- 19 Oct, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
- 16 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
As per our style guide, if you can't explain something, refactor it. I studied this function for a while and still can't explain it, so...
- 15 Sep, 2016 2 commits
John McCutchan authored
Adam Barth authored
Having this base class lets classes like CustomPainter and DataTableSource be more agnostic as to what's generating the repaints.
- 08 Sep, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Previously, pumpWidget() would do a partial pump (it didn't trigger Ticker callbacks or post-frame callbacks), and pump() would do a full pump. This patch brings them closer together. It also makes runApp run a full actual frame, rather than skipping the transient callback part of the frame logic. Having "half-frames" in the system was confusing and could lead to bugs where code expecting to run before the next layout pass didn't because a "half-frame" ran first. Also, make Tickers start ticking in the frame that they were started in, if they were started during a frame. This means we no longer spin a frame for t=0, we jump straight to the first actual frame. Other changes in this patch: * rename WidgetsBinding._runApp to WidgetsBinding.attachRootWidget, so that tests can use it to more accurately mock out runApp. * allow loadStructuredData to return synchronously. * make handleBeginFrame handle not being given a time stamp. * make DataPipeImageProvider.loadAsync protected (rather than private), and document it. There wasn't really a reason for it to be private. * fix ImageConfiguration.toString. * introduce debugPrintBuildScope and debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks, which can help debug problems with widgets getting marked as dirty but not cleaned. * make debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets say "Building" the first time and "Rebuilding" the second, to make it clearer when a widget is first created. This makes debugging widget lifecycle issues much easier. * make debugDumpApp more resilient. * debugPrintStack now takes a label that is printed before the stack. * improve the banner shown for debugPrintBeginFrameBanner. * various and sundry documentation fixes
- 18 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Adam Barth authored
Currently, we just treat Fuchsia as TargetPlatform.android, but we might want to do something more sophisticated in the future.
- 11 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Changes in this patch: - iOS now uses a different scrollDrag constant than Android. - ScrollConfigurationDelegate now knows about target platforms. - ScrollBehaviors now know about target platforms. - RawInputLine now has to be told what platform it's targetting. - PageableList now has a concept of target platform. - make debugPrintStack filter its stack. - move debugPrintStack to `assertions.dart`. - add support for limiting the number of frames to debugPrintStack. - make defaultTargetPlatform default to android in test environments. - remove OverscrollStyle and MaterialApp's overscrollStyle argument. You can now control the overscroll style using Theme.platform. - the default scroll configuration is now private to avoid people relying on the defaultTargetPlatform getter in their subclasses (since they really should use Theme.of(context).platform). - fix some typos I noticed in some tests. - added a test for flinging scrollables, that checks that the behavior differs on the two target platforms. - made flingFrom and fling in the test API pump the frames. - added more docs to the test API. - made the TestAsyncUtils.guard() method report uncaught errors to help debug errors when using that API.
- 10 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Also, add a "flutter build flx --report-licensed-packages" option for when you need to get the list of the packages affected by licenses.
- 05 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Bob Nystrom authored
* Fix covariant overrides in SynchronousFuture. There were two things going on here. In timeout(), the callback's return type was needlessly tightened to only allow callbacks that return futures. This makes SynchronousFuture not substitutable with Future, whose timeout() allows callbacks that return immediate values. Since SynchronousFuture.timeout() never calls the callback anyway, I just loosened it to match Future.timeout(). SynchronousFuture.whenComplete() is just wrong. The type error, again, is that the callback's return type is too tight. Future.whenComplete() allows synchronous callbacks. But the actual implementation is wrong as well. whenComplete() should return a future that completes to the *original value*, not whatever the callback returns. So I just fixed the method to work correctly, including handling callbacks with synchronous results. * "(error, stackTrace)" -> "(e, stack)".
- 03 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Adds Scheduler.debugPrintTransientCallbackRegistrationStack so that you can find out how your current callback got registered.
