MaterialApp(
            home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo Home Page'),
      class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
        const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});
        final String title;
        MyHomePageState createState() => MyHomePageState();
      class MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
        void _showDatePicker() async {
          await showDatePicker(
            context: context,
            initialDate: DateTime.now(),
            firstDate: DateTime(1900),
            lastDate: DateTime(2200),
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          return Scaffold(
            appBar: AppBar(
              title: Text(widget.title,
                  style: const TextStyle(fontFamily: 'ProductSans')),
            body: const Center(
              child: Text('Click the button to show date picker.'),
            floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
              onPressed: _showDatePicker,
              tooltip: 'Show date picker',
              child: const Icon(Icons.edit_calendar),
      // import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      // void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
      // class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
      //   const MyApp({super.key});
      //   @override
      //   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      //     return MaterialApp(
      //       debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      //       home: Scaffold(
      //         body: Center(
      //           child: CalendarDatePicker(
      //             initialDate: DateTime.now(),
      //             firstDate: DateTime(2020),
      //             lastDate: DateTime(2050),
      //             onDateChanged: (date) {
      //               print(date);
      //             },
      //           ),
      //         ),
      //       ),
      //     );
      //   }
      // }
      ### Before
      ### After
    • Taha Tesser's avatar
      Add `timeSelectorSeparatorColor` and `timeSelectorSeparatorTextStyle` for... · 95cdebed
      Taha Tesser authored
      Add `timeSelectorSeparatorColor` and `timeSelectorSeparatorTextStyle`  for Material 3 Time Picker (#143739)
      fixes [`Time selector separator` in TimePicker is not centered vertically](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143691)
      Separator currently `hourMinuteTextStyle` to style itself.
      This introduces `timeSelectorSeparatorColor` and `timeSelectorSeparatorTextStyle` from Material 3 specs to correctly style  the separator. This also adds ability to change separator color without changing `hourMinuteTextColor`.
      ### Specs for the time selector separator
      ### Code sample
      <summary>expand to view the code sample</summary> 
      import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
      void main() {
        runApp(const App());
      class App extends StatelessWidget {
        const App({super.key});
        Widget build(BuildContext context) {
          return MaterialApp(
            theme: ThemeData(
              // timePickerTheme: TimePickerThemeData(
              //   hourMinuteTextColor: Colors.amber,
              // )
            home: Scaffold(
              body: Center(
                child: Builder(builder: (context) {
                  return ElevatedButton(
                    onPressed: () async {
                      await showTimePicker(
                        context: context,
                        initialTime: TimeOfDay.now(),
                    child: const Text('Pick Time'),
      | Before | After |
      | --------------- | --------------- |
      | <img src="https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/48603081/20beeba4-5cc2-49ee-bba8-1c552c0d1e44" /> | <img src="https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/48603081/24927187-aff7-4191-930c-bceab6a4b4c2" /> |
    • Simon Friis Vindum's avatar
      Fix initialization of time in repeat on AnimationController (#142887) · 6c78e36c
      Simon Friis Vindum authored
      This PR fixes #142885.
      The issue is that in `_RepeatingSimulation` the initial time is calculated as follows:
      (initialValue / (max - min)) * (period.inMicroseconds / Duration.microsecondsPerSecond)
      This calculation does not work in general. For instance, if `max` is 300, `min` is 100, and `initialValue` is 100 then `initialValue / (max - min)` is 1/2 when it should be 0
      The current tests work by happenstance because the numbers used happen to work. To reveal the bug I've added some more tests similar to the existing ones but with different numbers.
      A "side-effect" of the incorrect calculation is that if `initialValue` is 0, then the animation will always start from `min` no matter what. For instance, in one of the tests, an `AnimationController` with the value 0 is told to `repeat` between 0.5 and 1.0, and this starts the animation from 0.5. To preserve this behavior, and to more generally handle the case where the initial value is out of bounds, this PR clamps the initial value to be within the lower and upper bounds of the repetition.
      Just for reference, this calculation was introduced at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/25125.
    • auto-submit[bot]'s avatar
      Reverts "Changing `TextPainter.getOffsetForCaret` implementation to remove the... · f9b3b84d
      auto-submit[bot] authored
      Reverts "Changing `TextPainter.getOffsetForCaret` implementation to remove the logarithmic search (#143281)" (#143801)
      Reverts flutter/flutter#143281
      Initiated by: LongCatIsLooong
      Reason for reverting: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143797
      Original PR Author: LongCatIsLooong
      Reviewed By: {justinmc, jason-simmons}
      This change reverts the following previous change:
      Original Description:
      The behavior largely remains the same, except:
      1. The EOT cursor `(textLength, downstream)` for text ending in the opposite writing direction as the paragraph is now placed at the visual end of the last line. 
