1. 12 Jan, 2024 3 commits
  2. 11 Jan, 2024 2 commits
  3. 05 Jan, 2024 2 commits
  4. 04 Jan, 2024 2 commits
  5. 28 Dec, 2023 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      More helpful test.dart output (#140175) · 11119cff
      Ian Hickson authored
      Each error section is numbered, so you can all be sure you're talking about the same one.
      A message is printed at the very end telling you how to find the error blocks in the verbose logs.
  6. 22 Dec, 2023 2 commits
  7. 20 Dec, 2023 1 commit
  8. 19 Dec, 2023 1 commit
  9. 18 Dec, 2023 1 commit
  10. 15 Dec, 2023 3 commits
  11. 14 Dec, 2023 2 commits
  12. 12 Dec, 2023 1 commit
  13. 11 Dec, 2023 3 commits
  14. 08 Dec, 2023 2 commits
    • auto-submit[bot]'s avatar
      Reverts "Support conditional bundling of assets based on `--flavor`" (#139787) · 21766a4f
      auto-submit[bot] authored
      Reverts flutter/flutter#132985
      Initiated by: christopherfujino
      This change reverts the following previous change:
      Original Description:
      Provides support for conditional bundling of assets through the existing `--flavor` option for `flutter build` and `flutter run`. Closes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/21682. Resolves https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/136092
      ## Change
      Within the `assets` section pubspec.yaml, the user can now specify one or more `flavors` that an asset belongs to. Consider this example:
      # pubspec.yaml
          - assets/normal-asset.png
          - path: assets/vanilla/ice-cream.png
              - vanilla
          - path: assets/strawberry/ice-cream.png
              - strawberry
      With this pubspec,
      * `flutter run --flavor vanilla` will not include `assets/strawberry/ice-cream.png` in the build output.
      * `flutter run --flavor strawberry` will not include `assets/vanilla/ice-cream.png`.
      * `flutter run` will only include `assets/normal-asset.png`.
      ## Open questions
      * Should this be supported for all platforms, or should this change be limited to ones with documented `--flavor` support (Android, iOS, and (implicitly) MacOS)? This PR currently only enables this feature for officially supported platforms.
      ## Design thoughts, what this PR does not do, etc.
      ### This does not provide an automatic mapping/resolution of asset keys/paths to others based on flavor at runtime.
      The implementation in this PR represents a simplest approach. Notably, it does not give Flutter the ability to dynamically choose an asset based on flavor using a single asset key. For example, one can't use `Image.asset('config.json')` to dynamically choose between different "flavors" of `config.json` (such as `dev-flavor/config.json` or `prod-flavor/config.json`). However, a user could always implement such a mechanism in their project or in a library by examining the flavor at runtime.
      ### When multiple entries affect the same file and 1) at least one of these entries have a `flavors` list provided and 2) these lists are not equivalent, we always consider the manifest to be ambiguous and will throw a `ToolExit`. 
      For example, these manifests would all be considered ambiguous:
        - assets/
        - path: assets/vanilla.png
            - vanilla
        - path: assets/vanilla/
            - vanilla
        - path: assets/vanilla/cherry.png
            - cherry
      # Thinking towards the future where we might add glob/regex support and more conditions other than flavor:
        - path: assets/vanilla/**
            - vanilla
        - path: assets/**/ios/**
             - ios
      # Ambiguous in the case of assets like "assets/vanilla/ios/icon.svg" since we 
      # don't know if flavor `vanilla` and platform `ios` should be combined using or-logic or and-logic.
      See [this review comment thread](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/132985#discussion_r1381909942) for the full story on how I arrived at this decision.
      ### This does not support Android's multidimensional flavors feature (in an intuitive way)
      Conder this excerpt from a Flutter project's android/app/build.gradle file:
      android {
          // ...
          flavorDimensions "mode", "api"
          productFlavors {
              free {
                  dimension "mode"
                  applicationIdSuffix ".free"
              premium {
                  dimension "mode"
                  applicationIdSuffix ".premium"
              minApi23 {
                  dimension "api"
                  versionNameSuffix "-minApi23"
              minApi21 {
                  dimension "api"
                  versionNameSuffix "-minApi21"
      In this setup, the following values are valid `--flavor` are valid `freeMinApi21`, `freeMinApi23`, `premiumMinApi21`, and `premiumMinApi23`. We call these values "flavor combinations". Consider the following from the Android documentation[^1]:
      > In addition to the source set directories you can create for each individual product flavor and build variant, you can also create source set directories for each combination of product flavors. For example, you can create and add Java sources to the src/demoMinApi24/java/ directory, and Gradle uses those sources only when building a variant that combines those two product flavors.
      > Source sets you create for product flavor combinations have a higher priority than source sets that belong to each individual product flavor. To learn more about source sets and how Gradle merges resources, read the section about how to [create source sets](https://developer.android.com/build/build-variants#sourcesets).
