- 06 Feb, 2024 1 commit
Renzo Olivares authored
This change affects Android and iOS devices using the TextField's context menu. After this change the context menu will fade out when scrolling the text and fade in when the scroll ends. If the scroll ends and the selection is outside of the view, then the toolbar will be scheduled to show in a future scroll end. This toolbar scheduling can be invalidated if the `TextEditingValue` changed anytime between the scheduling and when the toolbar is ready to be shown. This change also fixes a regression where the TextField context menu would not fade when the selection handles where not visible. When using the native browser context menu this behavior is not controlled by Flutter. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/948037/3f46bcbb-ba6f-456c-8473-e42919b9d572 Fixes #52425 Fixes #105804 Fixes #52426
- 31 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Polina Cherkasova authored
- 30 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Renzo Olivares authored
This change uses `CapturedTheme`s to capture the themes from the context the selection handles were built in and wraps the handles with them so they can correctly inherit `Theme`s from local `Theme` widgets. `CapturedTheme`s only captures `InheritedTheme`s, so this change also makes `_InheritedCupertinoTheme` an `InheritedTheme`. This is so we can capture themes declared under a `CupertinoTheme`, for example `primaryColor` is used as the selection handle color. Fixes #74890
- 24 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Jesús S Guerrero authored
Revert "[web] - Fix broken `TextField` in semantics mode when it's a sibling of `Navigator`" (#142129) Reverts flutter/flutter#138446 b/322136071
- 22 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Hassan Toor authored
When a `TextField` is rendered before a `Navigator`, it breaks in semantics mode. This is because the framework generates the incorrect semantics tree (excludes the TextField) and when that tree gets sent to the engine, we don't get the signal to create the corresponding `<input>` element. This happens for a few reasons: * `ModalBarrier` uses `BlockSemantics` to drop the semantics of routes beneath the current route in `Navigator` * `ModalBarrier` mistakenly recognizes the widget outside of the `Navigator` to be its sibling * So we end up dropping the semantics node of the `TextField` rendered before it. The fix is to let `Navigator` generate a semantics node so that `ModalBarrier` doesn't mistakenly think widgets outside of `Navigator` are its siblings. `Navigator` doesn't currently do this, which causes all the nodes generated from its widget subtree to be directly attached to the parent semantics node above `Navigator` - since this is also the parent of `TextField`, it considers them siblings. Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/129324
- 16 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Anis Alibegić authored
I continued [my mission](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/141431) to find as many typos as I could. This time it's a smaller set than before. There is no need for issues since it's a typo fix.
- 12 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Anis Alibegić authored
Fair amount of typos spotted and fixed. Some of them are in comments, some of them are in code and some of them are in nondart files. There is no need for issues since it's a typo fix. I have doubts about [packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/ios/core_devices.dart](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/compare/master...anisalibegic:flutter:master#diff-fdbc1496b4bbe7e2b445a567fd385677af861c0093774e3d8cc460fdd5b794fa), I have a feeling it might broke some things on the other end, even though it's a typo.
- 10 Jan, 2024 1 commit
Polina Cherkasova authored
Contributes to https://github.com/flutter/devtools/issues/6909.
- 03 Jan, 2024 1 commit
yim authored
This PR changes the regular cursor to a floating cursor when a long press occurs. This is a new feature. Fixes #89228
- 27 Dec, 2023 1 commit
Harry Terkelsen authored
Re-enables skipped flaky test now that the underlying cause of flakiness (GPU memory leak) has been fixed in the engine and the fix has rolled into the framework. The fix is here: https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/49336 Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/137669
- 21 Dec, 2023 1 commit
auto-submit[bot] authored
Reverts flutter/flutter#140462 Initiated by: cbracken This change reverts the following previous change: Original Description: The test was flaky before due to overflowing GPU memory during the test. The memory leak was fixed here https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/49214 Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/137669 As a side effect of the fix, this test also runs much faster, from about 3 minutes on my Macbook down to about 25 seconds.
