• Kate Lovett's avatar
    Deprecate redundant itemExtent in RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor methods (#143412) · 09e0e1b8
    Kate Lovett authored
    Multiple methods in `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor` pass a `double itemExtent` for computing things like what children will be laid out, what the max scroll offset will be, and how the children will be laid out.
    Since `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor` was further subclassed to support a `itemExtentBuider` in `RenderSliverVariedExtentList`, these itemExtent parameters became useless when using that RenderObject. Reading through `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor.performLayout`, the remaining artifacts of passing around itemExtent make it hard to follow when it is irrelevant. 
    `RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor.itemExtent` is available from these methods, so it does not need to pass it. It is redundant API.
    Plus, if a bogus itemExtent is passed for some reason, errors will ensue and the layout will be incorrect. 💣 💥 
    Deprecating so we can remove these for a cleaner API. Unfortunately this is not supported by dart fix, but the fact that these methods are protected means usage outside of the framework is likely minimal.
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