1. 29 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Refactor the test framework (#3622) · 91dd9699
      Ian Hickson authored
      * Refactor widget test framework
      Instead of:
        test("Card Collection smoke test", () {
          testWidgets((WidgetTester tester) {
      ...you now say:
        testWidgets("Card Collection smoke test", (WidgetTester tester) {
      Instead of:
        expect(tester, hasWidget(find.text('hello')));
      ...you now say:
        expect(find.text('hello'), findsOneWidget);
      Instead of the previous API (exists, widgets, widget, stateOf,
      elementOf, etc), you now have the following comprehensive API. All these
      are functions that take a Finder, except the all* properties.
      * `any()` - true if anything matches, c.f. `Iterable.any`
      * `allWidgets` - all the widgets in the tree
      * `widget()` - the one and only widget that matches the finder
      * `firstWidget()` - the first widget that matches the finder
      * `allElements` - all the elements in the tree
      * `element()` - the one and only element that matches the finder
      * `firstElement()` - the first element that matches the finder
      * `allStates` - all the `State`s in the tree
      * `state()` - the one and only state that matches the finder
      * `firstState()` - the first state that matches the finder
      * `allRenderObjects` - all the render objects in the tree
      * `renderObject()` - the one and only render object that matches the finder
      * `firstRenderObject()` - the first render object that matches the finder
      There's also `layers' which returns the list of current layers.
      `tap`, `fling`, getCenter, getSize, etc, take Finders, like the APIs
      above, and expect there to only be one matching widget.
      The finders are:
       * `find.text(String text)`
       * `find.widgetWithText(Type widgetType, String text)`
       * `find.byKey(Key key)`
       * `find.byType(Type type)`
       * `find.byElementType(Type type)`
       * `find.byConfig(Widget config)`
       * `find.byWidgetPredicate(WidgetPredicate predicate)`
       * `find.byElementPredicate(ElementPredicate predicate)`
      The matchers (for `expect`) are:
       * `findsNothing`
       * `findsWidgets`
       * `findsOneWidget`
       * `findsNWidgets(n)`
       * `isOnStage`
       * `isOffStage`
       * `isInCard`
       * `isNotInCard`
      Benchmarks now use benchmarkWidgets instead of testWidgets.
      Also, for those of you using mockers, `serviceMocker` now automatically
      handles the binding initialization.
      This patch also:
      * changes how tests are run so that we can more easily swap the logic
        out for a "real" mode instead of FakeAsync.
      * introduces CachingIterable.
      * changes how flutter_driver interacts with the widget tree to use the
        aforementioned new API rather than ElementTreeTester, which is gone.
      * removes ElementTreeTester.
      * changes the semantics of a test for scrollables because we couldn't
        convince ourselves that the old semantics made sense; it only worked
        before because flushing the microtasks after every event was broken.
      * fixes the flushing of microtasks after every event.
      * Reindent the tests
      * Fix review comments
  2. 22 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  3. 21 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  4. 15 Apr, 2016 2 commits
  5. 14 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  6. 13 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Fix dependency skew. (#3306) · 7861d029
      Ian Hickson authored
      ...by adding tests to our examples that don't import flutter_test, which
      pins the relevant dependencies.
      Also, provide more information when complaining about leaked transient
      callbacks in tests.
      Also, make tests display full information when they have an exception,
      by bypassing the throttling we have for Android logging in tests.
      Also, make the word wrapping not wrap stack traces if they happen to
      be included in exception output.
      Also, fix a leaked transient callback in the checkbox code.
  7. 02 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Rationalise all our exception handling. · ee703da9
      Ian Hickson authored
      - Create a FlutterErrorDetails struct-like class that describes an
        exception along with more details that aren't in the exception, like
        where it was caught and what was going on when it was caught.
      - Provide a FlutterError static API for handling these objects:
        - FlutterError.onError which is called whenever Flutter catches an
        - FlutterError.reportError() which handles an error.
        - FlutterError.dumpErrorToConsole() which is the default behavior
          for onError.
      - Removes all the existing exception handler callbacks.
      - Replaces all the existing places that described exceptions using
        debugPrint with calls to FlutterError.reportError().
      - Extend lockState() to also catch exceptions, so that we catch
        exceptions that happen during finalizers.
      - Make the test framework catch errors and treat them as failures.
      - Provide a mechanism to override this behavior in the test framework.
      - Make the tests that used to depend on the exception handler
        callbacks use this new mechanism.
      - Make pump() also support the phase argument.
      - Improve some tests using these new features.
      Fixes #2356, #2988, #2985, #2220.
  8. 31 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Kris Giesing's avatar
      Part 2 of independent layout pipelines · 9dfd5d40
      Kris Giesing authored
      Adds BuildOwner to manage the dirty list and build processing for
      widgets/elements, and adds a widget unit test to make sure separation
      is enforced.
