1. 17 Jan, 2019 12 commits
  2. 16 Jan, 2019 23 commits
  3. 15 Jan, 2019 5 commits
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Support setting the elevation of disabled floating action buttons (#24728) · 29928a46
      Ian Hickson authored
      Previously, a disabled floating action button always had zero
      elevation, which looks dumb.
      This also fixes the issue whereby highlightElevation was not honoured
      on floating action buttons.
      This also fixes an issue I found during testing whereby setState was
      being called during build when onHighlightChanged fired due to
      onPressed becoming null while a gesture is ongoing (which triggers an
      onTapCancel synchronously during build).
    • Chris Bracken's avatar
      Add asserts for @required parameters (#26449) · d7458e3d
      Chris Bracken authored
      Adds asserts on required constructor parameters to a transition widgets.
      This improves debuggability for those who aren't developing with live
      analysis. e.g. when `turns` is not specified in a RotationTransition
        package:flutter/src/widgets/transitions.dart: Failed assertion: line 43 pos 15: 'listenable != null': is not true.
        package:flutter/src/widgets/transitions.dart': Failed assertion: line 259 pos 15: 'turns != null': is not true.
    • Igor Borges's avatar
      Add flutter_shared assets to module artifact (#23782) · 9880baa3
      Igor Borges authored
      copySharedFlutterAssetsTask copies the `flutter_shared` folder assets to android's `src/main` folder of Flutter project, so that folder is bundled on the generated AAR
    • Amir Hardon's avatar
      Cleanup temporary catchError. (#26454) · cbff7ca4
      Amir Hardon authored
      This was added to make sure we don't crash before the engine is rolled
      with the system channel API addition and is no longer needed.
    • tonyzhao1's avatar