1. 05 Feb, 2024 3 commits
  2. 04 Feb, 2024 3 commits
  3. 03 Feb, 2024 4 commits
  4. 02 Feb, 2024 16 commits
  5. 01 Feb, 2024 14 commits
    • Ricardo Amador's avatar
      Use proto name for emulator version and show cipd package version (#142262) · c13ebf1e
      Ricardo Amador authored
      Changes to use the proto.textpb config file as the version of the emulator device and show the cipd dependency version in the dependencies so devs know it can be updated.
      *List which issues are fixed by this PR. You must list at least one issue. An issue is not required if the PR fixes something trivial like a typo.*
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/142261
      *If you had to change anything in the [flutter/tests] repo, include a link to the migration guide as per the [breaking change policy].*
    • Xilai Zhang's avatar
      [github actions] ping actor of workflow on cherry pick pr creation (#142676) · be4be30c
      Xilai Zhang authored
      Context: Follow up from sync with @itsjustkevin today. Tag and ping the actor of workflow, when the cherry pick pull request is successfully created.
      1. actor of workflow will be the username of the user that triggered the initial workflow run. i.e., whoever labels the PR. This person might not necessarily be the author of the cherry pick PR.
      2. PR number of newly created cherry pick PR is parsed from the output of "gh pr create" as a multi line string.
      Tested: on cp success: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/142674 pings the actor of workflow (not the pr author). on cp failure: [example workflow](https://github.com/XilaiZhang/miscellaneous-side-project/actions/runs/7734400373/job/21088324523) leaves a msg on the original PR.
    • Flutter GitHub Bot's avatar
      Marks Linux_android_emu android views to be unflaky (#142590) · 2c0cf448
      Flutter GitHub Bot authored
      <!-- meta-tags: To be used by the automation script only, DO NOT MODIFY.
        "name": "Linux_android_emu android views"
      The test has been passing for [50 consecutive runs](https://data.corp.google.com/sites/flutter_infra_metrics_datasite/flutter_check_test_flakiness_status_dashboard/?p=BUILDER_NAME:%22Linux_android_emu%20android%20views%22).
      This test can be marked as unflaky.
    • Nate's avatar
      Implement `switch` expressions in `lib/src/material/` (#142634) · 5b947c88
      Nate authored
      This PR is step 5 in the journey to solve issue #136139 and make the entire Flutter repo more readable.
      (previous pull requests: #139048, #139882, #141591, #142279)
      The current focus is on `packages/flutter/lib/src/material/`.  
      The previous PR covered files in this directory starting with `a`, `b`, and `c`; this pull request is for `d` through `m`.
    • engine-flutter-autoroll's avatar
      Roll Flutter Engine from 9beb7e82e081 to dd4c79a6c864 (1 revision) (#142749) · 81574cba
      engine-flutter-autoroll authored
      2024-02-01 bdero@google.com [Impeller] Replace stencil pipeline ops with enum. (flutter/engine#50231)
      If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
      using the controls here:
      Please CC matanl@google.com,rmistry@google.com,zra@google.com on the revert to ensure that a human
      is aware of the problem.
      To file a bug in Flutter: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new/choose
      To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:
      Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
    • Tirth's avatar
      Write Tests for API Example of `form.0.dart` (#142635) · 10e4f268
      Tirth authored
      Write Tests for API Example of `form.0.dart`.
      Part of #130459
    • Polina Cherkasova's avatar
    • Victoria Ashworth's avatar
      Upload DerivedData logs in CI (#142643) · e5c286e0
      Victoria Ashworth authored
      When the Dart VM is not found within 10 minutes in CI on CoreDevices (iOS 17+), stop the app and upload the logs from DerivedData. The app has to be stopped first since the logs are not put in DerivedData until it's stopped.
      Also, rearranged some logic to have CoreDevice have its own function for Dart VM url discovery.
      Debugging for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/142448.
    • Jenn Magder's avatar
      Test codesigning xcframeworks in artifacts (#142666) · 899f4234
      Jenn Magder authored
      On the beta branch:
      Verifying the code signature of /Users/m/Projects/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-profile/extension_safe/Flutter.xcframework
      Verifying the code signature of /Users/m/Projects/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-profile/Flutter.xcframework
      Verifying the code signature of /Users/m/Projects/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios/extension_safe/Flutter.xcframework
      Verifying the code signature of /Users/m/Projects/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios/Flutter.xcframework
      Verifying the code signature of /Users/m/Projects/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/extension_safe/Flutter.xcframework
      Verifying the code signature of /Users/m/Projects/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/Flutter.xcframework
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/140934
    • David Martos's avatar
      Fix gen_defaults test randomness (#142743) · d242d136
      David Martos authored
      This PR improves the gen_defaults tests to not be tied to a particular order of execution.
