1. 18 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Move theme into material.dart · 4467a268
      Adam Barth authored
      Also, introduce Colors and Typography to hold the material colors and the
      typography declarations. Previously we expected clients of these libraries to
      import them into a namespace, but that doesn't play nice with re-exporting them
      from material.dart.
  2. 08 Sep, 2015 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Introduce package:sky/animation.dart · b356d146
      Adam Barth authored
      Move the animation libraries into src/animation and change importers to use
      package:sky/animation.dart. Also, move scheduler.dart into the animation
      library so that the animation library can be self-contained.
  3. 03 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  4. 02 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  5. 28 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Rationalise the Key API. · 9047830c
      Hixie authored
      Add a way of having keys based on numeric types or DateTimes by having a ValueKey<T> class.
      Remove the redundant ways of declaring things, except for leaving one shorthand -- you can say `new Key(s)` instead of `new ValueKey<String>(s)`.
  6. 24 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Hans Muller's avatar
      Support ScrollableLists that wrap · c21fcf62
      Hans Muller authored
      Adds itemsWrap:bool (default false) to ScrollableList and PageableList. If itemsWrap is true then scrolling past the last item wraps around to the first. Similarly, scrolling before the first item wraps around to the last.
      Added abstract ExtentScrollBehavior of ScrollBehavior. Renamed fields called contentsExtents to contentExtent, containerExtents to containerExtent, contentSize to contentExtent, etc.
      BoundedBehavior is now a subclass of ExtentScrollBehavior.
      Added UnboundedBehavior subclass of ExtentScrollBehvaior; contentExtent and maxScrollOffset are double.INFINITY, minScrollExtent is double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.
  7. 21 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  8. 20 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Hans Muller's avatar
      Handle changes to scrollDirection in ScrollableList et al · d662f7e6
      Hans Muller authored
      Changed the pageable_list.dart example: tapping on the toolbar changes
      the scroll direction. This exposed some problems:
      - Scrollable.syncFields() didn't update scrollDirection
      - Viewport updated its RenderObject fields in the wrong order
      - FixedHeightScrollable scrollDirection changes didn't update the scrollBehavior
      There may be similar problems with VariableHeightList and ScrollableViewport.
      I will fix those in a separate CL.
  9. 19 Aug, 2015 2 commits
    • Hans Muller's avatar
    • Hans Muller's avatar
      Adds PageableList, other scrolling related changes and fixes · 7782a115
      Hans Muller authored
      - PageableList extends ScrollableList
      One fixed width or height item is visible and centered at a
      time. Fling and drag gestures scroll to the next/previous item.
      - Scrollable.scrollTo(), Scrollable.scrollBy(), ensureWidgetIsVisible() API changed
      The named animation parameter for these methods was replaced by
      duration and curve. All of the methods now return a Future. The Future
      completes when the scroll does.
      This change eliminates the need for Scrollable to temporarily take ownership
      of a ValueAnimation object (see #645).
      - Using Future.then() instead of an AnimationPerformance status listener
      In ensure_visible.dart _handleTap() uses ensureWidgetIsVisible() to
      center the card roughly as before and then. When the implicit scroll
      animation is complete, it changes the centered card's label font. The
      change is made when the Future returned by ensureWidgetIsVisible()
      - FixedHeightScrollable's itemHeight parameter is now itemExtent
      If scrollDirection is ScrollDirection.vertical (the default) then itemExtent should
      be the height of each item; otherwise it should be the width of each item.
      Replaced _velocityForFlingGesture() in scrollable.dart with Scrollable._eventVelocity()
      The original version clamped pixels/ms against pixels/sec constants. The new version
      also deals with scrollDirection.
      - Plumbed scrollDirection though FixedHeightScrollable and ScrollableList
      Both classes should now support horizontal scrolling.