flutteractionsbot authored
This pull request is created by [automatic cherry pick workflow](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-Cherrypick-Process#automatically-creates-a-cherry-pick-request) ### Issue Link: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/145653 ### Changelog Description: Fixes and issue where dart2js deferred part files were not being properly emitted by a web build. ### Impact Description: Users who use deferred loading in dart2js will not have any of the deferred JS files copied to their build directory. ### Workaround: Users can manually copy the part files out of the `.dart_tool/flutter_build` directory into their `build/web` folder. ### Risk: What is the risk level of this cherry-pick? ### Test Coverage: Are you confident that your fix is well-tested by automated tests? ### Validation Steps: Follow the repro steps listed in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/145653. Ensure that the `build/web` folder contains the `main.dart.js_1.part.js` and `main.dart.js_1.part.js.map` files.