Commit 196c881c authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Revert "Stop Travis from uploading docs"

This reverts commit 8a458098.
parent f63d97f6
......@@ -17,3 +17,31 @@ flutter analyze --flutter-repo --no-current-directory --no-current-package --con
# (cd packages/updater; ) # No tests to run.
(cd examples/stocks; flutter test)
if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then
if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = "master" ]; then
pub global activate dartdoc 0.8.4
cat packages/flutter/doc/styles.html doc/_analytics.html > /tmp/_header.html
# TODO(eseidel): This should just call a helper script.
# If you add a package to this list, update doc/index.html to point to it.
(cd packages/flutter; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/playfair; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/newton; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/cassowary; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/flutter_test; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
(cd packages/flutter_sprites; ~/.pub-cache/bin/dartdoc --header=/tmp/_header.html)
$GCLOUD auth activate-service-account --key-file gcloud_key_file.json
$GSUTIL -m -q cp doc/index.html gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/flutter/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/playfair/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/newton/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/cassowary/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/flutter_test/doc/api gs://
$GSUTIL -m -q rsync -r -d packages/flutter_sprites/doc/api gs://
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