Commit 1044a188 authored by Mohamad Bashar Desoki's avatar Mohamad Bashar Desoki


parent ffadd78b
# TeleLlama3 Bot # TeleLlama3 Bot: A Question-Answering Telegram Bot using Java
This project creates a Telegram bot that utilizes a large language model (LLM) to answer your questions. You can interact with the bot by sending questions directly in Telegram.
### Telegram Bot
* [From BotFather to 'Hello World'](
* [Try it now on Telegram](
### Llama3 70b free API
* [API](
### Features
\ No newline at end of file * Answer your questions using a powerful LLM (currently using LLAMA 3 as an example).
* Interact with the bot directly in Telegram.
### Prerequisites
* Java development environment (e.g., IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans)
* Telegram account
### Installation
1. Create a Telegram Bot
* Visit [From BotFather to 'Hello World']( on Telegram and create a new bot.
* You'll receive a bot token. Store this securely (e.g., environment variables)
2. [Llama3 70b free API](
### Configuration
1. Replace placeholders:
* In the ```` file, replace *YourBotUsername* with your desired bot username.
* Update the *botToken* variable with your actual Telegram bot token obtained from BotFather.
### Try it now
[Try it now on Telegram !!](
### Contributing
Feel free to fork this repository and make modifications. Pull requests are welcome!
\ No newline at end of file
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