Unverified Commit bce848eb authored by yim's avatar yim Committed by GitHub

Fixed the issue of incorrect item position when prototypeItem is set in...

Fixed the issue of incorrect item position when prototypeItem is set in SliverReorderableList. (#142880)

Fixes #142708
parent 73c26a1c
......@@ -620,15 +620,6 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
Offset? _finalDropPosition;
MultiDragGestureRecognizer? _recognizer;
int? _recognizerPointer;
// To implement the gap for the dragged item, we replace the dragged item
// with a zero sized box, and then translate all of the later items down
// by the size of the dragged item. This allows us to keep the order of the
// list, while still being able to animate the gap between the items. However
// for the first frame of the drag, the item has not yet been replaced, so
// the calculation for the gap is off by the size of the gap. This flag is
// used to determine if the transition to the zero sized box has completed,
// so the gap calculation can compensate for it.
bool _dragStartTransitionComplete = false;
EdgeDraggingAutoScroller? _autoScroller;
......@@ -733,7 +724,7 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
void _registerItem(_ReorderableItemState item) {
if (_dragInfo != null && _items[item.index] != item) {
item.updateForGap(_dragInfo!.index, _dragInfo!.itemExtent, false, _reverse);
item.updateForGap(_dragInfo!.index, _dragInfo!.index, _dragInfo!.itemExtent, false, _reverse);
_items[item.index] = item;
if (item.index == _dragInfo?.index) {
......@@ -755,10 +746,6 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
item.dragging = true;
_dragStartTransitionComplete = false;
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration duration) {
_dragStartTransitionComplete = true;
}, debugLabel: 'SliverReorderableList.completeDragStartTransition');
_insertIndex = item.index;
_dragInfo = _DragInfo(
......@@ -783,7 +770,7 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
if (childItem == item || !childItem.mounted) {
childItem.updateForGap(_insertIndex!, _dragInfo!.itemExtent, false, _reverse);
childItem.updateForGap(_insertIndex!, _insertIndex!, _dragInfo!.itemExtent, false, _reverse);
return _dragInfo;
......@@ -805,9 +792,7 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
void _dragEnd(_DragInfo item) {
setState(() {
if (_insertIndex == item.index) {
// Although it's at its original position, the original position has been replaced by a zero-size box
// So when reversed, it should offset its own extent
_finalDropPosition = _reverse ? _itemOffsetAt(_insertIndex!) - _extentOffset(item.itemExtent, _scrollDirection) : _itemOffsetAt(_insertIndex!);
_finalDropPosition = _itemOffsetAt(_insertIndex!);
} else if (_reverse) {
if (_insertIndex! >= _items.length) {
// Drop at the starting position of the last element and offset its own extent
......@@ -890,14 +875,7 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
Rect geometry = item.targetGeometry();
if (!_dragStartTransitionComplete && _dragIndex! <= item.index) {
// Transition is not complete, so each item after the dragged item is still
// in its normal location and not moved up for the zero sized box that will
// replace the dragged item.
final Offset transitionOffset = _extentOffset(_reverse ? -gapExtent : gapExtent, _scrollDirection);
geometry = (geometry.topLeft - transitionOffset) & geometry.size;
final Rect geometry = item.targetGeometry();
final double itemStart = _scrollDirection == Axis.vertical ? geometry.top : geometry.left;
final double itemExtent = _scrollDirection == Axis.vertical ? geometry.height : geometry.width;
final double itemEnd = itemStart + itemExtent;
......@@ -952,7 +930,7 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
if (item.index == _dragIndex! || !item.mounted) {
item.updateForGap(newIndex, gapExtent, true, _reverse);
item.updateForGap(_dragIndex!, newIndex, gapExtent, true, _reverse);
......@@ -1050,10 +1028,7 @@ class SliverReorderableListState extends State<SliverReorderableList> with Ticke
final SliverChildBuilderDelegate childrenDelegate = SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
// When dragging, the dragged item is still in the list but has been replaced
// by a zero height SizedBox, so that the gap can move around. To make the
// list extent stable we add a dummy entry to the end.
childCount: widget.itemCount + (_dragInfo != null ? 1 : 0),
childCount: widget.itemCount,
findChildIndexCallback: widget.findChildIndexCallback,
if (widget.itemExtent != null) {
......@@ -1138,7 +1113,8 @@ class _ReorderableItemState extends State<_ReorderableItem> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (_dragging) {
return const SizedBox();
final Size size = _extentSize(_listState._dragInfo!.itemExtent, _listState._scrollDirection);
return SizedBox.fromSize(size: size);
return Transform(
......@@ -1161,10 +1137,18 @@ class _ReorderableItemState extends State<_ReorderableItem> {
return _targetOffset;
void updateForGap(int gapIndex, double gapExtent, bool animate, bool reverse) {
final Offset newTargetOffset = (gapIndex <= index)
? _extentOffset(reverse ? -gapExtent : gapExtent, _listState._scrollDirection)
: Offset.zero;
void updateForGap(int dragIndex, int gapIndex, double gapExtent, bool animate, bool reverse) {
// An offset needs to be added to create a gap when we are between the
// moving element (dragIndex) and the current gap position (gapIndex).
// For how to update the gap position, refer to [_dragUpdateItems].
final Offset newTargetOffset;
if (gapIndex < dragIndex && index < dragIndex && index >= gapIndex) {
newTargetOffset = _extentOffset(reverse ? -gapExtent : gapExtent, _listState._scrollDirection);
} else if (gapIndex > dragIndex && index > dragIndex && index < gapIndex) {
newTargetOffset = _extentOffset(reverse ? gapExtent : -gapExtent, _listState._scrollDirection);
} else {
newTargetOffset = Offset.zero;
if (newTargetOffset != _targetOffset) {
_targetOffset = newTargetOffset;
if (animate) {
......@@ -1504,6 +1488,15 @@ double _sizeExtent(Size size, Axis scrollDirection) {
Size _extentSize(double extent, Axis scrollDirection) {
switch (scrollDirection) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return Size(extent, 0);
case Axis.vertical:
return Size(0, extent);
double _offsetExtent(Offset offset, Axis scrollDirection) {
return switch (scrollDirection) {
Axis.horizontal => offset.dx,
......@@ -1483,6 +1483,51 @@ void main() {
await testMove(element.$1, element.$2, reverse: true, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal);
testWidgets('Tests that the item position is correct when prototypeItem or itemExtent are set', (WidgetTester tester) async {
Future<void> pumpFor({Widget? prototypeItem, double? itemExtent}) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(
home: Scaffold(
body: CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return ReorderableDragStartListener(
key: ValueKey<int>(index),
index: index,
child: SizedBox(
height: 100,
child: Text('$index'),
itemCount: 5,
itemExtent: itemExtent,
prototypeItem: prototypeItem,
onReorder: (int fromIndex, int toIndex) {},
Future<void> testFor({Widget? prototypeItem, double? itemExtent}) async {
await pumpFor(prototypeItem: prototypeItem, itemExtent: itemExtent);
final TestGesture drag = await tester.startGesture(tester.getCenter(find.text('0')));
await tester.pump(kLongPressTimeout);
await drag.moveBy(const Offset(0, 20));
await tester.pump();
expect(tester.getTopLeft(find.text('1')), const Offset(0, 100));
await drag.up();
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
await testFor();
await testFor(prototypeItem: const SizedBox(height: 100, width: 100, child: Text('prototype')));
await testFor(itemExtent: 100);
class TestList extends StatelessWidget {
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