xcode_backend.dart 13.2 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:io';

void main(List<String> arguments) {
  File? scriptOutputStreamFile;
  final String? scriptOutputStreamFileEnv = Platform.environment['SCRIPT_OUTPUT_STREAM_FILE'];
  if (scriptOutputStreamFileEnv != null && scriptOutputStreamFileEnv.isNotEmpty) {
    scriptOutputStreamFile = File(scriptOutputStreamFileEnv);
    arguments: arguments,
    environment: Platform.environment,
    scriptOutputStreamFile: scriptOutputStreamFile,

/// Container for script arguments and environment variables.
/// All interactions with the platform are broken into individual methods that
/// can be overridden in tests.
class Context {
    required this.arguments,
    required this.environment,
    File? scriptOutputStreamFile,
  }) {
    if (scriptOutputStreamFile != null) {
      scriptOutputStream = scriptOutputStreamFile.openSync(mode: FileMode.write);

  final Map<String, String> environment;
  final List<String> arguments;
  RandomAccessFile? scriptOutputStream;

  void run() {
    if (arguments.isEmpty) {
      // Named entry points were introduced in Flutter v0.0.7.
          'error: Your Xcode project is incompatible with this version of Flutter. '
          'Run "rm -rf ios/Runner.xcodeproj" and "flutter create ." to regenerate.\n');

    final String subCommand = arguments.first;
    switch (subCommand) {
      case 'build':
      case 'thin':
        // No-op, thinning is handled during the bundle asset assemble build target.
      case 'embed':
      case 'embed_and_thin':
        // Thinning is handled during the bundle asset assemble build target, so just embed.
      case 'test_observatory_bonjour_service':
        // Exposed for integration testing only.

  bool existsDir(String path) {
    final Directory dir = Directory(path);
    return dir.existsSync();

  bool existsFile(String path) {
    final File file = File(path);
    return file.existsSync();

  /// Run given command in a synchronous subprocess.
  /// Will throw [Exception] if the exit code is not 0.
  ProcessResult runSync(
    String bin,
    List<String> args, {
    bool verbose = false,
    bool allowFail = false,
    String? workingDirectory,
  }) {
    if (verbose) {
      print('♦ $bin ${args.join(' ')}');
    final ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
      workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
    if (verbose) {
      print((result.stdout as String).trim());
    if ((result.stderr as String).isNotEmpty) {
      echoError((result.stderr as String).trim());
    if (!allowFail && result.exitCode != 0) {
      throw Exception(
        'Command "$bin ${args.join(' ')}" exited with code ${result.exitCode}',
    return result;

  /// Log message to stderr.
  void echoError(String message) {

  /// Log message to stdout.
  void echo(String message) {

  /// Exit the application with the given exit code.
  /// Exists to allow overriding in tests.
  Never exitApp(int code) {

  /// Return value from environment if it exists, else throw [Exception].
  String environmentEnsure(String key) {
    final String? value = environment[key];
    if (value == null) {
      throw Exception(
        'Expected the environment variable "$key" to exist, but it was not found',
    return value;

  // When provided with a pipe by the host Flutter build process, output to the
  // pipe goes to stdout of the Flutter build process directly.
  void streamOutput(String output) {

  String parseFlutterBuildMode() {
    // Use FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE if it's set, otherwise use the Xcode build configuration name
    // This means that if someone wants to use an Xcode build config other than Debug/Profile/Release,
    // they _must_ set FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE so we know what type of artifact to build.
    final String? buildMode = (environment['FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE'] ?? environment['CONFIGURATION'])?.toLowerCase();

    if (buildMode != null) {
      if (buildMode.contains('release')) {
        return 'release';
      if (buildMode.contains('profile')) {
        return 'profile';
      if (buildMode.contains('debug')) {
        return 'debug';
    echoError('ERROR: Unknown FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE: $buildMode.');
    echoError("Valid values are 'Debug', 'Profile', or 'Release' (case insensitive).");
    echoError('This is controlled by the FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE environment variable.');
    echoError('If that is not set, the CONFIGURATION environment variable is used.');
    echoError('You can fix this by either adding an appropriately named build');
    echoError('configuration, or adding an appropriate value for FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE to the');
    echoError('.xcconfig file for the current build configuration (${environment['CONFIGURATION']}).');

  // Adds the App.framework as an embedded binary and the flutter_assets as
  // resources.
  void embedFlutterFrameworks() {
    // Embed App.framework from Flutter into the app (after creating the Frameworks directory
    // if it doesn't already exist).
    final String xcodeFrameworksDir = '${environment['TARGET_BUILD_DIR']}/${environment['FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH']}';
        '-8', // Avoid mangling filenames with encodings that do not match the current locale.
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
        '- .DS_Store',

    // Embed the actual Flutter.framework that the Flutter app expects to run against,
    // which could be a local build or an arch/type specific build.
        '- .DS_Store',


