• Ian Hickson's avatar
    PaginatedDataTable (part 1) (#4306) · 0618da7c
    Ian Hickson authored
    This introduces the key parts of a paginated data table, not including
    the built-in pagination features.
    * Provide more data for the data table demo, so there's data to page.
    * Introduce a ChangeNotifier class which abstracts out
      addListener/removeListener/notifyListeners. We might be able to use
      this to simplify existing classes as well, though this patch doesn't
      do that.
    * Introduce DataTableSource, a delegate for getting data for data
      tables. This will also be used by ScrollingDataTable in due course.
    * Introduce PaginatedDataTable, a widget that wraps DataTable and only
      shows N rows at a time, fed by a DataTableSource.
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