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animated_blur_backdrop_filter_perf_test.dart [devicelab] add regular old blur benchmark (#123879)
animated_image.dart Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (#85501)
animated_image_test.dart Reland eliminate timeouts from integration tests (#85141)
animated_placeholder_perf_test.dart Reduce duration of benchmark to avoid timeout (#51214)
animation_with_microtasks_perf_test.dart Add a test to exercise multiple async microtasks in frame workload (#79163)
backdrop_filter_perf_test.dart License update (#45373)
color_filter_and_fade_perf_test.dart Perf test for color filter with saveLayer (#52063)
cubic_bezier_perf_test.dart License update (#45373)
cull_opacity_perf_test.dart Reland eliminate timeouts from integration tests (#85141)
e2e_test.dart Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (#85501)
fading_child_animation_perf_test.dart benchmark animation performance of Opacity widget (#54903)
frame_policy_test.dart Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (#85501)
fullscreen_textfield_perf_test.dart add page delays to the fullscreen versions of the textfield perf benchmarks (#107746)
imagefiltered_transform_animation_perf_test.dart Enabling the ImageFiltered(ImageFilter.matrix) page of macrobenchmark (#58277)
large_image_changer.dart Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (#85501)
large_image_changer_test.dart Remove 1745 decorative breaks (#123259)
list_text_layout_perf_test.dart Add a macrobenchmark for laying out text in a list (#104736)
multi_widget_construction_perf_test.dart Reland eliminate timeouts from integration tests (#85141)
picture_cache_complexity_scoring_perf_test.dart [dev, bots, examples] rename local functions with `_`s (#102703)
picture_cache_perf_test.dart [dev, bots, examples] rename local functions with `_`s (#102703)
post_backdrop_filter_perf_test.dart re-enable the post_backdrop_filter test with CPU/GPU measurements (#65201)
run_app.dart cleanup macrobenchmark duplicate files (#61621)
simple_animation_perf_test.dart Increase simple animation delay and duration (#64002)
sliders_perf_test.dart Add Sliders to `macrobenchmarks` (#125296)
stack_size_perf_test.dart Migrate dev/benchmarks/macrobenchmarks to null safety. (#85501)
textfield_perf_test.dart Fix some issues with launching E2E benchmarks and add page delays in textfield benchmarks (#107500)
util.dart [devicelab] add regular old blur benchmark (#123879)