1. 14 Dec, 2015 3 commits
  2. 09 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Eric Seidel's avatar
      Add a test to stocks for changing the locale · 09894ec5
      Eric Seidel authored
      I had to add a setLocale method to WidgetTester and
      split the code in FlutterBinding which handled locale
      changes to allow me to dispatch a locale change w/o actually
      changing what the c++ code reports as the locale.
      Also added the test to Travis.
      @abarth @jason-simmons
  3. 05 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      PointerInput refactor · f1625556
      Ian Hickson authored
      Instead of PointerInputEvent having a "type" field, we now have a
      different class for each pointer type.
      This has ripple effects throughout the system.
      I also did code cleanup in affected files while I was there.
  4. 03 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Let MaterialApp.onGenerateRoute return a Route · df07a69b
      Hixie authored
       - minor code reindents in places.
       - reset the widget tree between tests.
       - once you generate a route, don't let its builder change
         (previously it would keep changing as the routes table changed).
       - revert the stocks app toolbar-fading-on-forward-transition thing.
  5. 02 Dec, 2015 2 commits
    • Florian Loitsch's avatar
      Rename some of the functions from the scheduler. · 72821152
      Florian Loitsch authored
      The names are probably less familiar, but more consistent:
      - FrameCallback: a callback that is relative to the frame and wants the
        frame offset (a duration) as argument.
      - addXFrameCallback: adds the given callback to the internal lists/maps.
      - scheduleXFrameCallback (currently only X = ""): add the callback, but
        also trigger a new frame.
      - handleX: the method that is invoked when the event-loop or the frame
        calls into the scheduler.
      - ensureXYZ: ensure that the callback happens.
        Unfortunately there is the ambiguity between a "callback": it can be a
        closure, or the action of doing a callback, so we end up with:
        ensureBeginFrameCallback, and ensureEventLoopCallback, where
        "callback" means the action of being called back.
    • Florian Loitsch's avatar
      Remove animation scheduler. · 018bcbf2
      Florian Loitsch authored
  6. 23 Nov, 2015 1 commit