• Victoria Ashworth's avatar
    Set cacheExtent for SliverFillRemaining widget (#143612) · 825e901e
    Victoria Ashworth authored
    When a Sliver with items is outside of the Viewport, but within the Viewport's `cacheExtent`, the framework should create SemanticNodes for the items even though they are out of view. However, for this to work, the Sliver's geometry must have a `cacheExtent` (how much space the sliver took up of the Viewport's `cacheExtent`) greater than 0, otherwise it is [excluded](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/f01ce9f4cb41beff7b85122b5fcf1228bb655a87/packages/flutter/lib/src/rendering/viewport.dart#L311-L315).
    `SliverFillRemaining` widgets that fall outside the viewport did not have this set and therefore were being excluded when SemanticNodes were created, even if they were within the Viewport's `cacheExtent`. This PR sets the `cacheExtent` for `SliverFillRemaining` widgets.
    In addition, `RenderSliverFillRemainingWithScrollable` would get dropped from the semantic tree because it's child had a size of 0 when outside the remaining paint extent. To fix, we give the child a `maxExtent` of the sliver's `cacheExtent` if it's outside the remaining paint extent but within the viewport's cacheExtent.
    Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/142065.
    * `RenderViewport.cacheExtent`:
      /// The viewport has an area before and after the visible area to cache items
      /// that are about to become visible when the user scrolls.
      /// Items that fall in this cache area are laid out even though they are not
      /// (yet) visible on screen. The [cacheExtent] describes how many pixels
      /// the cache area extends before the leading edge and after the trailing edge
      /// of the viewport.
      /// The total extent, which the viewport will try to cover with children, is
      /// [cacheExtent] before the leading edge + extent of the main axis +
      /// [cacheExtent] after the trailing edge.
      /// The cache area is also used to implement implicit accessibility scrolling
      /// on iOS: When the accessibility focus moves from an item in the visible
      /// viewport to an invisible item in the cache area, the framework will bring
      /// that item into view with an (implicit) scroll action.
    * `SliverGeometry.cacheExtent`:
      /// How many pixels the sliver has consumed in the
      /// [SliverConstraints.remainingCacheExtent].
    * `SliverContraints.remainingCacheExtent`:
      /// Describes how much content the sliver should provide starting from the
      /// [cacheOrigin].
      /// Not all content in the [remainingCacheExtent] will be visible as some
      /// of it might fall into the cache area of the viewport.
      /// Each sliver should start laying out content at the [cacheOrigin] and
      /// try to provide as much content as the [remainingCacheExtent] allows.
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