- 05 Feb, 2016 6 commits
Hans Muller authored
Support TabLabel widgets
Hans Muller authored
Adam Barth authored
Add some more dartdoc to gestures.dart
Adam Barth authored
Add more dartdoc to animation.dart
Adam Barth authored
Adam Barth authored
After the refactoring of the animation library, we were missing some dartdoc.
- 04 Feb, 2016 26 commits
Eric Seidel authored
Bump the dart version used on the infra bots to 1.14.1
Todd Volkert authored
Refactor flx.build() to allow for external toolchain hooks.
Eric Seidel authored
Otherwise the analyzer blows up. @abarth
Todd Volkert authored
This splits flx.build() into two methods, flx.build() and flx.assemble(). builD() now does the following: 1) constructs the manifest map by reading the manifest from the file system 2) "compiles" the dart code into the snapshot file 3) Invokes assemble() This allows external build toolchains to construct their own manifest map (possibly using a different manifest syntax) and create their own snapshot file
Eric Seidel authored
Add a download_dart_sdk.py script for infra bots
Devon Carew authored
remove no longer needed code from the service protocol extensions
Devon Carew authored
Eric Seidel authored
Devon Carew authored
get the adb device name when using the adb server
Devon Carew authored
Devon Carew authored
remove an extraneous line of output when launching the simulator
Devon Carew authored
Ian Hickson authored
Flutter sprites test
Hans Muller authored
Fixed a typo.
Hans Muller authored
Hans Muller authored
Added the FAB per Tab demo Demonstrates that when the Scaffold's Floating Action Button is changed, the new one (if any) fades and turns in. Similar to the "Lateral Screens" demo here https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/buttons-floating-action-button.html#buttons-floating-action-button-behavior There are more tabs and different tab views to demo more kinds of FAB changes.
Hans Muller authored
Yegor authored
add test for ModalBarrier
yjbanov authored
Yegor authored
better error message when Navigator is used with no NavigatorState in…
yjbanov authored
Hans Muller authored
Added a flexible appbar gallery demo Added a "Patterns/Scrolling Techniques" demo that resembles the "Flexible Space with Image" from the Material design spec - https://www.google.com/design/spec/patterns/scrolling-techniques.html#scrolling-techniques-scrolling Demos for the other app bar arrangements are still needed.
Hans Muller authored
Adam Barth authored
transformPoint should use Matrix4.perspectiveTransform
Adam Barth authored
We want to normalize by w. Fixes #1585
Viktor Lidholt authored
Adds initial version of weather to the gallery app
- 03 Feb, 2016 8 commits
Viktor Lidholt authored
Ian Hickson authored
rev engine
Adam Barth authored
Initial work to add Mozart child views
Matt Perry authored
'flutter start' calls 'flutter apk' if necessary.
krisgiesing authored
Fix formatting on AssetVendor's dart doc
Kris Giesing authored
Matt Perry authored
flutter start no longer depends on a pre-built SkyShell.apk. It builds a new one, as long as an AndroidManifest.xml exists. We rebuild the .apk every time either AndroidManifest.xml or flutter.yaml changes.
Hixie authored