• Patrick Lindsay's avatar
    Added CupertinoDatepicker monthYear mode (flutter#93508) (#125603) · 37f348b0
    Patrick Lindsay authored
    This PR adds a month and year mode to the CupertinoDatePicker. The monthYear mode is the date mode without the day of the month.
    This feature was added at the request of:
    [Proposal] CupertinoDatePicker with month and year. #93508
    One thing that I was unsure of was the use of the DatePickerDateOrder to determine the monthYear order. It could be considered a workaround since the DatePickerDateOrder is intended to order day, month, and year. This means that a developer could use the DatePickerDateOrder.dmy (day, month, year) or DatePickerDateOrder.mdy (month, day, year) to get the same result. 
    At first I intended to add a DatePickerMonthYearOrder enum to the localizations, in addition to a new parameter for the CupertinoDatePicker for monthYearOrder, but I ended up reverting these changes (https://github.com/flutter/flutter/commit/1c61f1084e63fc4f6e394c3621a1ae626fd631a5) because I had not considered the effects of adding values to the localizations.
    I decided it may be better to not add an additional parameter (monthYearOrder) that would go mostly unused. I am very open to feedback or ideas on this matter.
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