• Alexander Aprelev's avatar
    Roll engine to ed303c628fe4b322529f8cf01ecb38135a2bab73 (dart roll) · a2951a9a
    Alexander Aprelev authored
    Changes since last roll:
    ed303c628 Roll dart sdk again. Previous roll required 23ae4fa098 revert. (#4966)
    8cd272733 Revert "Roll dart to 7764e6962e22afcf4b58c4e3cef3147330f3c884. (#4960)" (#4965)
    9199b40f2 Revert "Support multiple shells in a single process. (#4932)" (#4964)
    6baff4c82 Support multiple shells in a single process. (#4932)
    31c5bb427 Roll dart to 7764e6962e22afcf4b58c4e3cef3147330f3c884. (#4960)
    c8e4c6984 Avoid copying the contents of large platform message responses (#4947)
    5ff527295 Update to use new vulkan GrBackendRenderTarget ctor. (#4962)
    0c8993a1a Update to use new vulkan GrBackendRenderTarget ctor (part 2) (#4963)
    132ebdda8 Revert "Roll src/third_party/skia/ 9874bf1bc..52e16d984 (135 commits) (#4958)" (#4961)
    11882ab9e Roll src/third_party/skia/ 9874bf1bc..52e16d984 (135 commits) (#4958)
    Add consts

Flutter Examples

This directory contains several examples of using Flutter. Each of these is an individual Dart application package.

To run an example, use flutter run inside that example's directory. See the getting started guide to install the flutter tool.

Tip: To see examples of how to use a specific Flutter framework class, copy and paste a URL with this format in your browser. Replace foo with the classname you are searching for (for example, here's the query for examples of the AppBar class).


Available examples include:

Note on Gradle wrapper files in .gitignore:

Gradle wrapper files should normally be checked into source control. The example projects don't do that to avoid having several copies of the wrapper binary in the Flutter repo. Instead, the Gradle wrapper is injected by Flutter tooling, and the wrapper files are .gitignore'd to avoid making the Flutter repository dirty as a side effect of running the examples.