        For example, in a LTR paragraph, the EOT cursor for `aA` (lowercase for LTR and uppercase for RTL) is placed to the right of the line: `aA|` (it was `a|A` before). 
        This matches the behavior of most applications that do logical order arrow key navigation instead of visual order navigation. 
        And it makes the navigation order consistent for `aA\naA`:
        |aA    =>  aA|  => aA|  => aA  => aA   => aA 
         aA        aA      aA     |aA     aA|     aA|     
         (1)       (2)     (3)    (4)    (5)      (6)
      This is indeed still pretty confusing as (2) and (3), as well as (5) and (6) are hard to distinguish (when the I beam has a large width they are actually visually distinguishable -- they use the same anchor but one gets painted to the left and the other to the right. I noticed that emacs does the same). 
      But logical order navigation will always be confusing in bidi text, in one way or another.
      Interestingly there are 3 different behaviors I've observed in chrome:
      - the chrome download dialog (which I think uses GTK text widgets but not sure which version) gives me 2 cursors when navigating bidi text, and 
      - its HTML fields only show one, and presumably they place the I beam at the **trailing edge** of the character (which makes more sense for backspacing I guess). 
      - On the other hand, its (new) omnibar seems to use visual order arrow navigation
      Side note: we may need to update the "tap to place the caret here" logic to handle the case where the tap lands outside of the text and the text ends in the opposite writing direction. 
      2. Removed the logarithmic search. The same could be done using the characters package but when glyphInfo tells you about the baseline location in the future we probably don't need the `getBoxesForRange` call. This should fix https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/123424.
      ## Internal Tests
      This is going to change the image output of some internal golden tests. I'm planning to merge https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/143281 before this to avoid updating the same golden files twice for invalid selections.
  3. 20 Feb, 2024 9 commits
    • LongCatIsLooong's avatar
      Avoid applying partial dartfixes on CI (#143551) · 174e5869
      LongCatIsLooong authored
      Unblocks https://github.com/flutter/tests/pull/345
      Add `bulkApply: false` to partial fixes so they don't automatically get applied on registered tests.
    • Nate's avatar
      Implement `_suspendedNode` fix (#143556) · fc07b241
      Nate authored
      Previously we merged #142930, to solve issue #87061.
      Since then, I discovered that the keyboard input wasn't being captured after the app had been paused and resumed. After some digging, I realized that the problem was due to [a line in editable_text.dart](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/d4b1b6e744ba6196e14fb49904f07a4aea4d5869/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/editable_text.dart#L3589) that called the `focusNode.consumeKeyboardToken()` method.
      Luckily, it's a very easy fix: we just use `requestFocus()` instead of `applyFocusChangesIfNeeded()`. @gspencergoog could you take a look when you have a chance?
    • xubaolin's avatar
      Change `ItemExtentBuilder`'s return value nullable (#142428) · 6707f5ef
      xubaolin authored
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/138912
      Change `ItemExtentBuilder`'s return value nullable, it should return null if asked to build an item extent with a greater index than exists.
    • Nate's avatar
      Implementing `switch` expressions: everything in `flutter/lib/src/` (#143634) · 7a4c2465
      Nate authored
      This PR is the 9ᵗʰ step in the journey to solve issue #136139 and make the entire Flutter repo more readable.
      (previous pull requests: #139048, #139882, #141591, #142279, #142634, #142793, #143293, #143496)
      I did a pass through all of `packages/flutter/lib/src/` and found an abundance of `switch` statements to improve. Whereas #143496 focused on in-depth refactoring, this PR is full of simple, straightforward changes. (I ended up making some more complicated changes in `rendering/` and will file those separately after this PR is done.)
    • LongCatIsLooong's avatar
      Changing `TextPainter.getOffsetForCaret` implementation to remove the logarithmic search (#143281) · 3538e4c7
      LongCatIsLooong authored
      The behavior largely remains the same, except:
      1. The EOT cursor `(textLength, downstream)` for text ending in the opposite writing direction as the paragraph is now placed at the visual end of the last line. 