      Since there is a global class that holds the state of the used/not used tokens, we need to clear this logger before each test.
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/142716
      cc @zanderso @QuncCccccc 
      *If you had to change anything in the [flutter/tests] repo, include a link to the migration guide as per the [breaking change policy].*
    • auto-submit[bot]'s avatar
      Reverts "Added ButtonStyle.foregroundBuilder and ButtonStyle.backgroundBuilder" (#142748) · 07ca92a6
      auto-submit[bot] authored
      Reverts flutter/flutter#141818
      Initiated by: XilaiZhang
      This change reverts the following previous change:
      Original Description:
      Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/139456, https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/130335, https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/89563.
      Two new properties have been added to ButtonStyle to make it possible to insert arbitrary state-dependent widgets in a button's background or foreground. These properties can be specified for an individual button, using the style parameter, or for all buttons using a button theme's style parameter.
      The new ButtonStyle properties are `backgroundBuilder` and `foregroundBuilder` and their (function) types are:
      typedef ButtonLayerBuilder = Widget Function(
        BuildContext context,
        Set<MaterialState> states,
        Widget? child
      The new builder functions are called whenever the button is built and the `states` parameter communicates the pressed/hovered/etc state fo the button.
      ## `backgroundBuilder`
      Creates a widget that becomes the child of the button's Material and whose child is the rest of the button, including the button's `child` parameter.  By default the returned widget is clipped to the Material's ButtonStyle.shape.
      The `backgroundBuilder` can be used to add a gradient to the button's background. Here's an example that creates a yellow/orange gradient background:
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          backgroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            return DecoratedBox(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [Colors.orange, Colors.yellow]),
              child: child,
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      Because the background widget becomes the child of the button's Material, if it's opaque (as it is in this case) then it obscures the overlay highlights which are painted on the button's Material. To ensure that the highlights show through one can decorate the background with an `Ink` widget.  This version also overrides the overlay color to be (shades of) red, because that makes the highlights look a little nicer with the yellow/orange background.
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          overlayColor: Colors.red,
          backgroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            return Ink(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [Colors.orange, Colors.yellow]),
              child: child,
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      Now the button's overlay highlights are painted on the Ink widget. An Ink widget isn't needed if the background is sufficiently translucent. This version of the example creates a translucent backround widget. 
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          overlayColor: Colors.red,
          backgroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            return DecoratedBox(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                gradient: LinearGradient(colors: [
              child: child,
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      One can also decorate the background with an image. In this example, the button's background is an burlap texture image. The foreground color has been changed to black to make the button's text a little clearer relative to the mottled brown backround.
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          foregroundColor: Colors.black,
          backgroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            return Ink(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                image: DecorationImage(
                  image: NetworkImage(burlapUrl),
                  fit: BoxFit.cover,
              child: child,
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      The background widget can depend on the `states` parameter. In this example the blue/orange gradient flips horizontally when the button is hovered/pressed.
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          backgroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            final Color color1 = Colors.blue.withOpacity(0.5);
            final Color color2 = Colors.orange.withOpacity(0.5);
            return DecoratedBox(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                gradient: LinearGradient(
                  colors: switch (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
                    true => <Color>[color1, color2],
                    false => <Color>[color2, color1],
              child: child,
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      The preceeding examples have not included a BoxDecoration border because ButtonStyle already supports `ButtonStyle.shape` and `ButtonStyle.side` parameters that can be uesd to define state-dependent borders. Borders defined with the ButtonStyle side parameter match the button's shape. To add a border that changes color when the button is hovered or pressed, one must specify the side property using `copyWith`, since there's no `styleFrom` shorthand for this case.
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          foregroundColor: Colors.indigo,
          backgroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            final Color color1 = Colors.blue.withOpacity(0.5);
            final Color color2 = Colors.orange.withOpacity(0.5);
            return DecoratedBox(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                gradient: LinearGradient(
                  colors: switch (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
                    true => <Color>[color1, color2],
                    false => <Color>[color2, color1],
              child: child,
          side: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith<BorderSide?>((Set<MaterialState> states) {
            if (states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)) {
              return BorderSide(width: 3, color: Colors.yellow);
            return null; // defer to the default
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      Although all of the examples have created a ButtonStyle locally and only applied it to one button, they could have configured the `ThemeData.textButtonTheme` instead and applied the style to all TextButtons. And, of course, all of this works for all of the ButtonStyleButton classes, not just TextButton.
