1. 22 Dec, 2018 1 commit
  2. 19 Nov, 2018 2 commits
  3. 02 Nov, 2018 3 commits
  4. 01 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  5. 23 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  6. 28 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  7. 12 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  8. 27 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  9. 22 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Will Larche's avatar
      [Gallery] Material elevations (shadows) demo (#20842) · 47cffd16
      Will Larche authored
      * [Gallery] Elevations demo. TODO: Correct icon.
      * [Gallery] More elevations for the elevation demo.
      * [Gallery] Elevation toggle for elevation demo.
      * [Demos] Update temp icon on elevations demo.
      * [Demos] Changing action icon.
      * [Demos] Same.
      * [Demos] Adding new and const.
      * [Demos] Reverting formatting.
      * [Gallery] PR Feedback.
  10. 15 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  11. 09 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  12. 02 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  13. 30 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  14. 27 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  15. 23 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  16. 16 Jul, 2018 2 commits
  17. 10 Jul, 2018 2 commits
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Revert "Add segmented control to gallery (#19192)" (#19227) · 32af1699
      Chris Bracken authored
      This appears to trigger an error during AOT snapshot of the gallery as
      stdout: [   +6 ms] Building AOT snapshot in release mode (ios-release)...
      stdout: [  +15 ms] Extra gen_snapshot options: [--print_snapshot_sizes]
      stdout: [   +7 ms] /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/gen_snapshot --await_is_keyword --causal_async_stacks --packages=.packages --url_mapping=dart:ui,/Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/lib/ui/ui.dart --url_mapping=dart:vmservice_io,/Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/sdk_ext/vmservice_io.dart --embedder_entry_points_manifest=/Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/dart_vm_entry_points.txt --embedder_entry_points_manifest=/Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/dart_io_entries.txt --print_snapshot_sizes --snapshot_kind=app-aot-assembly --assembly=build/aot/arm64/snapshot_assembly.S /Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/examples/flutter_gallery/lib/main.dart
      stderr: [+9324 ms] Error: 'file:///Users/flutter/.cocoon/flutter/examples/flutter_gallery/lib/demo/cupertino/cupertino_segmented_control_demo.dart': error: line 19 pos 1: circular dependency for function _CupertinoSegmentedControlDemoState
      stderr: [        ] class _CupertinoSegmentedControlDemoState extends State {
      stderr: [        ] ^
      stderr: [  +33 ms] Dart snapshot generator failed with exit code 254
      stderr: [        ] Snapshotting (IOSArch.arm64) exited with non-zero exit code: 254
      stdout: [        ] Built to build/aot/.
      stdout: [  +10 ms] "flutter aot" took 9,485ms.
      This reverts commit 9d49ee3b.
    • Natalie Sampsell's avatar
      Add segmented control to gallery (#19192) · 9d49ee3b
      Natalie Sampsell authored
      * Adding segmented control to gallery
  18. 24 May, 2018 1 commit
  19. 07 May, 2018 1 commit
  20. 04 May, 2018 1 commit
  21. 03 May, 2018 3 commits
  22. 02 May, 2018 1 commit
  23. 27 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  24. 26 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  25. 25 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  26. 05 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  27. 04 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  28. 27 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  29. 22 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • xster's avatar
      Cupertino pull to refresh part 1: sliver and a simple indicator widget builder (#15324) · feadfd2e
      xster authored
      * Gallery scaffolding
      * Started RenderSliver
      * demo and initial hookup
      * Cleaned up demo more and scaffolding basic sliver->widget communication structure.
      * works
      * states and default indicator building works
      * start adding docs
      * added an alignment setting optimized the sliver relayout mechanism
      * tested a default bottom aligned sized indicator
      * Added a bunch of tests
      * more fixes and more tests
      * Finished the tests
      * Add docs
      * Add more doc diffing wrt material pull to refresh
      * Mention nav bar synergy
      * add more asserts
      * review 1
      * Fix mockito 2 / dart 2 / strong typed tests
      * review
      * Remove the vscode config
      * review
  30. 20 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  31. 16 Mar, 2018 2 commits
    • Hans Muller's avatar
    • David Shuckerow's avatar
      Add support for placing the FAB in different positions (#14368) · dd0acea1
      David Shuckerow authored
      * Add support to move the fab between positions.
      * Motion demo for the FAB works between center and end floating.
      * Add a Material curve to the offset animation.
      * Move the fab position into an object
      * Updates to docs
      * Updates to docs
      * Fix a lint on the bottom sheet type
      * Add a ScaffoldGeometry class
      * Improve the documentation
      * Improve the documentation
      * Add a fab motion animator
      * Add position and scale animations
      * FAB entrance and motion animations work
      * Get started on FAB motion
      * Make fab animation work properly.
      * Change the fab animator to be stored in the state of the scaffold.
      * Add a layout test
      * Fix spacing being off
      * Fix the entrance/exit animation test.
      * Add a textDirection to the layout delegate.
      * Fix const constructor lint checks
      * Add toStrings for the fab positioner/animator
      * Add a toString for CurveTween
      * Change the fab motion demo icon to a simple add icon.
      * Add tests and a custom fab positioner to the demo.
      * Do not start the fab's motion animation when the fab is null.
      * Adjust the code to pass the new tests.
      * Rename for in response to Hans' comment.
      * Revert the tabs fab demo
      * Use timeDilation, and clean up the animation code a little.