        For example, in a LTR paragraph, the EOT cursor for `aA` (lowercase for LTR and uppercase for RTL) is placed to the right of the line: `aA|` (it was `a|A` before). 
        This matches the behavior of most applications that do logical order arrow key navigation instead of visual order navigation. 
        And it makes the navigation order consistent for `aA\naA`:
        |aA    =>  aA|  => aA|  => aA  => aA   => aA 
         aA        aA      aA     |aA     aA|     aA|     
         (1)       (2)     (3)    (4)    (5)      (6)
      This is indeed still pretty confusing as (2) and (3), as well as (5) and (6) are hard to distinguish (when the I beam has a large width they are actually visually distinguishable -- they use the same anchor but one gets painted to the left and the other to the right. I noticed that emacs does the same). 
      But logical order navigation will always be confusing in bidi text, in one way or another.
      Interestingly there are 3 different behaviors I've observed in chrome:
      - the chrome download dialog (which I think uses GTK text widgets but not sure which version) gives me 2 cursors when navigating bidi text, and 
      - its HTML fields only show one, and presumably they place the I beam at the **trailing edge** of the character (which makes more sense for backspacing I guess). 
      - On the other hand, its (new) omnibar seems to use visual order arrow navigation
      Side note: we may need to update the "tap to place the caret here" logic to handle the case where the tap lands outside of the text and the text ends in the opposite writing direction. 
      2. Removed the logarithmic search. The same could be done using the characters package but when glyphInfo tells you about the baseline location in the future we probably don't need the `getBoxesForRange` call. This should fix https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/123424.
      ## Internal Tests
      This is going to change the image output of some internal golden tests. I'm planning to merge https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/143281 before this to avoid updating the same golden files twice for invalid selections.
    • Polina Cherkasova's avatar
      Clean leaks. (#142818) · 39befd81
      Polina Cherkasova authored
    • Qun Cheng's avatar
      Introduce tone-based surfaces and accent color add-ons - Part 2 (#138521) · a2c7ed95
      Qun Cheng authored
      This PR is to introduce 19 new color roles and deprecate 3 color roles in `ColorScheme`.
      **Tone-based surface colors** (7 colors): 
      * surfaceBright
      * surfaceDim
      * surfaceContainer
      * surfaceContainerLowest
      * surfaceContainerLow
      * surfaceContainerHigh
      * surfaceContainerHighest
      **Accent color add-ons** (12 colors):
      * primary/secondary/tertiary-Fixed
      * primary/secondary/tertiary-FixedDim
      * onPrimary/onSecondary/onTertiary-Fixed
      * onPrimary/onSecondary/onTertiary-FixedVariant
      **Deprecated colors**:
      * background -> replaced with surface
      * onBackground -> replaced with onSurface
      * surfaceVariant -> replaced with surfaceContainerHighest
      Please checkout this [design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ODqivpM_6c490T4j5XIiWCDKo5YqHy78YEFqDm4S8h4/edit?usp=sharing) for more information:)
      ![Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 4 56 51 PM](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/36861262/353cdb4c-6ba9-4435-a518-fd3f67e415f0)
    • Greg Price's avatar
      Explain when and why to use CrossAxisAlignment.baseline (#143632) · eacf0f9e
      Greg Price authored
      Improves the docs around horizontal alignment of text, due to several issues expressing confusion about this topic.
    • Greg Price's avatar
      Small fixes in TextEditingController docs (#143717) · 2d422a32
      Greg Price authored
      This follows up on #143452, to slightly further address #95978.
      The double- rather than triple-slash on the blank line caused it to be ignored by dartdoc, so that the two paragraphs it's intended to separate were getting joined as one paragraph instead.
      Also expand this constructor's summary line slightly to mention its distinctive feature compared with the other constructor, and make other small fixes that I noticed in other docs on this class.
  4. 18 Feb, 2024 2 commits
  5. 17 Feb, 2024 1 commit
  6. 16 Feb, 2024 5 commits
  7. 15 Feb, 2024 1 commit
    • Jake's avatar
      Fix minor spelling error (#143541) · 22d27038
      Jake authored
      *Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is changing or adding, and why. Consider including before/after screenshots.*
      *List which issues are fixed by this PR. You must list at least one issue. An issue is not required if the PR fixes something trivial like a typo.*
      *If you had to change anything in the [flutter/tests] repo, include a link to the migration guide as per the [breaking change policy].*
  8. 14 Feb, 2024 6 commits
  9. 13 Feb, 2024 3 commits