      ## `foregroundBuilder`
      Creates a Widget that contains the button's child parameter. The returned widget is clipped by the button's [ButtonStyle.shape] inset by the button's [ButtonStyle.padding] and aligned by the button's [ButtonStyle.alignment].
      The `foregroundBuilder` can be used to wrap the button's child, e.g. with a border or a `ShaderMask` or as a state-dependent substitute for the child.
      This example adds a border that's just applied to the child. The border only appears when the button is hovered/pressed.
        onPressed: () {},
        style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
          foregroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            final ColorScheme colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
            return DecoratedBox(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                border: states.contains(MaterialState.hovered)
                  ? Border(bottom: BorderSide(color: colorScheme.primary))
                  : Border(), // essentially "no border"
              child: child,
        child: Text('Text Button'),
      The foregroundBuilder can be used with `ShaderMask` to change the way the button's child is rendered. In this example the ShaderMask's gradient causes the button's child to fade out on top.
        onPressed: () { },
        style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
          foregroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            final ColorScheme colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
            return ShaderMask(
              shaderCallback: (Rect bounds) {
                return LinearGradient(
                  begin: Alignment.bottomCenter,
                  end: Alignment.topCenter,
                  colors: <Color>[
              blendMode: BlendMode.srcATop,
              child: child,
        child:  const Text('Elevated Button'),
      A commonly requested configuration for butttons has the developer provide images, one for pressed/hovered/normal state. You can use the foregroundBuilder to create a button that fades between a normal image and another image when the button is pressed. In this case the foregroundBuilder doesn't use the child it's passed, even though we've provided the required TextButton child parameter.
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          foregroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            final String url = states.contains(MaterialState.pressed) ? smiley2Url : smiley1Url;
            return AnimatedContainer(
              width: 100,
              height: 100,
              duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                image: DecorationImage(
                  image: NetworkImage(url),
                  fit: BoxFit.contain,
        child: Text('No Child'),
      In this example the button's default overlay appears when the button is hovered and pressed. Another image can be used to indicate the hovered state and the default overlay can be defeated by specifying `Colors.transparent` for the `overlayColor`:
        onPressed: () {},
        style: TextButton.styleFrom(
          overlayColor: Colors.transparent,
          foregroundBuilder: (BuildContext context, Set<MaterialState> states, Widget? child) {
            String url = states.contains(MaterialState.hovered) ? smiley3Url : smiley1Url;
            if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed)) {
              url = smiley2Url;
            return AnimatedContainer(
              width: 100,
              height: 100,
              duration: Duration(milliseconds: 300),
              decoration: BoxDecoration(
                image: DecorationImage(
                  image: NetworkImage(url),
                  fit: BoxFit.contain,
        child: Text('No Child'),
    • engine-flutter-autoroll's avatar
      Roll Flutter Engine from 39415c3eed42 to 9beb7e82e081 (5 revisions) (#142745) · bf735d70
      engine-flutter-autoroll authored
      2024-02-01 30870216+gaaclarke@users.noreply.github.com [Impeller] new blur: round downsample to power of two (flutter/engine#50245)
      2024-02-01 john@johnmccutchan.com Provide a more helpful error message in the case of UnsatisfiedLinkError (flutter/engine#50247)
      2024-02-01 jonahwilliams@google.com Update expected golden number. (flutter/engine#50249)
      2024-02-01 jonahwilliams@google.com [Impeller] remove drawPicture from Aiks Canvas. (flutter/engine#50242)
      2024-02-01 737941+loic-sharma@users.noreply.github.com Reland "[Windows] Introduce egl::Surface and egl::WindowSurface" (flutter/engine#50148)
      If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
      using the controls here:
      Please CC matanl@google.com,rmistry@google.com,zra@google.com on the revert to ensure that a human
      is aware of the problem.
      To file a bug in Flutter: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new/choose
      To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:
      Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
    • Jenn Magder's avatar
    • Polina Cherkasova's avatar
      Fix leaks in tests. (#142677) · fdf05c90
      Polina Cherkasova authored