• Adam Barth's avatar
    Improve TextSpan · fb4dbf45
    Adam Barth authored
    Now we just have one TextSpan class that handles both simple strings, trees of
    children, and styling both. This approach simplifies the interface for most
    This patch also removes StyledText, which was weakly typed and tricky to use
    correctly. The replacement is RichText, which is strongly typed and uses
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action.dart Strong modeify the examples
action_spline.dart Strong modeify the examples
color_sequence.dart add a test for flutter_sprites
constraint.dart Rename skysprites to flutter_sprites
effect_line.dart Clean up imports and exports.
image_map.dart Update flutter_sprites now that ImageResource.first returns an ImageInfo
label.dart Improve TextSpan
layer.dart Clean up imports and exports.
node.dart Check for cycles in our various tree structures.
node3d.dart Rename skysprites to flutter_sprites
node_with_size.dart Remove PaintingCanvas
particle_system.dart Correctly calculates gravity in particle systems
physics_body.dart Adds API documentation to sprite physics and renames a few private variables for clarity.
physics_collision_groups.dart Fixes issue with physics collision groups
physics_debug.dart Clean up imports and exports.
physics_group.dart Adds API documentation to sprite physics and renames a few private variables for clarity.
physics_joint.dart Adds API documentation to sprite physics and renames a few private variables for clarity.
physics_shape.dart Adds API documentation to sprite physics and renames a few private variables for clarity.
physics_world.dart Remove PaintingCanvas
sound.dart Add reference to "mojo:media_service" in sound.dart
sprite.dart Clean up imports and exports.
sprite_box.dart Fixes issue with replacing the root node
sprite_widget.dart Rename skysprites to flutter_sprites
spritesheet.dart Strong modeify the examples
texture.dart Remove PaintingCanvas
textured_line.dart Loading commit data...
util.dart Loading commit data...
virtual_joystick.dart Loading commit data...