Unverified Commit 90c524dc authored by Taha Tesser's avatar Taha Tesser Committed by GitHub

Update chip docs to clarify how to specify a shape with no border & explain...

Update chip docs to clarify how to specify a shape with no border & explain default values for Material 3 (#134298)

fixes [Update chip docs for Material 3 defaults.](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/134296)

Addresses a [comment](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/133856#discussion_r1313513284) from @HansMuller as well
parent f851e7fa
......@@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ abstract interface class ChipAttributes {
/// The style to be applied to the chip's label.
/// The default label style is [TextTheme.bodyLarge] from the overall
/// theme's [ThemeData.textTheme].
/// If this is null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then
/// [TextTheme.labelLarge] is used. Otherwise, [TextTheme.bodyLarge]
/// is used.
/// This only has an effect on widgets that respect the [DefaultTextStyle],
/// such as [Text].
......@@ -95,12 +96,17 @@ abstract interface class ChipAttributes {
/// The color and weight of the chip's outline.
/// Defaults to the border side in the ambient [ChipThemeData]. If the theme
/// border side resolves to null, the default is the border side of [shape].
/// border side resolves to null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then
/// [BorderSide] with a [ColorScheme.outline] color is used when the chip is
/// enabled, and [BorderSide] with a [ColorScheme.onSurface] color with an
/// opacity of 0.12 is used when the chip is disabled. Otherwise, it defaults
/// to null.
/// This value is combined with [shape] to create a shape decorated with an
/// outline. If it is a [MaterialStateBorderSide],
/// [MaterialStateProperty.resolve] is used for the following
/// [MaterialState]s:
/// outline. To omit the outline entirely, pass [BorderSide.none] to [side].
/// If it is a [MaterialStateBorderSide], [MaterialStateProperty.resolve] is
/// used for the following [MaterialState]s:
/// * [MaterialState.disabled].
/// * [MaterialState.selected].
......@@ -112,12 +118,15 @@ abstract interface class ChipAttributes {
/// The [OutlinedBorder] to draw around the chip.
/// Defaults to the shape in the ambient [ChipThemeData]. If the theme
/// shape resolves to null, the default is [StadiumBorder].
/// shape resolves to null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then
/// [RoundedRectangleBorder] with a circular border radius of 8.0 is used.
/// Otherwise, [StadiumBorder] is used.
/// This shape is combined with [side] to create a shape decorated with an
/// outline. If it is a [MaterialStateOutlinedBorder],
/// [MaterialStateProperty.resolve] is used for the following
/// [MaterialState]s:
/// outline. To omit the outline entirely, pass [BorderSide.none] to [side].
/// If it is a [MaterialStateOutlinedBorder], [MaterialStateProperty.resolve]
/// is used for the following [MaterialState]s:
/// * [MaterialState.disabled].
/// * [MaterialState.selected].
......@@ -139,6 +148,8 @@ abstract interface class ChipAttributes {
/// The color that fills the chip, in all [MaterialState]s.
/// Defaults to null.
/// Resolves in the following states:
/// * [MaterialState.selected].
/// * [MaterialState.disabled].
......@@ -151,7 +162,9 @@ abstract interface class ChipAttributes {
/// The padding between the contents of the chip and the outside [shape].
/// Defaults to 4 logical pixels on all sides.
/// If this is null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then
/// a padding of 8.0 logical pixels on all sides is used. Otherwise,
/// it defaults to a padding of 4.0 logical pixels on all sides.
EdgeInsetsGeometry? get padding;
/// Defines how compact the chip's layout will be.
......@@ -190,18 +203,25 @@ abstract interface class ChipAttributes {
/// Color of the chip's shadow when the elevation is greater than 0.
/// The default is null.
/// If this is null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then
/// [Colors.transparent] color is used. Otherwise, it defaults to null.
Color? get shadowColor;
/// Color of the chip's surface tint overlay when its elevation is
/// greater than 0.
/// The default is null.
/// If this is null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then
/// [ColorScheme.surfaceTint] color is used. Otherwise, it defaults
/// to null.
Color? get surfaceTintColor;
/// Theme used for all icons in the chip.
/// The default is null.
/// If this is null and [ThemeData.useMaterial3] is true, then [IconThemeData]
/// with a [ColorScheme.primary] color and a size of 18.0 is used when
/// the chip is enabled, and [IconThemeData] with a [ColorScheme.onSurface]
/// color and a size of 18.0 is used when the chip is disabled. Otherwise,
/// it defaults to null.
IconThemeData? get iconTheme;
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