- 02 Aug, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
* General improvoments to the loader app: * Show a message after 8 seconds if no connection comes in. * Show a progress bar as files are being uploaded. * Hide the spinner just before launching the application. * General improvements to the "flutter run" UI: * Add "?" key as a silent alias for "h". * Make the help text bold so it doesn't get mixed with the logs. * Make "R" do a cold restart when hot reload is enabled. * Supporting features and bug fixes: * Add support for string service extensions. * Other bug fixes: * Expose debugDumpRenderTree() outside debug mode. * Logger.supportsColor was missing a getter. * Mention in the usage docs that --hot requires --resident. * Trivial style fixes.
- 29 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Jason Simmons authored
Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/5086
- 28 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
- show the next error fully after a hot reload - hide _AssertionError in stacks - immediately rebuild after a reassemble, so that hit tests work - catch errors when notifying global key listeners
- 26 Jul, 2016 2 commits
Ian Hickson authored
Adam Barth authored
- 25 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Adam Barth authored
We'll use this field to adapt material widgets to iOS.
- 21 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
This makes the about page show the licenses of all the Dart packages that a Flutter app uses. Issues that this does not yet resolve: - I'm still working on getting the full list of licenses for the sky_engine package. - Some of the licenses don't print very readably. - There's no scrollbar on the license page. I'll provide fixes for the first two in the coming days, but this should unblock anyone who is wanting to see something here, even if it's not quite complete. :-) ---- The patch makes the following changes: - The license registry is now asynchronous, since the data comes from disk. - I moved the default license collector from the foundation package to the services package since it uses the default asset bundle now. - The FLX builder now includes the LICENSE files of each Dart package mentioned in the `.packages` file.
- 24 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Adam Barth authored
This patch improves some subtle behaviors about the change notifier.
- 23 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
- 17 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
- 16 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Overview ======== This patch refactors images to achieve the following goals: * it allows references to unresolved assets to be passed around (previously, almost every layer of the system had to know about whether an image came from an asset bundle or the network or elsewhere, and had to manually interact with the image cache). * it allows decorations to use the same API for declaring images as the widget tree. It requires some minor changes to call sites that use images, as discussed below. Widgets ------- Change this: ```dart child: new AssetImage( name: 'my_asset.png', ... ) ``` ...to this: ```dart child: new Image( image: new AssetImage('my_asset.png'), ... ) ``` Decorations ----------- Change this: ```dart child: new DecoratedBox( decoration: new BoxDecoration( backgroundImage: new BackgroundImage( image: DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadImage('my_asset.png'), ... ), ... ), child: ... ) ``` ...to this: ```dart child: new DecoratedBox( decoration: new BoxDecoration( backgroundImage: new BackgroundImage( image: new AssetImage('my_asset.png'), ... ), ... ), child: ... ) ``` DETAILED CHANGE LOG =================== The following APIs have been replaced in this patch: * The `AssetImage` and `NetworkImage` widgets have been split in two, with identically-named `ImageProvider` subclasses providing the image-loading logic, and a single `Image` widget providing all the widget tree logic. * `ImageResource` is now `ImageStream`. Rather than configuring it with a `Future<ImageInfo>`, you complete it with an `ImageStreamCompleter`. * `ImageCache.load` and `ImageCache.loadProvider` are replaced by `ImageCache.putIfAbsent`. The following APIs have changed in this patch: * `ImageCache` works in terms of arbitrary keys and caches `ImageStreamCompleter` objects using those keys. With the new model, you should never need to interact with the cache directly. * `Decoration` can now be `const`. The state has moved to the `BoxPainter` class. Instead of a list of listeners, there's now just a single callback and a `dispose()` method on the painter. The callback is passed in to the `createBoxPainter()` method. When invoked, you should repaint the painter. The following new APIs are introduced: * `AssetBundle.loadStructuredData`. * `SynchronousFuture`, a variant of `Future` that calls the `then` callback synchronously. This enables the asynchronous and synchronous (in-the-cache) code paths to look identical yet for the latter to avoid returning to the event loop mid-paint. * `ExactAssetImage`, a variant of `AssetImage` that doesn't do anything clever. * `ImageConfiguration`, a class that describes parameters that configure the `AssetImage` resolver. The following APIs are entirely removed by this patch: * `AssetBundle.loadImage` is gone. Use an `AssetImage` instead. * `AssetVendor` is gone. `AssetImage` handles everything `AssetVendor` used to handle. * `RawImageResource` and `AsyncImage` are gone. The following code-level changes are performed: * `Image`, which replaces `AsyncImage`, `NetworkImage`, `AssetImage`, and `RawResourceImage`, lives in `image.dart`. * `DecoratedBox` and `Container` live in their own file now, `container.dart` (they reference `image.dart`). DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH ============================== * The `ImageConfiguration` fields are mostly aspirational. Right now only `devicePixelRatio` and `bundle` are implemented. `locale` isn't even plumbed through, it will require work on the localisation logic. * We should go through and make `BoxDecoration`, `AssetImage`, and `NetworkImage` objects `const` where possible. * This patch makes supporting animated GIFs much easier. * This patch makes it possible to create an abstract concept of an "Icon" that could be either an image or a font-based glyph (using `IconData` or similar). (see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4494) RELATED ISSUES ============== Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4500 Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4495 Obsoletes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4496
- 01 Jun, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
This introduces the key parts of a paginated data table, not including the built-in pagination features. * Provide more data for the data table demo, so there's data to page. * Introduce a ChangeNotifier class which abstracts out addListener/removeListener/notifyListeners. We might be able to use this to simplify existing classes as well, though this patch doesn't do that. * Introduce DataTableSource, a delegate for getting data for data tables. This will also be used by ScrollingDataTable in due course. * Introduce PaginatedDataTable, a widget that wraps DataTable and only shows N rows at a time, fed by a DataTableSource.
- 25 May, 2016 1 commit
Adam Barth authored
For consistency. Fixes #4142
- 20 May, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
- 18 May, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Don't suggest filing an issue when we can definitively say that the assertion in question was not thrown from within the flutter package. Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/3812. Put the stack trace first after the message, with more details below the stack trace, since the stack is often very useful and the stacks are no longer stupidly long. Better document the 'rescheduling' feature, and improve the error handling asserts when it is misused. Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/3888. Improve the wording around the stack dump for exceptions during callbacks. Improve the color and font size of messages in live tests. Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/4018.
- 17 May, 2016 2 commits
Adam Barth authored
Also, add some missing docs to http.dart and widgets.dart.
Adam Barth authored
Everything now has dartdocs except one setter whose getter already has docs.
- 16 May, 2016 3 commits
Ian Hickson authored
This exposes the default throttling implementation, and an alternative non-throttling implementation, of `debugPrint`.
Ian Hickson authored
This makes it possible to substitute 'flutter run' for 'flutter test' and actually watch a test run on a device. For any test that depends on flutter_test: 1. Remove any import of 'package:test/test.dart'. 2. Replace `testWidgets('...', (WidgetTester tester) {` with `testWidgets('...', (WidgetTester tester) async {` 3. Add an "await" in front of calls to any of the following: * tap() * tapAt() * fling() * flingFrom() * scroll() * scrollAt() * pump() * pumpWidget() 4. Replace any calls to `tester.flushMicrotasks()` with calls to `await tester.idle()`. There's a guarding API that you can use, if you have particularly complicated tests, to get better error messages. Search for TestAsyncUtils.
Devon Carew authored
* send debug events for flutter lifecycle events * remove the route event
- 04 May, 2016 1 commit
pq authored
The `flutter` package gets more types! Follow-up from: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/3727.
