inline_span.dart 13.6 KB
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// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2 3 4
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

import 'dart:ui' as ui show ParagraphBuilder, StringAttribute;
6 7

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

import 'basic_types.dart';
import 'text_painter.dart';
import 'text_span.dart';
import 'text_style.dart';

/// Mutable wrapper of an integer that can be passed by reference to track a
/// value across a recursive stack.
class Accumulator {
  /// [Accumulator] may be initialized with a specified value, otherwise, it will
  /// initialize to zero.
  Accumulator([this._value = 0]);

  /// The integer stored in this [Accumulator].
  int get value => _value;
  int _value;

  /// Increases the [value] by the `addend`.
  void increment(int addend) {
    assert(addend >= 0);
    _value += addend;
/// Called on each span as [InlineSpan.visitChildren] walks the [InlineSpan] tree.
/// Returns true when the walk should continue, and false to stop visiting further
/// [InlineSpan]s.
typedef InlineSpanVisitor = bool Function(InlineSpan span);

38 39 40 41 42
/// The textual and semantic label information for an [InlineSpan].
/// For [PlaceholderSpan]s, [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.placeholder] is used by default.
/// See also:
43 44
///  * [InlineSpan.getSemanticsInformation]
45 46
class InlineSpanSemanticsInformation {
  /// Constructs an object that holds the text and semantics label values of an
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
  /// [InlineSpan].
  /// The text parameter must not be null.
  /// Use [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.placeholder] instead of directly setting
  /// [isPlaceholder].
  const InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(
    this.text, {
    this.isPlaceholder = false,
    this.stringAttributes = const <ui.StringAttribute>[],
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
  }) : assert(text != null),
       assert(isPlaceholder != null),
       assert(isPlaceholder == false || (text == '\uFFFC' && semanticsLabel == null && recognizer == null)),
       requiresOwnNode = isPlaceholder || recognizer != null;

  /// The text info for a [PlaceholderSpan].
  static const InlineSpanSemanticsInformation placeholder = InlineSpanSemanticsInformation('\uFFFC', isPlaceholder: true);

  /// The text value, if any.  For [PlaceholderSpan]s, this will be the unicode
  /// placeholder value.
  final String text;

  /// The semanticsLabel, if any.
  final String? semanticsLabel;
74 75

  /// The gesture recognizer, if any, for this span.
  final GestureRecognizer? recognizer;
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

  /// Whether this is for a placeholder span.
  final bool isPlaceholder;

  /// True if this configuration should get its own semantics node.
  /// This will be the case of the [recognizer] is not null, of if
  /// [isPlaceholder] is true.
  final bool requiresOwnNode;

87 88 89
  /// The string attributes attached to this semantics information
  final List<ui.StringAttribute> stringAttributes;

91 92 93 94 95
  bool operator ==(Object other) {
    return other is InlineSpanSemanticsInformation
        && other.text == text
        && other.semanticsLabel == semanticsLabel
        && other.recognizer == recognizer
96 97
        && other.isPlaceholder == isPlaceholder
        && listEquals<ui.StringAttribute>(other.stringAttributes, stringAttributes);
98 99 100

  int get hashCode => Object.hash(text, semanticsLabel, recognizer, isPlaceholder);
102 103

  String toString() => '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'InlineSpanSemanticsInformation')}{text: $text, semanticsLabel: $semanticsLabel, recognizer: $recognizer}';
105 106

107 108 109 110 111 112 113
/// Combines _semanticsInfo entries where permissible.
/// Consecutive inline spans can be combined if their
/// [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.requiresOwnNode] return false.
List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> combineSemanticsInfo(List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> infoList) {
  final List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> combined = <InlineSpanSemanticsInformation>[];
  String workingText = '';
114 115
  String workingLabel = '';
  List<ui.StringAttribute> workingAttributes = <ui.StringAttribute>[];
116 117 118 119
  for (final InlineSpanSemanticsInformation info in infoList) {
    if (info.requiresOwnNode) {
120 121
        semanticsLabel: workingLabel,
        stringAttributes: workingAttributes,
122 123
      workingText = '';
124 125
      workingLabel = '';
      workingAttributes = <ui.StringAttribute>[];
126 127 128
    } else {
      workingText += info.text;
129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138
      final String effectiveLabel = info.semanticsLabel ?? info.text;
      for (final ui.StringAttribute infoAttribute in info.stringAttributes) {
            range: TextRange(
              start: infoAttribute.range.start + workingLabel.length,
              end: infoAttribute.range.end + workingLabel.length,
140 141
      workingLabel += effectiveLabel;