      * Clean up the prelayout geometry docs and ctr order
      * Cleanup fab transition widget code
      * Clean up comments on Scaffold, add cross-references between the two geometries
      * Explain the fab motion animation scheduling better
      * Add a const to the fab motion demo
      * Make the fab animation never jank by keeping track of where to move the fab to in the future.
      * Add a default fab positioner constant
      * Add space after comma in the demo
      * Add boilerplate dartdoc to all const constructors
      * Comment improvement
      * Rename 'fabSize' to 'floatingActionButtonSize'
      * Rename 'fabSize' to 'floatingActionButtonSize'
      * Rename 'fabSize' to 'floatingActionButtonSize'
      * Clean up the prelayout geometry object's dartdoc
      * Clean up the prelayout geometry object's dartdoc
      * Remove extraneous comment
      * Change possessive uses of Scaffold's to use dartdoc-compatible [Scaffold]'s
      * Rename the horizontalFabPadding to an expansion
      * Clean up controller cleanup and setState usage
      * Animate instead of lerp
      * Make the fab position animation use offsets instead of animations
      * Streamline the fab motion demo
      * Set up the animator to start from a reasonable place when interrupting animations.
      * Doc cleanup on the new animation interruption
      * Expand some uses of fab and clean up constants
      * Expand remaining public uses of fab to floating action button
      * Expand remaining public uses of fab to floating action button
      * Expand on the documentation for the fab positioner and animator
      * Refactor animations to broadcast the position properly.
      * Add the ability to turn on and off the fab to the motion demo.
      * Remove unused code
      * Change the fab animator to animate even when the fab is exitting.
      * Remove extra positioner.
      * Apps -> Applications in docs
      * Explain the scale animation.
      * Name the child parameter in the animated builder
      * RTL before LTR
      * Wrap the AppBar in the example code
      * const the fab motion demo name
      * Start a test against animation jumps
      * Test for jumps in the fab motion animation
      * Dont initialize values to null
      * Use constants, fix spacing from some of Hans' comments
      * Clarify the relationship between fab positioners and prelayout geometries
      * Explain the fab animmator a bit better
      * Explain the animation progress in the fab animation
      * Explain the animation restart better
      * Explain the animation restart better
      * Explain the prelayout geometry better
      * Explain that height is a vertical distance.
      * Explain the horizontal fab padding
      * Update the scaffold size description to explain what happens when a wild keyboard appears
      * Remove print statements
      * Update the scaffold geometry with information about it being available at paint time.
      * In one step of a transition
      * Explain how the top-start fab positioner works
      * Explain how the top-start fab positioner works
      * Refactor the scaffold layout to just pass a padding instead of a bottom, top, start and end.
      * Refactor the scaffold layout to just pass a padding instead of a bottom, top, start and end.
      * Action buttons with with custom positioners.
      * Add a rotation animation example.
      * Use a swap animation to show swapping between two different animations.
      * Use a swap animation to show swapping between two different animations.
      * Add an example for the size animations.
      * 2018 copyright
      * Extra empty line
      * Return new Scaffold
      * Extra blank line fix
      * All its contents have been laid out
      * Position the fab
      * Explain what the scaffold geometry is for.
      * Move asserts to different lines
      * The scaffoldsize will not
      * Initial rename of FabPositioners to FloatingActionButtonLocation
      * Rename comments in example to refer to location instead of positioner.
      * Rename fabpositioner to location in tests and in the scaffold field
      * Finish removing references to positioner in scaffold code.
      * Split the fab location and animation out into a separate file.
      * Make things more private
      * Import foundation instead of meta
      * Const curve instead of final.
  32. 07 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Josh Soref's avatar
      Spelling (#15229) · c5a5945e
      Josh Soref authored
      * spelling: accommodate
      * spelling: allotted
      * spelling: anonymous
      * spelling: artificial
      * spelling: associated
      * spelling: asset
      * spelling: button
      * spelling: canvas
      * spelling: compatibility
      * spelling: coverage
      * spelling: condition
      * spelling: decoration
      * spelling: deferring
      * spelling: diameter
      * spelling: direction
      * spelling: displacement
      * spelling: dropdown
      * spelling: needing
      * spelling: environment
      * spelling: exited
      * spelling: expansion
      * spelling: explore
      * spelling: families
      * spelling: horizontal
      * spelling: increment
      * spelling: indices
      * spelling: internationalization
      * spelling: labrador
      * spelling: localizations
      * spelling: midflight
      * spelling: milliseconds
      * spelling: minimum
      * spelling: multiple
      * spelling: multiplication
      * spelling: navigator
      * spelling: overridden
      * spelling: package
      * spelling: performance
      * spelling: platform
      * spelling: porsche
      * spelling: position
      * spelling: preceded
      * spelling: precede
      * spelling: precedence
      * spelling: print
      * spelling: property
      * spelling: readily
      * spelling: reproducibility
      * spelling: rounded
      * spelling: scroll
      * spelling: separate
      * spelling: separator
      * spelling: services
      * spelling: specific
      * spelling: specify
      * spelling: synchronously
      * spelling: through
      * spelling: timeout
      * spelling: triangle
      * spelling: trivial
      * spelling: unusual
      * spelling: then
      * spelling: vertically
      * spelling: visible
      * spelling: visited
      * spelling: voice