1. 02 Dec, 2019 1 commit
  2. 27 Nov, 2019 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      License update (#45373) · 449f4a66
      Ian Hickson authored
      * Update project.pbxproj files to say Flutter rather than Chromium
      Also, the templates now have an empty organization so that we don't cause people to give their apps a Flutter copyright.
      * Update the copyright notice checker to require a standard notice on all files
      * Update copyrights on Dart files. (This was a mechanical commit.)
      * Fix weird license headers on Dart files that deviate from our conventions; relicense Shrine.
      Some were already marked "The Flutter Authors", not clear why. Their
      dates have been normalized. Some were missing the blank line after the
      license. Some were randomly different in trivial ways for no apparent
      reason (e.g. missing the trailing period).
      * Clean up the copyrights in non-Dart files. (Manual edits.)
      Also, make sure templates don't have copyrights.
      * Fix some more ORGANIZATIONNAMEs
  3. 01 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • Alexandre Ardhuin's avatar
      Add missing trailing commas (#28673) · 387f8854
      Alexandre Ardhuin authored
      * add trailing commas on list/map/parameters
      * add trailing commas on Invocation with nb of arg>1
      * add commas for widget containing widgets
      * add trailing commas if instantiation contains trailing comma
      * revert bad change
  4. 14 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  5. 12 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  6. 13 Jun, 2018 1 commit
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Revert elimination of Dart 1 (#18460) · 2ae48845
      Chris Bracken authored
      fuchsia_tester.dart still assumes Dart 1. Previously, it ran tests directly
      from source, flutter_platform.dart automatically runs a kernel compile when
      operating in Dart 2 mode, but this assumes a functional Dart SDK is available
      in the artifacts directly, and fuchsia_tester.dart mocks out the artifacts
      directory with an empty temp dir.
      Remaining work is:
      1. Get the frontend server building as a dependency on Fuchsia.
      2. Patch fuchsia_tester.dart to use a valid Dart SDK and frontend server.
      This also reverts migration to Dart 2 typedef syntax.
      This reverts commit 6c56bb24. (#18362)
      This reverts commit 3daebd05. (#18316)
  7. 11 Jun, 2018 1 commit
    • Greg Spencer's avatar
      Update typedef syntax to use Function notation and turn on lint for old notation. (#18362) · 6c56bb24
      Greg Spencer authored
      Now that Dart 1 is turned off, reapplying my change to turn on the prefer_generic_function_type_aliases analysis option, and fix all the typedefs to Dart 2 preferred syntax.
      Also eliminated the unused analysis_options_repo.yaml file and turned on public_member_api_docs in analysys_options.yaml.
      No logic changes, just changing the typedef syntax for all typedefs, and updating analysis options.
  8. 30 May, 2018 2 commits
  9. 22 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  10. 15 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  11. 23 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  12. 22 Nov, 2016 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Rename Flexible to Expanded and improve docs (#6978) · 8ca4caa4
      Adam Barth authored
      This patch replaces uses of Flexible with Expanded where we're using
      FlexFit.tight. We still need to think of a better name for the
      FlexFit.loose variant.
      Also, improve the docs for Row, Column, Flex, and RenderFlex to be more
      problem-oriented and to give a complete account of the layout algorithn.
      Fixes #6960
      Fixes #5169
  13. 19 Aug, 2016 1 commit
  14. 25 Jun, 2016 1 commit
  15. 07 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Move TextAlign out of TextStyle (#3789) · ee903af0
      Adam Barth authored
      TextAlign applies to a whole paragraph instead of applying to an individual
      text span. This patch moves the property out of TextStyle and into a separate
      property on Text and RichText.
  16. 24 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  17. 14 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  18. 13 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      [rename fixit] Flex alignments · d5b2e2a0
      Adam Barth authored
      * justifyContent -> mainAxisAlignment
      * alignItems -> crossAxisAlignment
      * FlexJustifyContent -> MainAxisAlignment
      * FlexAlignItems -> CrossAxisAlignment
      Fixes #231
  19. 12 Mar, 2016 2 commits
  20. 11 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Clean up imports and exports. · a94999ba
      Ian Hickson authored
      Each layer is supposed to reexport the parts of the previous layer
      that are part of its API.
