1. 05 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  2. 03 Apr, 2019 1 commit
  3. 20 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • Anthony's avatar
      [Material] Create a FloatingActionButton ThemeData and honor it within the... · bdf582fd
      Anthony authored
      [Material] Create a FloatingActionButton ThemeData and honor it within the FloatingActionButton (#28735)
      Adds a FloatingActionButtonThemeData so that FABs can be themed at the Theme level and independently. The properties that are now on the theme must be defaulted at the build level, in order to respect any contributing theme properties. Because of this, some tests had to be modified to look at properties after they are built. Also, since default behaviors are now tested in the FAB Theme test, some default tests in the FAB test no longer applied and were removed.
      The themable properties are:
  4. 01 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  5. 24 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  6. 22 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  7. 10 Jan, 2019 1 commit
    • MH Johnson's avatar
      [Material] Bottom app bar theme (#24156) · 090c3bcd
      MH Johnson authored
      * [WIP] BAB theme
      * [WIP] BAB theme
      * Update goldens
      * Extract helper function in tests
      * Update Goldens version
      * Add tests
      * [WIP] Hans first round comments
      * Added test
      * Added docs
      * Hans second round comments
      * Fixed analyzer error
      * Hans third round comments
      * ambient
      * Change [BottomAppBarTheme.of] to static
      * Final doc change
  8. 08 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  9. 05 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  10. 12 Oct, 2018 2 commits
  11. 10 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  12. 02 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  13. 25 Sep, 2018 2 commits
    • MH Johnson's avatar
      [Material] Add TabBarTheme (#22012) · f37c235c
      MH Johnson authored
      * Add tab bar theme.
      * Add tab bar theme.
      * Add tests, pass context to getters.
      * update goldens from linux box
      * update goldens from linux box
      * Added new golden test, addressed comments
      * override hashCode and == in TabBarTheme
      * Fix comment typos
      * Addressed Hans' comments.
      * Formatting changes
      * [TabBarTheme] Fixed spacing
      * [TabBarTheme] Update goldens version to latest commit
    • Hans Muller's avatar
      PageTransitionsTheme, new MountainView page transition (#21715) · 582f35df
      Hans Muller authored
      MaterialPageRoute transitions are now defined by the Theme. Added (optional) support for Android P style page transitions.
  14. 30 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  15. 24 May, 2018 1 commit
  16. 12 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • Greg Spencer's avatar
      Adding ChipTheme, ChipThemeData, and some more tests. (#16447) · 4dbbf678
      Greg Spencer authored
      This converts the chips to use a ChipThemeData to get most of their customization values from (if not overridden by specific arguments to the chip constructors), and to have the base ThemeData contain one of these. It also adds the ChipTheme widget that will allow overriding the theme for a particular subtree in the widget hierarchy.
      Added tests for both, and just more tests in general for the Chips.
  17. 16 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • David Shuckerow's avatar
      Add support for placing the FAB in different positions (#14368) · dd0acea1
      David Shuckerow authored
      * Add support to move the fab between positions.
      * Motion demo for the FAB works between center and end floating.
      * Add a Material curve to the offset animation.
      * Move the fab position into an object
      * Updates to docs
      * Updates to docs
      * Fix a lint on the bottom sheet type
      * Add a ScaffoldGeometry class
      * Improve the documentation
      * Improve the documentation
      * Add a fab motion animator
      * Add position and scale animations
      * FAB entrance and motion animations work
      * Get started on FAB motion
      * Make fab animation work properly.
      * Change the fab animator to be stored in the state of the scaffold.
      * Add a layout test
      * Fix spacing being off
      * Fix the entrance/exit animation test.
      * Add a textDirection to the layout delegate.
      * Fix const constructor lint checks
      * Add toStrings for the fab positioner/animator
      * Add a toString for CurveTween
      * Change the fab motion demo icon to a simple add icon.
      * Add tests and a custom fab positioner to the demo.
      * Do not start the fab's motion animation when the fab is null.
      * Adjust the code to pass the new tests.
      * Rename for in response to Hans' comment.
      * Revert the tabs fab demo
      * Use timeDilation, and clean up the animation code a little.
      * Clean up the prelayout geometry docs and ctr order
      * Cleanup fab transition widget code
      * Clean up comments on Scaffold, add cross-references between the two geometries
      * Explain the fab motion animation scheduling better
      * Add a const to the fab motion demo
      * Make the fab animation never jank by keeping track of where to move the fab to in the future.
      * Add a default fab positioner constant
      * Add space after comma in the demo
      * Add boilerplate dartdoc to all const constructors
      * Comment improvement
      * Rename 'fabSize' to 'floatingActionButtonSize'
      * Rename 'fabSize' to 'floatingActionButtonSize'
      * Rename 'fabSize' to 'floatingActionButtonSize'
      * Clean up the prelayout geometry object's dartdoc
      * Clean up the prelayout geometry object's dartdoc
      * Remove extraneous comment
      * Change possessive uses of Scaffold's to use dartdoc-compatible [Scaffold]'s
      * Rename the horizontalFabPadding to an expansion
      * Clean up controller cleanup and setState usage
      * Animate instead of lerp
      * Make the fab position animation use offsets instead of animations
      * Streamline the fab motion demo
      * Set up the animator to start from a reasonable place when interrupting animations.