  // Add the observatory publisher Bonjour service to the produced app bundle Info.plist.
  void addObservatoryBonjourService() {
    final String buildMode = parseFlutterBuildMode();

    // Debug and profile only.
    if (buildMode == 'release') {

    final String builtProductsPlist = '${environment['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR'] ?? ''}/${environment['INFOPLIST_PATH'] ?? ''}';

    if (!existsFile(builtProductsPlist)) {
      // Very occasionally Xcode hasn't created an Info.plist when this runs.
      // The file will be present on re-run.
        '${environment['INFOPLIST_PATH'] ?? ''} does not exist. Skipping '
        '_dartobservatory._tcp NSBonjourServices insertion. Try re-building to '
        'enable "flutter attach".');

    // If there are already NSBonjourServices specified by the app (uncommon),
    // insert the observatory service name to the existing list.
    ProcessResult result = runSync(
      allowFail: true,
    if (result.exitCode == 0) {
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334
    } else {
      // Otherwise, add the NSBonjourServices key and observatory service name.

    // Don't override the local network description the Flutter app developer
    // specified (uncommon). This text will appear below the "Your app would
    // like to find and connect to devices on your local network" permissions
    // popup.
    result = runSync(
      allowFail: true,
    if (result.exitCode != 0) {
          'Allow Flutter tools on your computer to connect and debug your application. This prompt will not appear on release builds.',

  void buildApp() {
    final bool verbose = environment['VERBOSE_SCRIPT_LOGGING'] != null && environment['VERBOSE_SCRIPT_LOGGING'] != '';
    final String sourceRoot = environment['SOURCE_ROOT'] ?? '';
    String projectPath = '$sourceRoot/..';
    if (environment['FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH'] != null) {
      projectPath = environment['FLUTTER_APPLICATION_PATH']!;

    String targetPath = 'lib/main.dart';
    if (environment['FLUTTER_TARGET'] != null) {
      targetPath = environment['FLUTTER_TARGET']!;

    final String buildMode = parseFlutterBuildMode();

    // Warn the user if not archiving (ACTION=install) in release mode.
    final String? action = environment['ACTION'];
    if (action == 'install' && buildMode != 'release') {
        'warning: Flutter archive not built in Release mode. Ensure '
        'FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE is set to release or run "flutter build ios '
        '--release", then re-run Archive from Xcode.',

336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
    String bitcodeFlag = '';
    if (environment['ENABLE_BITCODE'] == 'YES' && environment['ACTION'] == 'install') {
      bitcodeFlag = 'true';

    final List<String> flutterArgs = <String>[];

    if (verbose) {

    if (environment['FLUTTER_ENGINE'] != null && environment['FLUTTER_ENGINE']!.isNotEmpty) {

    if (environment['LOCAL_ENGINE'] != null && environment['LOCAL_ENGINE']!.isNotEmpty) {

      '--output=${environment['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR'] ?? ''}/',
      '-dIosArchs=${environment['ARCHS'] ?? ''}',
      '-dSdkRoot=${environment['SDKROOT'] ?? ''}',
      '-dSplitDebugInfo=${environment['SPLIT_DEBUG_INFO'] ?? ''}',
      '-dTreeShakeIcons=${environment['TREE_SHAKE_ICONS'] ?? ''}',
      '-dTrackWidgetCreation=${environment['TRACK_WIDGET_CREATION'] ?? ''}',
      '-dDartObfuscation=${environment['DART_OBFUSCATION'] ?? ''}',
      '-dAction=${environment['ACTION'] ?? ''}',
370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412
      '--ExtraGenSnapshotOptions=${environment['EXTRA_GEN_SNAPSHOT_OPTIONS'] ?? ''}',
      '--DartDefines=${environment['DART_DEFINES'] ?? ''}',
      '--ExtraFrontEndOptions=${environment['EXTRA_FRONT_END_OPTIONS'] ?? ''}',

    if (environment['PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENT_FILE'] != null && environment['PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENT_FILE']!.isNotEmpty) {

    final String? expandedCodeSignIdentity = environment['EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'];
    if (expandedCodeSignIdentity != null && expandedCodeSignIdentity.isNotEmpty && environment['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] != 'NO') {

    if (environment['BUNDLE_SKSL_PATH'] != null && environment['BUNDLE_SKSL_PATH']!.isNotEmpty) {

    if (environment['CODE_SIZE_DIRECTORY'] != null && environment['CODE_SIZE_DIRECTORY']!.isNotEmpty) {


    final ProcessResult result = runSync(
      verbose: verbose,
      allowFail: true,
      workingDirectory: projectPath, // equivalent of RunCommand pushd "${project_path}"

    if (result.exitCode != 0) {
      echoError('Failed to package $projectPath.');

    streamOutput(' └─Compiling, linking and signing...');

    echo('Project $projectPath built and packaged successfully.');