• Matan Lurey's avatar
    Refactor `external_ui` → `external_textures` (#142062) · 2e2042ff
    Matan Lurey authored
    This PR makes no _behavioral_ changes to executed code, and instead
    focuses on organization and naming:
    1. Almost[^1] anything named `external_ui` is renamed
    1. Extended the README to explain the intent of the test, as well as how
    to run it
    1. Renamed `main.dart` and `main_test.dart` to `frame_rate_main.dart`
    and `frame_rate_test.dart` (we'll add more)
    1. Did some refactoring of the test to make it more obvious what is
    being asserted (i.e. `widgetBuilds` and friends)
    Given how complex (and in-flux) this directory is, I'm also requesting
    either John, Jonah or I review any changes.
    [^1]: Except the name of the `.ci.yaml` task, i.e. `name:
    Linux_pixel_7pro external_ui_integration_test` because I'm apparently
    not able to change that without creating a new task as `bringup: true`
    and playing a bit of a dance. Maybe that's worth doing though (in future
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