Unverified Commit 41325b56 authored by xster's avatar xster Committed by GitHub

Turn timer_picker_test goldens back on (#67555)

parent d127f2c9
......@@ -1206,48 +1206,48 @@ void main() {
// testWidgets('TimerPicker golden tests', (WidgetTester tester) async {
// await tester.pumpWidget(
// CupertinoApp(
// // Also check if the picker respects the theme.
// theme: const CupertinoThemeData(
// textTheme: CupertinoTextThemeData(
// pickerTextStyle: TextStyle(
// color: Color(0xFF663311),
// fontSize: 21,
// ),
// ),
// ),
// home: Center(
// child: SizedBox(
// width: 320,
// height: 216,
// child: RepaintBoundary(
// child: CupertinoTimerPicker(
// mode: CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm,
// initialTimerDuration: const Duration(hours: 23, minutes: 59),
// onTimerDurationChanged: (_) {},
// ),
// ),
// ),
// ),
// ),
// );
// await expectLater(
// find.byType(CupertinoTimerPicker),
// matchesGoldenFile('timer_picker_test.datetime.initial.png'),
// );
// // Slightly drag the minute component to make the current minute off-center.
// await tester.drag(find.text('59'), Offset(0, _kRowOffset.dy / 2));
// await tester.pump();
// await expectLater(
// find.byType(CupertinoTimerPicker),
// matchesGoldenFile('timer_picker_test.datetime.drag.png'),
// );
// });
testWidgets('TimerPicker golden tests', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(
// Also check if the picker respects the theme.
theme: const CupertinoThemeData(
textTheme: CupertinoTextThemeData(
pickerTextStyle: TextStyle(
color: Color(0xFF663311),
fontSize: 21,
home: Center(
child: SizedBox(
width: 320,
height: 216,
child: RepaintBoundary(
child: CupertinoTimerPicker(
mode: CupertinoTimerPickerMode.hm,
initialTimerDuration: const Duration(hours: 23, minutes: 59),
onTimerDurationChanged: (_) {},
await expectLater(
// Slightly drag the minute component to make the current minute off-center.
await tester.drag(find.text('59'), Offset(0, _kRowOffset.dy / 2));
await tester.pump();
await expectLater(
testWidgets('TimerPicker only changes hour label after scrolling stops', (WidgetTester tester) async {
Duration? duration;
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