Make tests more realistic (#5762)
Previously, pumpWidget() would do a partial pump (it didn't trigger Ticker callbacks or post-frame callbacks), and pump() would do a full pump. This patch brings them closer together. It also makes runApp run a full actual frame, rather than skipping the transient callback part of the frame logic. Having "half-frames" in the system was confusing and could lead to bugs where code expecting to run before the next layout pass didn't because a "half-frame" ran first. Also, make Tickers start ticking in the frame that they were started in, if they were started during a frame. This means we no longer spin a frame for t=0, we jump straight to the first actual frame. Other changes in this patch: * rename WidgetsBinding._runApp to WidgetsBinding.attachRootWidget, so that tests can use it to more accurately mock out runApp. * allow loadStructuredData to return synchronously. * make handleBeginFrame handle not being given a time stamp. * make DataPipeImageProvider.loadAsync protected (rather than private), and document it. There wasn't really a reason for it to be private. * fix ImageConfiguration.toString. * introduce debugPrintBuildScope and debugPrintScheduleBuildForStacks, which can help debug problems with widgets getting marked as dirty but not cleaned. * make debugPrintRebuildDirtyWidgets say "Building" the first time and "Rebuilding" the second, to make it clearer when a widget is first created. This makes debugging widget lifecycle issues much easier. * make debugDumpApp more resilient. * debugPrintStack now takes a label that is printed before the stack. * improve the banner shown for debugPrintBeginFrameBanner. * various and sundry documentation fixes
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