- 20 Dec, 2023 1 commit
Harry Terkelsen authored
The test was flaky before due to overflowing GPU memory during the test. The memory leak was fixed here https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/49214 Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/137669 As a side effect of the fix, this test also runs much faster, from about 3 minutes on my Macbook down to about 25 seconds. ## Pre-launch Checklist - [x] I read the [Contributor Guide] and followed the process outlined there for submitting PRs. - [x] I read the [Tree Hygiene] wiki page, which explains my responsibilities. - [x] I read and followed the [Flutter Style Guide], including [Features we expect every widget to implement]. - [x] I signed the [CLA]. - [x] I listed at least one issue that this PR fixes in the description above. - [x] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with `///`). - [x] I added new tests to check the change I am making, or this PR is [test-exempt]. - [x] All existing and new tests are passing. If you need help, consider asking for advice on the #hackers-new channel on [Discord]. <!-- Links --> [Contributor Guide]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene#overview [Tree Hygiene]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene [test-exempt]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene#tests [Flutter Style Guide]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Style-guide-for-Flutter-repo [Features we expect every widget to implement]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Style-guide-for-Flutter-repo#features-we-expect-every-widget-to-implement [CLA]: https://cla.developers.google.com/ [flutter/tests]: https://github.com/flutter/tests [breaking change policy]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene#handling-breaking-changes [Discord]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Chat
- 15 Dec, 2023 2 commits
Polina Cherkasova authored
Mitchell Goodwin authored
Fixes #123107 Adds a customizable semantic label so that the clear button on the Cupertino text field will be picked up by screen readers. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/58190796/de31d9dd-923c-402f-a55b-e5cc77ea68bb
- 11 Dec, 2023 1 commit
Greg Spencer authored
## Description This starts the deprecation of the `RawKeyEvent`/`RawKeyboard` event system that has been replaced by the `KeyEvent`/`HardwareKeyboard` event system. Migration guide is available here: https://docs.flutter.dev/release/breaking-changes/key-event-migration ## Related Issues - https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/136419 ## Related PRs - https://github.com/flutter/website/pull/9889
- 08 Dec, 2023 1 commit
Bruno Leroux authored
## Description This PR adds the 'Share' button to the text selection toolbar on Android. ## Related Issue Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/138728 ## Tests Refactor a lot of existing tests in order to: - make them more readable (avoid duplication by introducing helper functions, specify explictly check which buttons are expected). - make them more accurate (check that expected buttons are visible instead of just checking the number of buttons). For instance, previous tests contained sections such as: ```dart // Collapsed toolbar shows 3 buttons. expect( find.byType(CupertinoButton), isContextMenuProvidedByPlatform ? findsNothing : isTargetPlatformIOS ? findsNWidgets(6) : findsNWidgets(3) ); ``` Where the comment is obsolete, the two cases (6 widgets and 3 widgets) are not explicit (which buttons are expected?), and not accurate (will pass if the number of buttons is right but the buttons are the wrong ones).
- 15 Nov, 2023 1 commit
Yegor authored
Skipping the test due to https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/137669. It's not clear which PR started it, so we can't revert anything, and the fix is not yet clear either. However, the flakiness is very high and is disruptive to the Flutter team.
- 11 Oct, 2023 1 commit
Polina Cherkasova authored
Fix flakiness: finalize dropped gestures in tests to release resources, and update doc-comment. (#136136)
- 02 Oct, 2023 2 commits
Kostia Sokolovskyi authored
derdilla authored
- 22 Sep, 2023 1 commit
Tomasz Gucio authored
- 13 Sep, 2023 1 commit
LongCatIsLooong authored
Hopefully this fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/110076 by removing the `Path.combine` call. Not sure how I can verify in a test that `Path.combine` is not called.
- 08 Sep, 2023 1 commit
LongCatIsLooong authored
Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/133241 and some CupertinoTextField cleanup.
