• flutteractionsbot's avatar
    [CP-beta]Opt out users from GA3 if opted out of GA4 (#147060) · 8e34fb03
    flutteractionsbot authored
    This pull request is created by [automatic cherry pick workflow](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Flutter-Cherrypick-Process#automatically-creates-a-cherry-pick-request)
    Please fill in the form below, and a flutter domain expert will evaluate this cherry pick request.
    ### Issue Link:
    What is the link to the issue this cherry-pick is addressing?
    No issue link for this one but this will help us make sense of MAU number differences between GA3 and GA4.
    ### Changelog Description:
    Explain this cherry pick in one line that is accessible to most Flutter developers. See [best practices](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Hotfix-Documentation-Best-Practices) for examples
    Sends a new event, `ga4_and_ga3_status_mismatch` for users that have opted out of GA4 (package:unified_analytics) but remain opted into GA3
    ### Impact Description:
    What is the impact (ex. visual jank on Samsung phones, app crash, cannot ship an iOS app)? Does it impact development (ex. flutter doctor crashes when Android Studio is installed), or the shipping production app (the app crashes on launch)
    No impact to developer workflows.
    ### Workaround:
    Is there a workaround for this issue?
    ### Risk:
    What is the risk level of this cherry-pick?
    ### Test Coverage:
    Are you confident that your fix is well-tested by automated tests?
    ### Validation Steps:
    What are the steps to validate that this fix works?
    No steps to validate, no changes to developer workflows
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