- 29 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Devon Carew authored
Ian Hickson authored
* Refactor widget test framework Instead of: ```dart test("Card Collection smoke test", () { testWidgets((WidgetTester tester) { ``` ...you now say: ```dart testWidgets("Card Collection smoke test", (WidgetTester tester) { ``` Instead of: ```dart expect(tester, hasWidget(find.text('hello'))); ``` ...you now say: ```dart expect(find.text('hello'), findsOneWidget); ``` Instead of the previous API (exists, widgets, widget, stateOf, elementOf, etc), you now have the following comprehensive API. All these are functions that take a Finder, except the all* properties. * `any()` - true if anything matches, c.f. `Iterable.any` * `allWidgets` - all the widgets in the tree * `widget()` - the one and only widget that matches the finder * `firstWidget()` - the first widget that matches the finder * `allElements` - all the elements in the tree * `element()` - the one and only element that matches the finder * `firstElement()` - the first element that matches the finder * `allStates` - all the `State`s in the tree * `state()` - the one and only state that matches the finder * `firstState()` - the first state that matches the finder * `allRenderObjects` - all the render objects in the tree * `renderObject()` - the one and only render object that matches the finder * `firstRenderObject()` - the first render object that matches the finder There's also `layers' which returns the list of current layers. `tap`, `fling`, getCenter, getSize, etc, take Finders, like the APIs above, and expect there to only be one matching widget. The finders are: * `find.text(String text)` * `find.widgetWithText(Type widgetType, String text)` * `find.byKey(Key key)` * `find.byType(Type type)` * `find.byElementType(Type type)` * `find.byConfig(Widget config)` * `find.byWidgetPredicate(WidgetPredicate predicate)` * `find.byElementPredicate(ElementPredicate predicate)` The matchers (for `expect`) are: * `findsNothing` * `findsWidgets` * `findsOneWidget` * `findsNWidgets(n)` * `isOnStage` * `isOffStage` * `isInCard` * `isNotInCard` Benchmarks now use benchmarkWidgets instead of testWidgets. Also, for those of you using mockers, `serviceMocker` now automatically handles the binding initialization. This patch also: * changes how tests are run so that we can more easily swap the logic out for a "real" mode instead of FakeAsync. * introduces CachingIterable. * changes how flutter_driver interacts with the widget tree to use the aforementioned new API rather than ElementTreeTester, which is gone. * removes ElementTreeTester. * changes the semantics of a test for scrollables because we couldn't convince ourselves that the old semantics made sense; it only worked before because flushing the microtasks after every event was broken. * fixes the flushing of microtasks after every event. * Reindent the tests * Fix review comments
- 22 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Ian Hickson authored
This adds in particular the ability to track the time at which the framework boots up, and the time at which we are confident we have completed the first useful frame.
Ian Hickson authored
The old names were getting silly and started stepping on valuable namespace. The new names are consistent and clear.
- 19 Apr, 2016 1 commit
Ian Hickson authored
Bindings now have a debugRegisterServiceExtensions() method that is invoked in debug mode (only). (Once we have a profile mode, there'll be a registerProfileServiceExtensions() method that gets called in that mode only to register extensions that apply then.) The BindingBase class provides convenience methods for registering service extensions that do the equivalent of: ```dart void extension() { ... } bool extension([bool enabled]) { ... } double extension([double extension]) { ... } Map<String, String> extension([Map<String, String> parameters]) { ... } ``` The BindingBase class also itself registers ext.flutter.reassemble, which it has call a function on the binding called reassembleApplication(). The Scheduler binding now exposes the preexisting ext.flutter.timeDilation. The Renderer binding now exposes the preexisting ext.flutter.debugPaint. The Renderer binding hooks reassembleApplication to trigger the rendering tree to be reprocessed (in particular, to fix up the optimisation closures). All the logic from rendering/debug.dart about service extensions is replaced by the above. I moved basic_types to foundation. The FlutterWidgets binding hooks reassembleApplication to trigger the widget tree to be entirely rebuilt. Flutter Driver now uses ext.flutter.driver instead of ext.flutter_driver, and is hooked using the same binding mechanism. Eventually we'll probably move the logic into the Flutter library so that you just get it without having to invoke a special method first.
- 15 Apr, 2016 2 commits
Ian Hickson authored
Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/3352
Ian Hickson authored
We're getting back to the point where we have a bunch of foundation APIs and it's getting confusing having them mixed with services/.