- 17 Aug, 2023 1 commit
LouiseHsu authored
In native iOS, users are able to select text and initiate a share menu, which provides several standard services, such as copy, sharing to social media, direct ability to send to various contacts through messaging apps, etc. https://github.com/flutter/engine/assets/36148254/d0af7034-31fd-412e-8636-a06bbff54765 This PR is the framework portion of the changes that will allow Share to be implemented. The corresponding merged engine PR is [here](https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/44554) This PR addresses https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/107578 More details are available in this [design doc](https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/flutter.dev/go/add-missing-features-to-selection-controls)
- 16 Aug, 2023 1 commit
Renzo Olivares authored
This PR makes sure we do not select beyond the text boundary at the tapped position unless, we tap at the end of the text which in that case we should select the previous text boundary. ```dart // if x is a boundary defined by `textBoundary`, most textBoundaries (except // LineBreaker) guarantees `x == textBoundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(x)`. // Use x - 1 here to make sure we don't get stuck at the fixed point x. final int start = textBoundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt(extent.offset - 1) ?? 0; ``` This was originally carried over from https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/f468f3366c26a5092eb964a230ce7892fda8f2f8/packages/flutter/lib/src/widgets/editable_text.dart#L4167-L4179 which used this `x - 1` to be able to move to the previous word boundary when navigating with a keyboard. When selecting by tapping/clicking we do not want to move past the text boundary at the tapped position so this adjustment is not needed. Fixes #132126
- 08 Aug, 2023 1 commit
LouiseHsu authored
This PR adds framework support for the Search Web feature in iOS. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/36148254/c159f0d9-8f14-45e7-b295-e065b0826fab The corresponding merged engine PR can be found [here](https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/43324). This PR addresses https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/82907 More details are available in this [design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QizXwBiO-2REIcEovl5pK06BaLPOWYmNwOE5jactJZA/edit?resourcekey=0-1pb9mJiAq29Gesmt25GAug)
- 07 Aug, 2023 1 commit
Kate Lovett authored
Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/59413 This relocates `mock_canvas.dart` and `recording_canvas.dart` from `flutter/test/rendering` to `flutter_test`. The testing functionality afforded by mock_canvas should be available to everyone, not just the framework. :) mock_canvas.dart needed a bit of cleanup - things like formatting and super parameters.
- 02 Aug, 2023 1 commit
LouiseHsu authored
This PR adds framework support for the Look Up feature in iOS. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/36148254/d301df79-4e23-454f-8742-2f8e39c2960c The corresponding merged engine PR can be found [here](https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/43308). This PR addresses https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/82907 More details are available in this [design doc.](flutter.dev/go/add-missing-features-to-selection-controls) This is the same PR as https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/130532, this is an attempt to fix the Google Testing issue
- 06 Jul, 2023 1 commit
luckysmg authored
iOS OCR keyboard input support.
- 27 Jun, 2023 1 commit
Luccas Clezar authored
CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar is different from the native one, with some UI and UX issues. More details on the linked issue. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/127756 Currently the only problem that I listed on the linked issue that I couldn't fix was the horizontal scrolling, but to workaround this I added a GestureDetector to change pages when swiping the toolbar. It's not exactly the same as native as there is no scroll animation, but it works. I'm creating this PR a little early to have some feedback as these changes were more complex than the ones in my last PR. Probably best if @justinmc is involved ð |Version|Video| |-|-| |Flutter Old|<video src="https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/12024080/7cf81075-46ec-4970-b118-cc27b60ddac0"></video>| |Flutter New|<video src="https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/12024080/c9e27a53-f94c-4cb0-9b76-e47b73841dcb"></video>| |Native|<video src="https://github.com/flutter/flutter/assets/12024080/468c7d5b-ba93-4bd4-8f6e-8ec2644b9866"></video>|
- 15 May, 2023 1 commit
Tomasz Gucio authored
- 12 May, 2023 1 commit
Justin McCandless authored
Desktop text selection toolbar no longer flashes before closing.
- 24 Apr, 2023 1 commit
Renzo Olivares authored
Before this change on a quick touch drag the cursor, where the touch is not on the previous collapsed selection, the cursor would move to the tapped position. After this change on a quick touch drag the cursor does not move unless the touch is on the previously collapsed selection. This is inline with native behavior. Before|After|Native --|--|-- <video src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/948037/233224775-f33b42b5-5638-416c-9278-39ecd964e3bb.mov" />|<video src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/948037/233224760-2d1af657-8d99-45fc-8499-9567f17d533e.mov" />|<video src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/948037/233224790-f5997cfa-7370-4891-8952-11ef8057a729.mov" />
- 21 Apr, 2023 2 commits
chunhtai authored
fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/99360
Justin McCandless authored
iOS now hides the selection handles and shows red selection when tapping a misspelled word, like native.
- 20 Apr, 2023 2 commits
Renzo Olivares authored
#125151 introduced the magnifier on touch drag gestures, but when showing the magnifier the toolbar is implicitly hidden, this change makes the toolbar re-appear on drag end for double tap + drag.
Renzo Olivares authored
This change shows the magnifier on touch drag gestures for Android and iOS and hides it when the drag ends. Fixes #118268
- 07 Apr, 2023 1 commit
chunhtai authored
Fixes IgnorePointer and AbsorbPointer to only block user interactionsâ¦
- 05 Apr, 2023 1 commit
Renzo Olivares authored
TapAndDragGestureRecognizer should declare victory immediately when drag is detected
- 29 Mar, 2023 1 commit
Renzo Olivares authored
Match iOS Longpress behavior with native