1. 08 May, 2017 1 commit
  2. 27 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  3. 08 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Alexandre Ardhuin's avatar
      upgrade to linter-0.1.30 (#9297) · 610955f8
      Alexandre Ardhuin authored
      * upgrade to linter-0.1.30
      * add prefer_is_empty lint
      * add directives_ordering lint
      * add no_adjacent_strings_in_list lint
      * add no_duplicate_case_values lint
      * add prefer_collection_literals lint
      * add prefer_const_constructors lint
      * add prefer_contains lint
      * add prefer_initializing_formals lint
      * add unnecessary_null_aware_assignments lint
      * add unnecessary_null_in_if_null_operators lint
  4. 04 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  5. 21 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Michael Goderbauer's avatar
      Avoid downloading artifacts twice (#8872) · d35a9db6
      Michael Goderbauer authored
      * Avoid downloading artifacts twice
      * Don't update cache before `flutter upgrade` is executed (`flutter upgrade` might bump the engine version)
      * Don't update cache twice during `flutter precache`
      Fixes #8249.
      * add test