      - In painting.dart, export from dart:ui all the Canvas-related APIs
        that make sense to be used at higher levels, e.g. PaintingStyle.
      - Delete painting/shadows.dart. It was dead code.
      - In rendering/object.dart, export all of painting.dart.
      - In widgets/basic.dart, export all of painting.dart and
        animation.dart. Some classes in animation/ are renamed to make this
        less disruptive and confusing to the namespace.
      - Split out Stocks back into an import model rather than a part model,
        so that it's easier to manage its dependencies on a per-file basis.
      - Move Ticker to scheduler library.
      - Remove as many redundant imports as possible now.
      - Some minor nit picking cleanup in various files.
  21. 11 Jan, 2016 1 commit
  22. 10 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  23. 02 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Fix crash when going back in stocks app. · d5e072c3
      Ian Hickson authored
      Heroes with the same tag have to have keys that are unique across the
      entire subtree. Since we can now show both stock lists, this means we
      have to include the tab in the heroes' keys.
      Fixes #668.
  24. 11 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  25. 21 Oct, 2015 2 commits
  26. 12 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Lots of trivial warning fixes · f2cc43a4
      Hixie authored
      Add type annotations in many places.
      Fix some identifiers to have more lint-satisfying names.
      Make all operator==s consistent in style.
      Reorder some functions for consistency.
      Make ParentData no longer dynamic, and fix all the code around that.
  27. 03 Oct, 2015 2 commits
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      RenderInkWell should use gestures · cf889934
      Adam Barth authored
      After this patch, InkWell is driven by gesture recognizers, which lets us
      cleanly cancel splashes when the user actually scrolls.
      I've also refactored all the clients of InkWell to use InkWell to detect
      gestures instead of wrapping InkWell in a GestureDetector.
      Fixes #1271
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Clean up some style in GestureDetector · 426ce937
      Adam Barth authored
       * Rename GestureTapListener (and friends) To GestureTapCallback to match the
         other gesture callbacks.
       * Replace "ensureFoo" pattern with ??= operator.
  28. 02 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Groundwork for heroes transition in Stocks app · 7734c0b0
      Hixie authored
      Identify specific parts of a Stock row with a Global Key that can be
      regenerated later, and pass that key back to event handlers so they can
      use them to do the transition.
  29. 01 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      EdgeDims changes and other fixes to core classes. · ce2c56b3
      Hixie authored
      - Rename EdgeDims constructor to EdgeDims.TRBL().
      - Add operator== to Size and Offset so that you can compare Size to
        DebugSize in checked mode.
      - Add Size.lerp().
      - Add various operators to EdgeDims. (*, /, ~/, %)
      - Add EdgeDims.lerp().
      - Update style guide. I went there to fix an EdgeDims constructor
        example, and stayed because some recent things came up and I wanted to
        add them before I forgot.
  30. 30 Sep, 2015 2 commits
    • Hixie's avatar
      Dynamic named routes · f2b7dd62
      Hixie authored
      Make it possible for named routes to be generated on the fly.
      To demonstrate this, you can now long-press a stock to open it.
      Next steps:
       - transitions between (named) states that follow full material logic,
         e.g. in the case of the stock row to stock page transition, expanding
         the row into a raised sheet of material and expanding it to fit the
         screen, leaving the toolbar in place but cross-fading the old
         contents to the new contents.
       - more information in the stock view.
      While I was here I also made Material have an opinion about default text
      style, so if you forget to set one, it just uses body1.
      Also, fixed bugs introduced recently that made RouteState and MenuRoute
      not work properly.
    • Hixie's avatar
      Make Stocks demo list rows clickable · f43591b3
      Hixie authored
      Not having them clickable was making it hard to notice InkSplash bugs.
      Also, this paves the way to having a stock page.
  31. 26 Sep, 2015 1 commit
  32. 26 Aug, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Replace Flex to Row and Column in tests and examples. · ce28a717
      Hixie authored
      This still leaves Flex and FlexDirection available. At some point once
      people have transitioned to Row/Column we should rename Flex to _Flex
      and stop reexporting FlexDirection from basic.dart.
  33. 11 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  34. 08 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  35. 28 Jul, 2015 1 commit