142 143 144 145 146
    semanticsLabel: workingLabel,
    stringAttributes: workingAttributes,
148 149 150 151
  return combined;

152 153 154 155 156
/// An immutable span of inline content which forms part of a paragraph.
///  * The subclass [TextSpan] specifies text and may contain child [InlineSpan]s.
///  * The subclass [PlaceholderSpan] represents a placeholder that may be
///    filled with non-text content. [PlaceholderSpan] itself defines a
///    [ui.PlaceholderAlignment] and a [TextBaseline]. To be useful,
158 159 160 161
///    [PlaceholderSpan] must be extended to define content. An instance of
///    this is the [WidgetSpan] class in the widgets library.
///  * The subclass [WidgetSpan] specifies embedded inline widgets.
/// {@tool snippet}
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
/// This example shows a tree of [InlineSpan]s that make a query asking for a
/// name with a [TextField] embedded inline.
/// ```dart
///   TextSpan(
///     text: 'My name is ',
///     style: const TextStyle(color:,
172 173 174 175 176
///     children: <InlineSpan>[
///       WidgetSpan(
///         alignment: PlaceholderAlignment.baseline,
///         baseline: TextBaseline.alphabetic,
///         child: ConstrainedBox(
177 178
///           constraints: const BoxConstraints(maxWidth: 100),
///           child: const TextField(),
179 180
///         )
///       ),
///       const TextSpan(
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
///         text: '.',
///       ),
///     ],
///   ),
/// )
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
192 193
///  * [Text], a widget for showing uniformly-styled text.
///  * [RichText], a widget for finer control of text rendering.
194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
///  * [TextPainter], a class for painting [InlineSpan] objects on a [Canvas].
abstract class InlineSpan extends DiagnosticableTree {
  /// Creates an [InlineSpan] with the given values.
  const InlineSpan({,

  /// The [TextStyle] to apply to this span.
  /// The [style] is also applied to any child spans when this is an instance
  /// of [TextSpan].
  final TextStyle? style;
207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219

  /// Apply the properties of this object to the given [ParagraphBuilder], from
  /// which a [Paragraph] can be obtained.
  /// The `textScaleFactor` parameter specifies a scale that the text and
  /// placeholders will be scaled by. The scaling is performed before layout,
  /// so the text will be laid out with the scaled glyphs and placeholders.
  /// The `dimensions` parameter specifies the sizes of the placeholders.
  /// Each [PlaceholderSpan] must be paired with a [PlaceholderDimensions]
  /// in the same order as defined in the [InlineSpan] tree.
  /// [Paragraph] objects can be drawn on [Canvas] objects.
  void build(ui.ParagraphBuilder builder, { double textScaleFactor = 1.0, List<PlaceholderDimensions>? dimensions });
221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229

  /// Walks this [InlineSpan] and any descendants in pre-order and calls `visitor`
  /// for each span that has content.
  /// When `visitor` returns true, the walk will continue. When `visitor` returns
  /// false, then the walk will end.
  bool visitChildren(InlineSpanVisitor visitor);

  /// Returns the [InlineSpan] that contains the given position in the text.
  InlineSpan? getSpanForPosition(TextPosition position) {
231 232
    final Accumulator offset = Accumulator();
    InlineSpan? result;
234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
    visitChildren((InlineSpan span) {
      result = span.getSpanForPositionVisitor(position, offset);
      return result == null;
    return result;

  /// Performs the check at each [InlineSpan] for if the `position` falls within the range
  /// of the span and returns the span if it does.
  /// The `offset` parameter tracks the current index offset in the text buffer formed
  /// if the contents of the [InlineSpan] tree were concatenated together starting
  /// from the root [InlineSpan].
  /// This method should not be directly called. Use [getSpanForPosition] instead.
  InlineSpan? getSpanForPositionVisitor(TextPosition position, Accumulator offset);
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

