Unverified Commit d911eadf authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] create NotifyingLogger at the top level when running flutter...

[flutter_tools] create NotifyingLogger at the top level when running flutter run --machine or flutter attach --machine (#59087)

Removes dependency on injecting additional logger with zones
parent afe8bf7c
......@@ -65,7 +65,9 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
(args.isNotEmpty && args.first == 'help') || (args.length == 1 && verbose);
final bool muteCommandLogging = help || doctor;
final bool verboseHelp = help && verbose;
final bool daemon = args.contains('daemon');
final bool daemon = args.contains('daemon') ||
(args.contains('--machine') && args.contains('run')) ||
(args.contains('--machine') && args.contains('attach'));
await runner.run(args, () => <FlutterCommand>[
......@@ -783,6 +783,13 @@ class SilentStatus extends Status {
timeoutConfiguration: timeoutConfiguration,
stopwatch: stopwatch,
void finish() {
if (onFinish != null) {
/// Constructor writes [message] to [stdout]. On [cancel] or [stop], will call
......@@ -207,7 +207,9 @@ class AttachCommand extends FlutterCommand {
? Daemon(
notifyingLogger: NotifyingLogger(verbose: globals.logger.isVerbose),
notifyingLogger: (globals.logger is NotifyingLogger)
? globals.logger as NotifyingLogger
: NotifyingLogger(verbose: globals.logger.isVerbose),
logToStdout: true,
: null;
......@@ -415,7 +415,9 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
final Daemon daemon = Daemon(
notifyingLogger: NotifyingLogger(verbose: globals.logger.isVerbose),
notifyingLogger: (globals.logger is NotifyingLogger)
? globals.logger as NotifyingLogger
: NotifyingLogger(verbose: globals.logger.isVerbose),
logToStdout: true,
AppInstance app;
......@@ -35,4 +35,26 @@ void main() {
// Only printed by verbose tool.
expect(result.stdout, isNot(contains('exiting with code 0')));
test('flutter run --machine uses NotifyingLogger', () async {
final String flutterBin = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'flutter');
final ProcessResult result = await const LocalProcessManager().run(<String>[
expect(result.stdout, isEmpty);
test('flutter attach --machine uses NotifyingLogger', () async {
final String flutterBin = globals.fs.path.join(getFlutterRoot(), 'bin', 'flutter');
final ProcessResult result = await const LocalProcessManager().run(<String>[
expect(result.stdout, isEmpty);
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