• xster's avatar
    Conform appbar buttons to Material (#8263) · 72fa281f
    xster authored
    Extend app bar left to edge, right to 4dp
    Make leading button square and 56dp
    Keep title at 72dp on Android according to Material
    Renamed IconButton.size to .iconSize
    IconButton minimum size expands to 48dp (#8264)
    IconButton default constraints to 48. Can still stretch to infinity but can't be smaller than 48.
    Ink splash for IconButton 40% bigger than the touch target to match Material
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Flutter Examples

This directory contains several examples of using Flutter. Each of these is an individual Dart application package.

To run an example, use flutter run inside that example's directory. See the getting started guide to install the flutter tool.

Tip: To see examples of how to use a specific Flutter framework class, copy and paste a URL with this format in your browser. Replace foo with the classname you are searching for (for example, here's the query for examples of the AppBar class).


Available examples include:

  • Hello, world The hello world app is a basic app that shows the text "hello, world."

  • Flutter gallery The flutter gallery app showcases Flutter's implementation of material design.

  • Layers The layers vignettes show how to use the various layers in the Flutter framework. There is no main.dart in this directory because each file is a standalone example. To run a particular file, use flutter run -t filename.dart.