1. 21 Jan, 2024 2 commits
    • 林洵锋's avatar
      Adjust the position of require File.expand_path (#141521) · f340d207
      林洵锋 authored
      On `Podfile`:
      flutter_application_path = '../flutter_module'
      load File.join(flutter_application_path, '.ios', 'Flutter', 'podhelper.rb')
      target 'OCProject' do
        # Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
        # Pods for OCProject
        # install_all_flutter_pods(flutter_application_path)
        # install_flutter_engine_pod(flutter_application_path)
        # install_flutter_application_pod(flutter_application_path)
      post_install do |installer|
      Encountering the following error after executing `pod install`:
      pod install
      [!] Invalid `Podfile` file: undefined method `flutter_relative_path_from_podfile' for #<Pod::Podfile:0x000000010e74c520 @defined_in_file=#<Pathname:/Users/lxf/gitHub/flutter_hybrid_bug/OCProject/Podfile>, @internal_hash={}, @root_target_definitions=[#<Pod::Podfile::TargetDefinition label=Pods>], @current_target_definition=#<Pod::Podfile::TargetDefinition label=Pods>>
        relative = flutter_relative_path_from_podfile(export_script_directory)
       #  from /Users/lxf/gitHub/flutter_hybrid_bug/OCProject/Podfile:17
       #  -------------------------------------------
       #    # install_flutter_plugin_pods(flutter_application_path)
       >    install_flutter_application_pod(flutter_application_path)
       #  -------------------------------------------
      The `flutter_relative_path_from_podfile` method is in `flutter_tools/bin/podhelper.rb`, but now `flutter_tools/bin/podhelper.rb` is only required in `install_all_flutter_pods` in `podhelper.rb.tmpl`.
      Sometimes we only need to use the `install_flutter_plugin_pods` method in podhelper.rb. For example, using `Shorebird` in an iOS hybird app scenario, we need to build `Flutter.xcframework` and `App.xcframework` and embed them into the iOS native project. In order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, use `install_flutter_plugin_pods` method to install Flutter plugin pods.
      [Shorebird - Code Push In Hybrid Apps](https://docs.shorebird.dev/guides/hybrid-app/ios)
      So I adjust the position of `require File.expand_path(File.join('packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'podhelper'), flutter_root)`.
    • Yegor's avatar
      Add RadioListItem use-case to a11y_assessments (#140984) · a9faaf26
      Yegor authored
      Adds a use-case screen for `RadioListTile`, similar to the `CheckBoxListTile`. This screen can help test scenarios such as the one reported in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/126805.
  2. 20 Jan, 2024 8 commits
  3. 19 Jan, 2024 20 commits
  4. 18 Jan, 2024 10 commits