      Fixes #2723
  9. 24 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  10. 14 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  11. 09 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  12. 07 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  13. 04 Mar, 2016 2 commits
  14. 25 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Remove size observers from scrollables. · f8080557
      Hixie authored
       - add operator==/hashCode/toString to ViewportDimensions
       - add toString to BindingBase
       - add toString and debugFillDescription to ScrollBehavior
       - fix a bug in the RawGestureDetectorState's replaceGestureRecognizers
       - rename MixedViewport's onExtentsUpdate to onExtentChanged
       - replace ExtentsUpdateCallback with ValueChanged<double>
       - remove a microtask for dispatching scroll start, since it
         did not appear to have any purpose
       - added dartdocs to Instrumentation until I understood it
       - made all event dispatch in Instrumentation drain microtasks
  15. 14 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  16. 11 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Clean up imports and exports. · a94999ba
      Ian Hickson authored
      Each layer is supposed to reexport the parts of the previous layer
      that are part of its API.
      - In painting.dart, export from dart:ui all the Canvas-related APIs
        that make sense to be used at higher levels, e.g. PaintingStyle.
      - Delete painting/shadows.dart. It was dead code.
      - In rendering/object.dart, export all of painting.dart.
      - In widgets/basic.dart, export all of painting.dart and
        animation.dart. Some classes in animation/ are renamed to make this
        less disruptive and confusing to the namespace.
      - Split out Stocks back into an import model rather than a part model,
        so that it's easier to manage its dependencies on a per-file basis.
      - Move Ticker to scheduler library.
      - Remove as many redundant imports as possible now.
      - Some minor nit picking cleanup in various files.
  17. 14 Dec, 2015 2 commits
  18. 09 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Eric Seidel's avatar
      Add a test to stocks for changing the locale · 09894ec5
      Eric Seidel authored
      I had to add a setLocale method to WidgetTester and
      split the code in FlutterBinding which handled locale
      changes to allow me to dispatch a locale change w/o actually
      changing what the c++ code reports as the locale.
      Also added the test to Travis.
      @abarth @jason-simmons
  19. 05 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      PointerInput refactor · f1625556
      Ian Hickson authored
      Instead of PointerInputEvent having a "type" field, we now have a
      different class for each pointer type.
      This has ripple effects throughout the system.
      I also did code cleanup in affected files while I was there.
  20. 03 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Let MaterialApp.onGenerateRoute return a Route · df07a69b
      Hixie authored
       - minor code reindents in places.
       - reset the widget tree between tests.
       - once you generate a route, don't let its builder change
         (previously it would keep changing as the routes table changed).
       - revert the stocks app toolbar-fading-on-forward-transition thing.
  21. 02 Dec, 2015 2 commits
    • Florian Loitsch's avatar
      Rename some of the functions from the scheduler. · 72821152
      Florian Loitsch authored
      The names are probably less familiar, but more consistent:
      - FrameCallback: a callback that is relative to the frame and wants the
        frame offset (a duration) as argument.
      - addXFrameCallback: adds the given callback to the internal lists/maps.
      - scheduleXFrameCallback (currently only X = ""): add the callback, but
        also trigger a new frame.
      - handleX: the method that is invoked when the event-loop or the frame
        calls into the scheduler.
      - ensureXYZ: ensure that the callback happens.
        Unfortunately there is the ambiguity between a "callback": it can be a
        closure, or the action of doing a callback, so we end up with:
        ensureBeginFrameCallback, and ensureEventLoopCallback, where
        "callback" means the action of being called back.
    • Florian Loitsch's avatar
      Remove animation scheduler. · 018bcbf2
      Florian Loitsch authored
  22. 23 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  23. 20 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Convert Persistent Bottom Sheets to a Scaffold API · 03e094aa
      Hixie authored
      - `Scaffold.of(context).showBottomSheet(widget);`
      - Returns an object with .closed Future and .close() method.
      - Uses a StateRoute to handle back button.
      - Take the Navigator logic out of the BottomSheet widget.
      - Support showing a sheet while an old one is going away.
      - Add Navigator.remove().
  24. 17 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  25. 16 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      More resilient Widget tests · d041f3ea
      Hixie authored
      - force the time dilation to 1.0 for the Widget tests, so that a local
        change doesn't break all the tests during development.
      - add missing license block to all the files.
      - set ui.window.onBeginFrame to null when you use WidgetTester, so that
        the engine doesn't trigger any confusing frames after our fake frames.
  26. 13 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  27. 12 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Make the analyzer actually work. · 8ab229f8
      Hixie authored
      Turns out that ignoring all error lines that match the empty string is a
      poor way to go.
      Also, we have to update all the example packages now too, since we
      analyze them. So just have travis use our update script.
      Also, remove flutter_tools' old travis stuff. It's now part of a bigger
      Also, make travis use the dev Dart SDK, since we need the new analyzer.
      Stable is way too out of date, e.g. it still complains about libraries
      not having names and mixins using 'super', and the strong mode hints are
      even more aggressive than on dev.
  28. 11 Nov, 2015 2 commits
  29. 28 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  30. 15 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  31. 13 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  32. 10 Oct, 2015 3 commits