Commit 6afda0e1 authored by mohammad.salama's avatar mohammad.salama

Delete ReadME.txt

parent 8b3093c0
to Run AutoHealer.jar:
java -jar AutoHealer.jar <port_number> <number_of_workers_to_maintain_on_cluster> <username@host_ip>
and Worker.jar must be with in the same directory as AutoHealer.jar
logs are written in logs/app.log
we must start windows first then virtual machines
SSH Command FAILURE !!:
from windows to windows
from linux to windows
from linux to linux
if we started at windows first then every thing works fine.
how Linux Must be configured:
AutoHealer.jar and Worker.jar must be on linux at : /root/AutoHealer/.
cd /root/AutoHealer/
java -jar AutoHealer.jar <port_number> <number_of_workers_to_maintain_on_cluster> <username@host_ip>
\ No newline at end of file
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