• Ian Hickson's avatar
    Add more debugging options to the stocks app. · 48e1350e
    Ian Hickson authored
    - Add an option to enable debugPaintSizeEnabled.
    - Add an option to enable the StatisticsOverlay.
    - Add support for the StatisticsOverlay in MaterialApp.
    - Change the layout behaviour of RenderStatisticsBox:
       - Give it a zero intrinsic width.
       - Give it an accurate intrinsic height that depends on the flags
         set. (Also, move the enum to the rendering/ layer from the
         widgets/ layer to enable this.)
       - Make the box automatically size itself full-width and the correct
         height, so that you can actually embed it (though most of the
         time you'd just put it in a Stack so this doesn't matter as
         much, really).
    - Some style nit fixes in statistics_box.dart.
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