Commit 6c814335 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Revert "Revert "Stop Travis from uploading docs""

This patch again stops Traivs from uploading docs now that the new infra seems
to be better at it.

This reverts commit 196c881c.
parent 0fdc8bf8
......@@ -17,31 +17,3 @@ flutter analyze --flutter-repo --no-current-directory --no-current-package --con
# (cd packages/updater; ) # No tests to run.
(cd examples/stocks; flutter test)
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then
pub global activate dartdoc 0.8.4
cat packages/flutter/doc/styles.html doc/_analytics.html > /tmp/_header.html
# TODO(eseidel): This should just call a helper script.
# If you add a package to this list, update doc/index.html to point to it.
(cd packages/flutter; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/playfair; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/newton; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/cassowary; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/flutter_test; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/flutter_sprites; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
$GCLOUD auth activate-service-account --key-file gcloud_key_file.json
$GSUTIL -m -q cp doc/index.html gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/flutter/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/playfair/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/newton/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/cassowary/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/flutter_test/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/flutter_sprites/doc/api gs://
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