Last commit
Last update
actions Fix `Action.overridable` example (#110824)
animated_grid Add `SliverAnimatedGrid` and `AnimatedGrid` (#112982)
app Minor fix compendium (#107874)
basic Added an example for IndexedStack widget (#105318)
binding Update WidgetsBindingsObserver example (#101512)
gesture_detector Add an example and update `GestureDetector` documentation (#102360)
hardware_keyboard Explain the "patching" protocol in `KeyMessageManager.keyMessageHandler` and add an example (#105280)
heroes Revert "Reland: Set IconButton.visualDensity default to VisualDensity.standard (#109432)" (#110119)
implicit_animations Update `AnimatedSlide` example (#112803)
inherited_model `InheritedModel`: Add a complete interactive example and update snippet for null safety (#104174)
interactive_viewer Update example code and docs for InteractiveViewer.builder (#98623)
layout_builder Add example test, update example READMEs (#91130)
magnifier Added example for Magnifier and TextMagnifier (#110218)
overlay Add an interactive example for `Overlay` (#107531)
routes Update `PopupRoute` docs and add an example (#106948)
scrollbar Add an example for how to hide default scrollbar on desktop platform. (#108542)
scrollview Adds a Listview tile select example (#99165)
sliver API documentation cleanup (#108500)
slotted_render_object_widget Reland "Mixin for slotted RenderObjectWidgets and RenderBox (#94077)" (#94632)
tap_region Replace FocusTrap with TapRegionSurface (#107262)
text_magnifier Added example for Magnifier and TextMagnifier (#110218)
transitions Add ListenableBuilder with examples (#116543)
will_pop_scope Fix some issues with samples (#95044)