mojo_client.dart 8.86 KB
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// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:mojo/core.dart' as mojo;
import 'package:mojo/mojo/http_header.mojom.dart' as mojom;
13 14
import 'package:mojo/mojo/url_request.mojom.dart' as mojom;
import 'package:mojo/mojo/url_response.mojom.dart' as mojom;
15 16
import 'package:mojo_services/mojo/network_service.mojom.dart' as mojom;
import 'package:mojo_services/mojo/url_loader.mojom.dart' as mojom;
17 18 19

import 'response.dart';

Florian Loitsch's avatar
Florian Loitsch committed
/// A `mojo`-based HTTP client.
21 22
class MojoClient {

23 24 25 26 27
  /// Sends an HTTP HEAD request with the given headers to the given URL, which
  /// can be a [Uri] or a [String].
  Future<Response> head(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers }) {
    return _send("HEAD", url, headers);

29 30 31 32 33
  /// Sends an HTTP GET request with the given headers to the given URL, which can
  /// be a [Uri] or a [String].
  Future<Response> get(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers }) {
    return _send("GET", url, headers);

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
  /// Sends an HTTP POST request with the given headers and body to the given URL,
  /// which can be a [Uri] or a [String].
  /// [body] sets the body of the request. It can be a [String], a [List<int>] or
  /// a [Map<String, String>]. If it's a String, it's encoded using [encoding] and
  /// used as the body of the request. The content-type of the request will
  /// default to "text/plain".
  /// If [body] is a List, it's used as a list of bytes for the body of the
  /// request.
  /// If [body] is a Map, it's encoded as form fields using [encoding]. The
  /// content-type of the request will be set to
  /// `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"`; this cannot be overridden.
  /// [encoding] defaults to [UTF8].
  Future<Response> post(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers, dynamic body, Encoding encoding: UTF8 }) {
    return _send("POST", url, headers, body, encoding);

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
  /// Sends an HTTP PUT request with the given headers and body to the given URL,
  /// which can be a [Uri] or a [String].
  /// [body] sets the body of the request. It can be a [String], a [List<int>] or
  /// a [Map<String, String>]. If it's a String, it's encoded using [encoding] and
  /// used as the body of the request. The content-type of the request will
  /// default to "text/plain".
  /// If [body] is a List, it's used as a list of bytes for the body of the
  /// request.
  /// If [body] is a Map, it's encoded as form fields using [encoding]. The
  /// content-type of the request will be set to
  /// `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"`; this cannot be overridden.
  /// [encoding] defaults to [UTF8].
  Future<Response> put(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers, dynamic body, Encoding encoding: UTF8 }) {
    return _send("PUT", url, headers, body, encoding);

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
  /// Sends an HTTP PATCH request with the given headers and body to the given
  /// URL, which can be a [Uri] or a [String].
  /// [body] sets the body of the request. It can be a [String], a [List<int>] or
  /// a [Map<String, String>]. If it's a String, it's encoded using [encoding] and
  /// used as the body of the request. The content-type of the request will
  /// default to "text/plain".
  /// If [body] is a List, it's used as a list of bytes for the body of the
  /// request.
  /// If [body] is a Map, it's encoded as form fields using [encoding]. The
  /// content-type of the request will be set to
  /// `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"`; this cannot be overridden.
  /// [encoding] defaults to [UTF8].
  Future<Response> patch(dynamic url, {Map<String, String> headers, dynamic body, Encoding encoding: UTF8 }) {
    return _send("PATCH", url, headers, body, encoding);

95 96 97 98 99
  /// Sends an HTTP DELETE request with the given headers to the given URL, which
  /// can be a [Uri] or a [String].
  Future<Response> delete(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers }) {
    return _send("DELETE", url, headers);

101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
  /// Sends an HTTP GET request with the given headers to the given URL, which can
  /// be a [Uri] or a [String], and returns a Future that completes to the body of
  /// the response as a [String].
  /// The Future will emit a [ClientException] if the response doesn't have a
  /// success status code.
  Future<String> read(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers }) {
    return get(url, headers: headers).then((Response response) {
109 110 111 112 113
      _checkResponseSuccess(url, response);
      return response.body;

