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  • Chris Bracken's avatar
    Roll dependendencies (#103771) · 27c6cdb4
    Chris Bracken authored
    Roll dependendencies
    This rolls depdendencies to latest using
    flutter update-packages --force-upgrade
    This change includes three code changes:
    * Removes charcode from the dependencies allowlist since it no longer
      appears in the transitive closure of dependencies of the flutter,
      flutter_test, flutter_driver, flutter_localizations, and
      integration_test packages.
    * Uses Resolver.create instead of the deprecated Resolver constructor.
      The default Resolver constructor has been deprecated in favour of the
      static Resolver.create() factory function, which unfortunately happens
      to be async. Propagated the async-ness up the chain.
      This change was partially reverted and the deprecation ignored in this
      patch until package:coverage can be rolled internally at Google.
    * Eliminates the use of the deprecated packagesPath parameter to
      HitMap.parseJson. This parameter was deprecated and replaced with
      packagePath in which
      was part of the overall deprecation of the .packages file in Dart
      itself The overall goal
      being that end-user code shouldn't need to know about implementation
      details such as whether dependency information is stored in a
      .packages file or a package_info.json file, but rather use the
      package_config package to obtain the package metadata and perform
      other functions such as resolving its dependencies to filesystem
      paths. packagesPath was replaced by packagePath, which takes the path
      to the package directory itself. Internally, package:coverage then
      uses package_config to do the rest of the package/script URI
      resolution to filesystem paths.
      This change was partially reverted and the deprecation ignored in this
      patch until package:coverage can be rolled internally at Google.
    This is a pre-update prior to updating flutter_template_images in
    When re-applying the partially-reverted changes to code coverage,
    we'll need to patch host_entrypoint.dart internally to await the Future
    that we'll be returning rather than a non-async value.

Deferred components integration test app


This integration test app requires manually downloading additional assets to build. Run


before running any of the tests.


This app contains two sets of tests:

  • flutter drive tests that run a debug mode app to validate framework side logic
  • <bundletool.jar path> which builds and installs a release version of this app and validates the loading units are loaded correctly. A path to bundletool.jar must be provided