Unverified Commit cfd0743d authored by Konstantin Scheglov's avatar Konstantin Scheglov Committed by GitHub

Fix UNNECESSARY_TYPE_CHECK_TRUE violations. (#89186)

parent db0c4fa9
......@@ -455,9 +455,6 @@ Future<void> _runBuildTests() async {
Future<void> _runExampleProjectBuildTests(Directory exampleDirectory, [File? mainFile]) async {
// Only verify caching with flutter gallery.
final bool verifyCaching = exampleDirectory.path.contains('flutter_gallery');
if (exampleDirectory is! Directory) {
final String examplePath = exampleDirectory.path;
final bool hasNullSafety = File(path.join(examplePath, 'null_safety')).existsSync();
final List<String> additionalArgs = <String>[
......@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ List<ManifestTask> _validateAndParseTasks(dynamic tasksYaml) {
ManifestTask _validateAndParseTask(String taskName, dynamic taskYaml) {
_checkType(taskName is String, taskName, 'Task name', 'string');
_checkType(taskYaml is YamlMap, taskYaml, 'Value of task "$taskName"', 'dictionary');
_checkKeys(taskYaml as YamlMap, 'Value of task "$taskName"', const <String>[
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