team.dart 5.69 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 3 4
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


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import 'arena.dart';
import 'binding.dart';

class _CombiningGestureArenaEntry implements GestureArenaEntry {
  _CombiningGestureArenaEntry(this._combiner, this._member);

  final _CombiningGestureArenaMember _combiner;
  final GestureArenaMember _member;

  void resolve(GestureDisposition disposition) {
    _combiner._resolve(_member, disposition);

class _CombiningGestureArenaMember extends GestureArenaMember {
  _CombiningGestureArenaMember(this._owner, this._pointer);

  final GestureArenaTeam _owner;
  final List<GestureArenaMember> _members = <GestureArenaMember>[];
  final int _pointer;

  bool _resolved = false;
29 30
  GestureArenaMember? _winner;
  GestureArenaEntry? _entry;
31 32 33 34 35 36

  void acceptGesture(int pointer) {
    assert(_pointer == pointer);
    assert(_winner != null || _members.isNotEmpty);
    _winner ??= _owner.captain ?? _members[0];
    for (final GestureArenaMember member in _members) {
39 40 41
      if (member != _winner)
43 44 45 46 47 48

  void rejectGesture(int pointer) {
    assert(_pointer == pointer);
    for (final GestureArenaMember member in _members)
50 51 52 53 54 55

  void _close() {
    _resolved = true;
    final _CombiningGestureArenaMember? combiner = _owner._combiners.remove(_pointer);
57 58 59 60 61 62 63
    assert(combiner == this);

  GestureArenaEntry _add(int pointer, GestureArenaMember member) {
    assert(_pointer == pointer);
    _entry ??= GestureBinding.instance!.gestureArena.add(pointer, this);
    return _CombiningGestureArenaEntry(this, member);
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

  void _resolve(GestureArenaMember member, GestureDisposition disposition) {
    if (_resolved)
    if (disposition == GestureDisposition.rejected) {
      if (_members.isEmpty)
76 77
    } else {
      assert(disposition == GestureDisposition.accepted);
      _winner ??= _owner.captain ?? member;
80 81 82 83

84 85
/// A group of [GestureArenaMember] objects that are competing as a unit in the
/// [GestureArenaManager].
86 87 88 89
/// Normally, a recognizer competes directly in the [GestureArenaManager] to
/// recognize a sequence of pointer events as a gesture. With a
/// [GestureArenaTeam], recognizers can compete in the arena in a group with
90 91
/// other recognizers. Arena teams may have a captain which wins the arena on
/// behalf of its team.
93 94 95 96
/// When gesture recognizers are in a team together without a captain, then once
/// there are no other competing gestures in the arena, the first gesture to
/// have been added to the team automatically wins, instead of the gestures
/// continuing to compete against each other.
98 99 100 101 102
/// When gesture recognizers are in a team with a captain, then once one of the
/// team members claims victory or there are no other competing gestures in the
/// arena, the captain wins the arena, and all other team members lose.
/// For example, [Slider] uses a team without a captain to support both a
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
/// [HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer] and a [TapGestureRecognizer], but without
/// the drag recognizer having to wait until the user has dragged outside the
/// slop region of the tap gesture before triggering. Since they compete as a
/// team, as soon as any other recognizers are out of the arena, the drag
/// recognizer wins, even if the user has not actually dragged yet. On the other
/// hand, if the tap can win outright, before the other recognizers are taken
/// out of the arena (e.g. if the slider is in a vertical scrolling list and the
/// user places their finger on the touch surface then lifts it, so that neither
/// the horizontal nor vertical drag recognizers can claim victory) the tap
/// recognizer still actually wins, despite being in the team.
114 115
/// [AndroidView] uses a team with a captain to decide which gestures are
/// forwarded to the native view. For example if we want to forward taps and
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Dan Field committed
/// vertical scrolls to a native Android view, [TapGestureRecognizer]s and
117 118 119 120 121 122
/// [VerticalDragGestureRecognizer] are added to a team with a captain(the captain is set to be a
/// gesture recognizer that never explicitly claims the gesture).
/// The captain allows [AndroidView] to know when any gestures in the team has been
/// recognized (or all other arena members are out), once the captain wins the
/// gesture is forwarded to the Android view.
123 124
/// To assign a gesture recognizer to a team, set
/// [] to an instance of [GestureArenaTeam].
class GestureArenaTeam {
  final Map<int, _CombiningGestureArenaMember> _combiners = <int, _CombiningGestureArenaMember>{};

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  /// A member that wins on behalf of the entire team.
  /// If not null, when any one of the [GestureArenaTeam] members claims victory
  /// the captain accepts the gesture.
  /// If null, the member that claims a victory accepts the gesture.
  GestureArenaMember? captain;

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  /// Adds a new member to the arena on behalf of this team.
  /// Used by [GestureRecognizer] subclasses that wish to compete in the arena
  /// using this team.
  /// To assign a gesture recognizer to a team, see
  /// [].
  GestureArenaEntry add(int pointer, GestureArenaMember member) {
    final _CombiningGestureArenaMember combiner = _combiners.putIfAbsent(
        pointer, () => _CombiningGestureArenaMember(this, pointer));
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    return combiner._add(pointer, member);