Commit 0d21e69b authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Fix flutter upgrade and flutter build ios (#4564)

* Fix `flutter upgrade`

* Fix builds on iOS
parent 0f1132f9
......@@ -10,16 +10,26 @@ import '../globals.dart';
typedef String StringConverter(String string);
// TODO(ianh): We have way too many ways to run subprocesses in this project.
Map<String, String> _environment(bool allowReentrantFlutter) {
return allowReentrantFlutter ? <String, String>{ 'FLUTTER_ALREADY_LOCKED': 'true' } : null;
/// This runs the command in the background from the specified working
/// directory. Completes when the process has been started.
Future<Process> runCommand(List<String> cmd, { String workingDirectory }) async {
Future<Process> runCommand(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false
}) async {
printTrace(cmd.join(' '));
String executable = cmd[0];
List<String> arguments = cmd.length > 1 ? cmd.sublist(1) : <String>[];
Process process = await Process.start(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: _environment(allowReentrantFlutter)
return process;
......@@ -28,12 +38,17 @@ Future<Process> runCommand(List<String> cmd, { String workingDirectory }) async
/// this process' stdout/stderr. Completes with the process's exit code.
Future<int> runCommandAndStreamOutput(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false,
String prefix: '',
bool trace: false,
RegExp filter,
StringConverter mapFunction
}) async {
Process process = await runCommand(cmd, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
Process process = await runCommand(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: allowReentrantFlutter
.transform(const LineSplitter())
......@@ -73,42 +88,30 @@ Future<Null> runAndKill(List<String> cmd, Duration timeout) {
Future<Process> runDetached(List<String> cmd) {
printTrace(cmd.join(' '));
Future<Process> proc = Process.start(
cmd[0], cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(),
mode: ProcessStartMode.DETACHED);
return proc;
/// Run cmd and return stdout.
/// Throws an error if cmd exits with a non-zero value.
String runCheckedSync(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory, bool truncateCommand: false
}) {
return _runWithLoggingSync(
cmd, workingDirectory: workingDirectory, checked: true, noisyErrors: true, truncateCommand: truncateCommand
cmd[0], cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(),
mode: ProcessStartMode.DETACHED
return proc;
Future<RunResult> runAsync(List<String> cmd, { String workingDirectory }) async {
Future<RunResult> runAsync(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false
}) async {
printTrace(cmd.join(' '));
ProcessResult results = await
cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(),
workingDirectory: workingDirectory
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: _environment(allowReentrantFlutter)
RunResult runResults = new RunResult(results);
return runResults;
/// Run cmd and return stdout.
String runSync(List<String> cmd, { String workingDirectory }) {
return _runWithLoggingSync(cmd, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
bool exitsHappy(List<String> cli) {
printTrace(cli.join(' '));
try {
return Process.runSync(cli.first, cli.sublist(1)).exitCode == 0;
} catch (error) {
......@@ -116,18 +119,53 @@ bool exitsHappy(List<String> cli) {
/// Run cmd and return stdout.
/// Throws an error if cmd exits with a non-zero value.
String runCheckedSync(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false,
bool truncateCommand: false
}) {
return _runWithLoggingSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: allowReentrantFlutter,
checked: true,
noisyErrors: true,
truncateCommand: truncateCommand
/// Run cmd and return stdout.
String runSync(List<String> cmd, {
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false
}) {
return _runWithLoggingSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
allowReentrantFlutter: allowReentrantFlutter
String _runWithLoggingSync(List<String> cmd, {
bool checked: false,
bool noisyErrors: false,
String workingDirectory,
bool allowReentrantFlutter: false,
bool truncateCommand: false
}) {
String cmdText = cmd.join(' ');
if (truncateCommand && cmdText.length > 160)
cmdText = cmdText.substring(0, 160) + '…';
ProcessResult results =
Process.runSync(cmd[0], cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(), workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
ProcessResult results = Process.runSync(
cmd.getRange(1, cmd.length).toList(),
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: _environment(allowReentrantFlutter)
printTrace('Exit code ${results.exitCode} from: ${cmd.join(' ')}');
......@@ -50,9 +50,13 @@ class UpgradeCommand extends FlutterCommand {
// if necessary.
printStatus('Upgrading engine...');
code = await runCommandAndStreamOutput(<String>[
'bin/flutter', '--no-lock', '--no-color', 'precache'
], workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot);
code = await runCommandAndStreamOutput(
'bin/flutter', '--no-color', 'precache'
workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot,
allowReentrantFlutter: true
......@@ -150,7 +150,11 @@ Future<XcodeBuildResult> buildXcodeProject({
commands.addAll(<String>['-sdk', 'iphonesimulator', '-arch', 'x86_64']);
RunResult result = await runAsync(commands, workingDirectory: app.rootPath);
RunResult result = await runAsync(
workingDirectory: app.rootPath,
allowReentrantFlutter: true
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
if (result.stderr.isNotEmpty)
......@@ -48,11 +48,6 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
negatable: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Whether to use terminal colors.');
negatable: true,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Whether to lock the Flutter binary artifacts directory while running. (This prevents multiple simultaneous Flutter instances from colliding.)',
defaultsTo: true);
negatable: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
......@@ -147,7 +142,7 @@ class FlutterCommandRunner extends CommandRunner {
// enginePath's initialiser uses it).
Cache.flutterRoot = path.normalize(path.absolute(globalResults['flutter-root']));
if (globalResults['lock']);
if (Platform.environment['FLUTTER_ALREADY_LOCKED'] != 'true')
await Cache.lock();
if (globalResults['suppress-analytics'])
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