      This feature will not behave in this way. If a user utilizes this feature and also Android's multidimensional flavors feature, they will have to list out all flavor combinations that contain the flavor they want to limit an asset to:
        - assets/free/
            - freeMinApi21
            - freeMinApi23
      This is mostly due to a technical limitation in the hot-reload feature of `flutter run`. During a hot reload, the tool will try to update the asset bundle on the device, but the tool does not know the flavors contained within the flavor combination (that the user passes to `--flavor`). Gradle is the source of truth of what flavors were involved in the build, and `flutter run` currently does not access to that information since it's an implementation detail of the build process. We could bubble up this information, but it would require a nontrivial amount of engineering work, and it's unclear how desired this functionality is. It might not be worth implementing.
      See https://flutter.dev/go/flavor-specific-assets for the (outdated) design document. 
      <summary>Pre-launch Checklist</summary>
      [^1]: https://developer.android.com/build/build-variants#flavor-dimensions
    • Kallen Tu's avatar
      Bump Dartdoc to 8.0.2 (#139780) · e31ac618
      Kallen Tu authored
      Bumping DartDoc to 8.0.2. https://pub.dev/packages/dartdoc/changelog#802
      Made a fix for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/139755, so this
      release rolls that fix in.
      The fix was made here https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc/pull/3595.
      Not sure who's most relevant to tag so ccing some folks.
      cc. @srawlins @jason-simmons @gspencergoog 
      ## Pre-launch Checklist
      - [X] I read the [Contributor Guide] and followed the process outlined
      there for submitting PRs.
      - [X] I read the [Tree Hygiene] wiki page, which explains my
      - [X] I read and followed the [Flutter Style Guide], including [Features
      we expect every widget to implement].
      - [X] I signed the [CLA].
      - [X] I listed at least one issue that this PR fixes in the description
      - [ ] I updated/added relevant documentation (doc comments with `///`).
      - [ ] I added new tests to check the change I am making, or this PR is
      - [x] All existing and new tests are passing.
      If you need help, consider asking for advice on the #hackers-new channel
      on [Discord].
      <!-- Links -->
      [Contributor Guide]:
      [Tree Hygiene]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Tree-hygiene
      [Flutter Style Guide]:
      [Features we expect every widget to implement]:
      [CLA]: https://cla.developers.google.com/
      [flutter/tests]: https://github.com/flutter/tests
      [breaking change policy]:
      [Discord]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Chat
  15. 07 Dec, 2023 1 commit
    • Andrew Kolos's avatar
      Support conditional bundling of assets based on `--flavor` (#132985) · 016eb851
      Andrew Kolos authored
      Provides support for conditional bundling of assets through the existing `--flavor` option for `flutter build` and `flutter run`. Closes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/21682. Resolves https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/136092
      ## Change
      Within the `assets` section pubspec.yaml, the user can now specify one or more `flavors` that an asset belongs to. Consider this example:
      # pubspec.yaml
          - assets/normal-asset.png
          - path: assets/vanilla/ice-cream.png
              - vanilla
          - path: assets/strawberry/ice-cream.png
              - strawberry
      With this pubspec,
      * `flutter run --flavor vanilla` will not include `assets/strawberry/ice-cream.png` in the build output.
      * `flutter run --flavor strawberry` will not include `assets/vanilla/ice-cream.png`.
      * `flutter run` will only include `assets/normal-asset.png`.
      ## Open questions
      * Should this be supported for all platforms, or should this change be limited to ones with documented `--flavor` support (Android, iOS, and (implicitly) MacOS)? This PR currently only enables this feature for officially supported platforms.
      ## Design thoughts, what this PR does not do, etc.
      ### This does not provide an automatic mapping/resolution of asset keys/paths to others based on flavor at runtime.
      The implementation in this PR represents a simplest approach. Notably, it does not give Flutter the ability to dynamically choose an asset based on flavor using a single asset key. For example, one can't use `Image.asset('config.json')` to dynamically choose between different "flavors" of `config.json` (such as `dev-flavor/config.json` or `prod-flavor/config.json`). However, a user could always implement such a mechanism in their project or in a library by examining the flavor at runtime.
      ### When multiple entries affect the same file and 1) at least one of these entries have a `flavors` list provided and 2) these lists are not equivalent, we always consider the manifest to be ambiguous and will throw a `ToolExit`. 
      For example, these manifests would all be considered ambiguous:
        - assets/
        - path: assets/vanilla.png
            - vanilla
        - path: assets/vanilla/
            - vanilla
        - path: assets/vanilla/cherry.png
            - cherry
      # Thinking towards the future where we might add glob/regex support and more conditions other than flavor:
        - path: assets/vanilla/**
            - vanilla
        - path: assets/**/ios/**
             - ios
      # Ambiguous in the case of assets like "assets/vanilla/ios/icon.svg" since we 
      # don't know if flavor `vanilla` and platform `ios` should be combined using or-logic or and-logic.
      See [this review comment thread](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/132985#discussion_r1381909942) for the full story on how I arrived at this decision.
