1. 12 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  2. 23 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • Yegor's avatar
      a11y traversal: sort locally; use new sorting algorithm (#16253) · d3540962
      Yegor authored
      New a11y traversal:
      - sort direct sibling SemanticsNodes only
      - use new sorting algorithm
      - implement RTL
      - test semantics in traversal order by default
      - add AppBar traversal test
      - breaking: remove nextNodeId/previousNodeId from the framework
      - breaking: remove DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.geometricOrder
  3. 09 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  4. 05 Dec, 2017 1 commit
  5. 24 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  6. 18 Oct, 2017 1 commit
    • Michael Goderbauer's avatar
      Redesign Semantic Tree Compilation Algorithm (#12605) · f8a2bd20
      Michael Goderbauer authored
      * Oct 12 10:12am
      * implicit_semantics_test.dart passes
      * refactoring
      * works in nice
      * minor rename
      * more doc comments
      * to be explicit check better
      * fix test
      * ++
      * ++
      * semantics_9_test (BlockSemantics) and implicit_semantics_test are passing
      * doc updates
      * tiny refactor
      * fix static errors in tests
      * fix gesture detector
      * ++
      * ++
      * geometry
      * ++
      * remove noGeometry
      * revert test
      * +
      * all tests but scrolling/clipping pass
      * clipping works
      * scrolling halfway
      * sliver tests pass
      * SemanticsNode changed
      * docs and tiny fixes
      * card test
      * more doc comments
      * remove missed print
      * more tests
      * make test pass on Linux
      * remove changes to intellij proj file
      * review comments
  7. 08 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  8. 07 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  9. 16 May, 2017 1 commit
  10. 07 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  11. 04 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  12. 07 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  13. 11 Oct, 2016 1 commit
  14. 02 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  15. 01 Jul, 2016 2 commits
  16. 16 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Make it possible to run tests live on a device (#3936) · 32527017
      Ian Hickson authored
      This makes it possible to substitute 'flutter run' for 'flutter test'
      and actually watch a test run on a device.
      For any test that depends on flutter_test:
      1. Remove any import of 'package:test/test.dart'.
      2. Replace `testWidgets('...', (WidgetTester tester) {`
            with `testWidgets('...', (WidgetTester tester) async {`
      3. Add an "await" in front of calls to any of the following:
          * tap()
          * tapAt()
          * fling()
          * flingFrom()
          * scroll()
          * scrollAt()
          * pump()
          * pumpWidget()
      4. Replace any calls to `tester.flushMicrotasks()` with calls to
         `await tester.idle()`.
      There's a guarding API that you can use, if you have particularly
      complicated tests, to get better error messages. Search for
  17. 29 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Refactor the test framework (#3622) · 91dd9699
      Ian Hickson authored
      * Refactor widget test framework
      Instead of:
        test("Card Collection smoke test", () {
          testWidgets((WidgetTester tester) {
      ...you now say:
        testWidgets("Card Collection smoke test", (WidgetTester tester) {
      Instead of:
        expect(tester, hasWidget(find.text('hello')));
      ...you now say:
        expect(find.text('hello'), findsOneWidget);
      Instead of the previous API (exists, widgets, widget, stateOf,
      elementOf, etc), you now have the following comprehensive API. All these
      are functions that take a Finder, except the all* properties.
      * `any()` - true if anything matches, c.f. `Iterable.any`
      * `allWidgets` - all the widgets in the tree
      * `widget()` - the one and only widget that matches the finder
      * `firstWidget()` - the first widget that matches the finder
      * `allElements` - all the elements in the tree
      * `element()` - the one and only element that matches the finder
      * `firstElement()` - the first element that matches the finder
      * `allStates` - all the `State`s in the tree
      * `state()` - the one and only state that matches the finder
      * `firstState()` - the first state that matches the finder
      * `allRenderObjects` - all the render objects in the tree
      * `renderObject()` - the one and only render object that matches the finder
      * `firstRenderObject()` - the first render object that matches the finder
      There's also `layers' which returns the list of current layers.
      `tap`, `fling`, getCenter, getSize, etc, take Finders, like the APIs
      above, and expect there to only be one matching widget.
      The finders are:
       * `find.text(String text)`
       * `find.widgetWithText(Type widgetType, String text)`
       * `find.byKey(Key key)`
       * `find.byType(Type type)`
       * `find.byElementType(Type type)`
       * `find.byConfig(Widget config)`
       * `find.byWidgetPredicate(WidgetPredicate predicate)`
       * `find.byElementPredicate(ElementPredicate predicate)`
      The matchers (for `expect`) are:
       * `findsNothing`
       * `findsWidgets`
       * `findsOneWidget`
       * `findsNWidgets(n)`
       * `isOnStage`
       * `isOffStage`
       * `isInCard`
       * `isNotInCard`
      Benchmarks now use benchmarkWidgets instead of testWidgets.
      Also, for those of you using mockers, `serviceMocker` now automatically
      handles the binding initialization.
      This patch also:
      * changes how tests are run so that we can more easily swap the logic
        out for a "real" mode instead of FakeAsync.
      * introduces CachingIterable.
      * changes how flutter_driver interacts with the widget tree to use the
        aforementioned new API rather than ElementTreeTester, which is gone.
      * removes ElementTreeTester.
      * changes the semantics of a test for scrollables because we couldn't
        convince ourselves that the old semantics made sense; it only worked
        before because flushing the microtasks after every event was broken.
      * fixes the flushing of microtasks after every event.
      * Reindent the tests
      * Fix review comments
  18. 09 Feb, 2016 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Fix drawer in accessibility mode · 9cea6c50
      Hixie authored
      The "leaf merge" feature was getting confused when we reset the
      SemanticsNode. We now separately track whether the node itself is marked
      as being merged vs whether we inherited that state, and we don't reset
      the inherited state until you're reattached or reserialised. In the
      latter case, we do a "just in time" clearing of the flag just like we
      previously did a "just in time" setting of the flag, except now the flag
      we're setting or clearing is the inherited flag not the actual flag.