  /// Flattens the [InlineSpan] tree into a single string.
  /// Styles are not honored in this process. If `includeSemanticsLabels` is
  /// true, then the text returned will include the [TextSpan.semanticsLabel]s
  /// instead of the text contents for [TextSpan]s.
  /// When `includePlaceholders` is true, [PlaceholderSpan]s in the tree will be
  /// represented as a 0xFFFC 'object replacement character'.
  String toPlainText({bool includeSemanticsLabels = true, bool includePlaceholders = true}) {
    final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
    computeToPlainText(buffer, includeSemanticsLabels: includeSemanticsLabels, includePlaceholders: includePlaceholders);
    return buffer.toString();

266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
  /// Flattens the [InlineSpan] tree to a list of
  /// [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation] objects.
  /// [PlaceholderSpan]s in the tree will be represented with a
  /// [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.placeholder] value.
  List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> getSemanticsInformation() {
    final List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> collector = <InlineSpanSemanticsInformation>[];
    return collector;

  /// Walks the [InlineSpan] tree and accumulates a list of
  /// [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation] objects.
  /// This method should not be directly called.  Use
  /// [getSemanticsInformation] instead.
  /// [PlaceholderSpan]s in the tree will be represented with a
  /// [InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.placeholder] value.
  void computeSemanticsInformation(List<InlineSpanSemanticsInformation> collector);

288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
  /// Walks the [InlineSpan] tree and writes the plain text representation to `buffer`.
  /// This method should not be directly called. Use [toPlainText] instead.
  /// Styles are not honored in this process. If `includeSemanticsLabels` is
  /// true, then the text returned will include the [TextSpan.semanticsLabel]s
  /// instead of the text contents for [TextSpan]s.
  /// When `includePlaceholders` is true, [PlaceholderSpan]s in the tree will be
  /// represented as a 0xFFFC 'object replacement character'.
  /// The plain-text representation of this [InlineSpan] is written into the `buffer`.
  /// This method will then recursively call [computeToPlainText] on its children
301 302 303 304 305 306
  /// [InlineSpan]s if available.
  void computeToPlainText(StringBuffer buffer, {bool includeSemanticsLabels = true, bool includePlaceholders = true});

  /// Returns the UTF-16 code unit at the given `index` in the flattened string.
  /// This only accounts for the [TextSpan.text] values and ignores [PlaceholderSpan]s.
308 309
  /// Returns null if the `index` is out of bounds.
  int? codeUnitAt(int index) {
311 312 313
    if (index < 0)
      return null;
    final Accumulator offset = Accumulator();
    int? result;
315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330
    visitChildren((InlineSpan span) {
      result = span.codeUnitAtVisitor(index, offset);
      return result == null;
    return result;

  /// Performs the check at each [InlineSpan] for if the `index` falls within the range
  /// of the span and returns the corresponding code unit. Returns null otherwise.
  /// The `offset` parameter tracks the current index offset in the text buffer formed
  /// if the contents of the [InlineSpan] tree were concatenated together starting
  /// from the root [InlineSpan].
  /// This method should not be directly called. Use [codeUnitAt] instead.
  int? codeUnitAtVisitor(int index, Accumulator offset);

  /// In debug mode, throws an exception if the object is not in a
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354
  /// valid configuration. Otherwise, returns true.
  /// This is intended to be used as follows:
  /// ```dart
  /// assert(myInlineSpan.debugAssertIsValid());
  /// ```
  bool debugAssertIsValid() => true;

  /// Describe the difference between this span and another, in terms of
  /// how much damage it will make to the rendering. The comparison is deep.
  /// Comparing [InlineSpan] objects of different types, for example, comparing
  /// a [TextSpan] to a [WidgetSpan], always results in [RenderComparison.layout].
  /// See also:
  ///  * [TextStyle.compareTo], which does the same thing for [TextStyle]s.
  RenderComparison compareTo(InlineSpan other);

  bool operator ==(Object other) {
356 357 358 359
    if (identical(this, other))
      return true;
    if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType)
      return false;
360 361
    return other is InlineSpan
        && == style;
362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372

  int get hashCode => style.hashCode;

  void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
    properties.defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle = DiagnosticsTreeStyle.whitespace;

    if (style != null) {
374 375 376