• stuartmorgan's avatar
    Adjust macOS build flow (#32538) · 710a0cb9
    stuartmorgan authored
    - Removes SYMROOT from the Generated.xcconfig. Having it causes current
      versions of Xcode to switch the project's build output to "Legacy",
      which causes anything not overridden to use a project-relative build
      directory instead of a shared directory in DerivedData, breaking
      anything with subprojects that it depends on.
      This means that `flutter run` and builds from Xcode will use
      completely different build directories, but that each should be
      internally consistent.
    - Moves the FlutterMacOS.framework to $SRCROOT/Flutter. This is
      consistent with the approach we're moving to for all desktop
      platforms, and avoids issues finding it now that SYMROOT doesn't match
      for the two different build modes.
    Fixes #32494
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