      ### This does not support Android's multidimensional flavors feature (in an intuitive way)
      Conder this excerpt from a Flutter project's android/app/build.gradle file:
      android {
          // ...
          flavorDimensions "mode", "api"
          productFlavors {
              free {
                  dimension "mode"
                  applicationIdSuffix ".free"
              premium {
                  dimension "mode"
                  applicationIdSuffix ".premium"
              minApi23 {
                  dimension "api"
                  versionNameSuffix "-minApi23"
              minApi21 {
                  dimension "api"
                  versionNameSuffix "-minApi21"
      In this setup, the following values are valid `--flavor` are valid `freeMinApi21`, `freeMinApi23`, `premiumMinApi21`, and `premiumMinApi23`. We call these values "flavor combinations". Consider the following from the Android documentation[^1]:
      > In addition to the source set directories you can create for each individual product flavor and build variant, you can also create source set directories for each combination of product flavors. For example, you can create and add Java sources to the src/demoMinApi24/java/ directory, and Gradle uses those sources only when building a variant that combines those two product flavors.
      > Source sets you create for product flavor combinations have a higher priority than source sets that belong to each individual product flavor. To learn more about source sets and how Gradle merges resources, read the section about how to [create source sets](https://developer.android.com/build/build-variants#sourcesets).
      This feature will not behave in this way. If a user utilizes this feature and also Android's multidimensional flavors feature, they will have to list out all flavor combinations that contain the flavor they want to limit an asset to:
        - assets/free/
            - freeMinApi21
            - freeMinApi23
      This is mostly due to a technical limitation in the hot-reload feature of `flutter run`. During a hot reload, the tool will try to update the asset bundle on the device, but the tool does not know the flavors contained within the flavor combination (that the user passes to `--flavor`). Gradle is the source of truth of what flavors were involved in the build, and `flutter run` currently does not access to that information since it's an implementation detail of the build process. We could bubble up this information, but it would require a nontrivial amount of engineering work, and it's unclear how desired this functionality is. It might not be worth implementing.
      See https://flutter.dev/go/flavor-specific-assets for the (outdated) design document. 
      <summary>Pre-launch Checklist</summary>
      [^1]: https://developer.android.com/build/build-variants#flavor-dimensions
  16. 06 Dec, 2023 1 commit
  17. 05 Dec, 2023 1 commit
  18. 30 Nov, 2023 4 commits
    • godofredoc's avatar
      Migrate docs_test to shard. (#139282) · 8412adb9
      godofredoc authored
      This is part of the deprecation of adhoc tests.
      Bug: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/139153
    • Tirth's avatar
      Write Tests for API Examples of `cupertino_text_field.0`, `data_table.0`,... · c10787bc
      Tirth authored
      Write Tests for API Examples of `cupertino_text_field.0`, `data_table.0`, `icon_button.2` & `ink_well.0` (#139258)
      Write Tests for API Examples of `cupertino_text_field.0`, `data_table.0`, `icon_button.2` & `ink_well.0`
      Note: test for `cupertino_text_field.0` was already there but it was named `cupertino_text_field.0.dart`. I renamed it to `cupertino_text_field.0_test.dart`.
      Part of #130459
    • Christopher Fujino's avatar
      Refactor prepare_package.dart (#139277) · 88710972
      Christopher Fujino authored
      I plan to extend the prepare_package.dart script to upload the flutter preview device ([design doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AzI-_Uk2v1LA2kKKFJ7gVD4xcakXJ6yVZiS5Ek6RHtg/edit#heading=h.byp03plw7mg9)).
      However, given that that script is one large >1k line file, I decided to organize it into smaller libraries in this PR. There should be no behavioral change in this PR, this is a cleanup only. I made the following changes:
      1. Created a //dev/bots/prepare_package/ directory to contain helper libraries
      2. Moved everything but the `main()` function in //dev/bots/prepare_package.dart into one of 4 helper libraries under the new directory from step 1:
        a. archive_creator.dart which contains the code that creates archive directory locally on disk
        b. archive_publisher.dart which contains the code that uploads the archive to cloud storage
        c. common.dart for shared constants and definitions
        d. process_runner.dart for an abstraction over running sub-processes
      3. Changed all definitions to `File` and `Directory` from `dart:io` to use the testable versions from `package:file`. This allowed me to use the `MemoryFileSystem` in the unit tests, rather than creating real temp file system directories.
    • godofredoc's avatar
      Migrate fuchsia_precache to shard tests. (#139202) · c8101b56
      godofredoc authored
      Adhoc tests are being deprecated and existing tests are being migrated to shard tests.
      Bug: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/139153
  19. 29 Nov, 2023 1 commit
  20. 28 Nov, 2023 4 commits
  21. 27 Nov, 2023 2 commits