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  /// Sends an HTTP GET request with the given headers to the given URL, which can
  /// be a [Uri] or a [String], and returns a Future that completes to the body of
  /// the response as a list of bytes.
  /// The Future will emit a [ClientException] if the response doesn't have a
  /// success status code.
  Future<Uint8List> readBytes(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers }) {
    return get(url, headers: headers).then((Response response) {
122 123 124 125 126
      _checkResponseSuccess(url, response);
      return response.bodyBytes;

Adam Barth's avatar
Adam Barth committed
  Future<mojo.MojoDataPipeConsumer> readDataPipe(dynamic url, { Map<String, String> headers }) async {
    mojom.UrlLoaderProxy loader = new mojom.UrlLoaderProxy.unbound();
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Adam Barth committed
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
    mojom.UrlRequest request = _prepareRequest('get', url, headers);
    mojom.UrlResponse response;
    try {
      response = (await loader.ptr.start(request)).response;
    } catch (exception, stack) {
      FlutterError.reportError(new FlutterErrorDetails(
        exception: exception,
        stack: stack,
        library: 'networking HTTP library',
        context: 'while sending bytes to the Mojo network library',
        silent: true
      return null;
    } finally {
    if (response.statusCode < 400)
      return response.body;
    throw new Exception("Request to $url failed with status ${response.statusCode}.");

  mojom.UrlRequest _prepareRequest(String method, dynamic url, Map<String, String> headers, [dynamic body, Encoding encoding = UTF8]) {
    List<mojom.HttpHeader> mojoHeaders = <mojom.HttpHeader>[];
    headers?.forEach((String name, String value) {
      mojom.HttpHeader header = new mojom.HttpHeader()
155 156 157 158 = name
        ..value = value;
    mojom.UrlRequest request = new mojom.UrlRequest()
      ..url = url.toString()
      ..headers = mojoHeaders
162 163 164 165
      ..method = method;
    if (body != null) {
      mojo.MojoDataPipe pipe = new mojo.MojoDataPipe();
      request.body = <mojo.MojoDataPipeConsumer>[pipe.consumer];
      Uint8List encodedBody = encoding.encode(body);
      ByteData data = new ByteData.view(encodedBody.buffer);
168 169
      mojo.DataPipeFiller.fillHandle(pipe.producer, data);
Adam Barth's avatar
Adam Barth committed
170 171 172 173 174 175
    return request;

  Future<Response> _send(String method, dynamic url, Map<String, String> headers, [dynamic body, Encoding encoding = UTF8]) async {
    mojom.UrlLoaderProxy loader = new mojom.UrlLoaderProxy.unbound();
    mojom.UrlRequest request = _prepareRequest(method, url, headers, body, encoding);
    try {
      mojom.UrlResponse response = (await loader.ptr.start(request)).response;
      ByteData data = await mojo.DataPipeDrainer.drainHandle(response.body);
      Uint8List bodyBytes = new Uint8List.view(data.buffer);
181 182 183 184 185 186 187
      Map<String, String> headers = <String, String>{};
      for (mojom.HttpHeader header in response.headers) {
        String headerName =;
        String existingValue = headers[headerName];
        headers[headerName] = existingValue != null ? '$existingValue, ${header.value}' : header.value;
      return new Response.bytes(bodyBytes, response.statusCode, headers: headers);
188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
    } catch (exception, stack) {
      FlutterError.reportError(new FlutterErrorDetails(
        exception: exception,
        stack: stack,
        library: 'networking HTTP library',
        context: 'while sending bytes to the Mojo network library',
        silent: true
      return new Response.bytes(null, 500);
197 198 199 200 201
    } finally {

  void _checkResponseSuccess(dynamic url, Response response) {
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    if (response.statusCode < 400)
    throw new Exception("Request to $url failed with status ${response.statusCode}.");
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  static mojom.NetworkServiceProxy _initNetworkService() {
    mojom.NetworkServiceProxy proxy = new mojom.NetworkServiceProxy.unbound();
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    shell.connectToService("mojo:authenticated_network_service", proxy);
    return proxy;

  /// A handle to the [NetworkService] object used by [MojoClient].
  static final mojom.NetworkServiceProxy networkService = _initNetworkService();