      * Doc cleanup on the new animation interruption
      * Expand some uses of fab and clean up constants
      * Expand remaining public uses of fab to floating action button
      * Expand remaining public uses of fab to floating action button
      * Expand on the documentation for the fab positioner and animator
      * Refactor animations to broadcast the position properly.
      * Add the ability to turn on and off the fab to the motion demo.
      * Remove unused code
      * Change the fab animator to animate even when the fab is exitting.
      * Remove extra positioner.
      * Apps -> Applications in docs
      * Explain the scale animation.
      * Name the child parameter in the animated builder
      * RTL before LTR
      * Wrap the AppBar in the example code
      * const the fab motion demo name
      * Start a test against animation jumps
      * Test for jumps in the fab motion animation
      * Dont initialize values to null
      * Use constants, fix spacing from some of Hans' comments
      * Clarify the relationship between fab positioners and prelayout geometries
      * Explain the fab animmator a bit better
      * Explain the animation progress in the fab animation
      * Explain the animation restart better
      * Explain the animation restart better
      * Explain the prelayout geometry better
      * Explain that height is a vertical distance.
      * Explain the horizontal fab padding
      * Update the scaffold size description to explain what happens when a wild keyboard appears
      * Remove print statements
      * Update the scaffold geometry with information about it being available at paint time.
      * In one step of a transition
      * Explain how the top-start fab positioner works
      * Explain how the top-start fab positioner works
      * Refactor the scaffold layout to just pass a padding instead of a bottom, top, start and end.
      * Refactor the scaffold layout to just pass a padding instead of a bottom, top, start and end.
      * Action buttons with with custom positioners.
      * Add a rotation animation example.
      * Use a swap animation to show swapping between two different animations.
      * Use a swap animation to show swapping between two different animations.
      * Add an example for the size animations.
      * 2018 copyright
      * Extra empty line
      * Return new Scaffold
      * Extra blank line fix
      * All its contents have been laid out
      * Position the fab
      * Explain what the scaffold geometry is for.
      * Move asserts to different lines
      * The scaffoldsize will not
      * Initial rename of FabPositioners to FloatingActionButtonLocation
      * Rename comments in example to refer to location instead of positioner.
      * Rename fabpositioner to location in tests and in the scaffold field
      * Finish removing references to positioner in scaffold code.
      * Split the fab location and animation out into a separate file.
      * Make things more private
      * Import foundation instead of meta
      * Const curve instead of final.
  18. 02 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  19. 01 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Greg Spencer's avatar
      Slider Visual Update (#14901) · 701eff4a
      Greg Spencer authored
      This implements an update to the look of the Slider widget.
      Specifically, it does the following:
      * Adds the ability to customize the colors of all components of the slider
      * Adds the ability to customize the shape of the slider thumb and value indicator
      * Adds the ability to show the value indicator on continuous sliders
      * Updates the default value indicator to be a "paddle" shape with new animations.
      * Changes the tick marks to be visible all the time on discrete sliders
      * Fixes a memory leak of an animation controller.
      * Removes "thumbOpenAtMin" flag, which is no longer needed, and can be emulated by the
      custom thumb shape support. It was not widely used.
      * Adds tests for all of the new features.
  20. 21 Feb, 2018 2 commits
  21. 05 Feb, 2018 1 commit
  22. 11 Jan, 2018 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      The Ink widget (#13900) · 09270dcb
      Ian Hickson authored
      This provides a way to draw colors, images, and general decorations on Material widgets, without interfering with InkWells that are further descendants of the widget.
      This thus provides a cleaner way to solve the issue of FlatButtons and InkWells not working when placed over Image widgets than the old hack of introducing a transparency Material.
      Fixes #3782.
      Also, some fixes to documentation, and remove a redundant property on the Image widget.
  23. 09 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  24. 08 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  25. 04 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  26. 22 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  27. 24 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  28. 23 Jun, 2017 1 commit
  29. 21 May, 2017 1 commit
  30. 19 May, 2017 1 commit
  31. 09 May, 2017 1 commit
  32. 03 May, 2017 1 commit
  33. 02 Apr, 2017 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Rationalize text input widgets (#9119) · ae899486
      Adam Barth authored
      After this patch, there are three major text input widgets:
       * EditableText. This widget is a low-level editing control that
         interacts with the IME and displays a blinking cursor.
       * TextField. This widget is a Material Design text field, with all the
         bells and whistles. It is highly configurable and can be reduced down
         to a fairly simple control by setting its `decoration` property to
       * TextFormField. This widget is a FormField that wraps a TextField.
      This patch also replaces the InputValue data model for these widgets
      with a Listenable TextEditingController, which is much more flexible.
      Fixes #7031
  34. 24 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  35. 14 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  36. 01 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  37. 23 Feb, 2017 1 commit