1. 04 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  2. 10 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  3. 04 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  4. 27 Jan, 2017 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Add ScrollView.padding (#7690) · 5ecf8786
      Adam Barth authored
      Uses SliverPadding to implementing paddding in ScrollView. Also, deploy
      ScrollView in more places now that it implements padding.
      Finally, remove loader_app.dart because it is not referenced.
  5. 09 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  6. 07 Nov, 2016 1 commit
  7. 26 Jul, 2016 1 commit
  8. 16 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Make it possible to run tests live on a device (#3936) · 32527017
      Ian Hickson authored
      This makes it possible to substitute 'flutter run' for 'flutter test'
      and actually watch a test run on a device.
      For any test that depends on flutter_test:
      1. Remove any import of 'package:test/test.dart'.
      2. Replace `testWidgets('...', (WidgetTester tester) {`
            with `testWidgets('...', (WidgetTester tester) async {`
      3. Add an "await" in front of calls to any of the following:
          * tap()
          * tapAt()
          * fling()
          * flingFrom()
          * scroll()
          * scrollAt()
          * pump()
          * pumpWidget()
      4. Replace any calls to `tester.flushMicrotasks()` with calls to
         `await tester.idle()`.
      There's a guarding API that you can use, if you have particularly
      complicated tests, to get better error messages. Search for
  9. 29 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Refactor the test framework (#3622) · 91dd9699
      Ian Hickson authored
      * Refactor widget test framework
      Instead of:
        test("Card Collection smoke test", () {
          testWidgets((WidgetTester tester) {
      ...you now say:
        testWidgets("Card Collection smoke test", (WidgetTester tester) {
      Instead of:
        expect(tester, hasWidget(find.text('hello')));
      ...you now say:
        expect(find.text('hello'), findsOneWidget);
      Instead of the previous API (exists, widgets, widget, stateOf,
      elementOf, etc), you now have the following comprehensive API. All these
      are functions that take a Finder, except the all* properties.
      * `any()` - true if anything matches, c.f. `Iterable.any`
      * `allWidgets` - all the widgets in the tree
      * `widget()` - the one and only widget that matches the finder
      * `firstWidget()` - the first widget that matches the finder
      * `allElements` - all the elements in the tree
      * `element()` - the one and only element that matches the finder
      * `firstElement()` - the first element that matches the finder
      * `allStates` - all the `State`s in the tree
      * `state()` - the one and only state that matches the finder
      * `firstState()` - the first state that matches the finder
      * `allRenderObjects` - all the render objects in the tree
      * `renderObject()` - the one and only render object that matches the finder
      * `firstRenderObject()` - the first render object that matches the finder
      There's also `layers' which returns the list of current layers.
      `tap`, `fling`, getCenter, getSize, etc, take Finders, like the APIs
      above, and expect there to only be one matching widget.
      The finders are:
       * `find.text(String text)`
       * `find.widgetWithText(Type widgetType, String text)`
       * `find.byKey(Key key)`
       * `find.byType(Type type)`
       * `find.byElementType(Type type)`
       * `find.byConfig(Widget config)`
       * `find.byWidgetPredicate(WidgetPredicate predicate)`
       * `find.byElementPredicate(ElementPredicate predicate)`
      The matchers (for `expect`) are:
       * `findsNothing`
       * `findsWidgets`
       * `findsOneWidget`
       * `findsNWidgets(n)`
       * `isOnStage`
       * `isOffStage`
       * `isInCard`
       * `isNotInCard`
      Benchmarks now use benchmarkWidgets instead of testWidgets.
      Also, for those of you using mockers, `serviceMocker` now automatically
      handles the binding initialization.
      This patch also:
      * changes how tests are run so that we can more easily swap the logic
        out for a "real" mode instead of FakeAsync.
      * introduces CachingIterable.
      * changes how flutter_driver interacts with the widget tree to use the
        aforementioned new API rather than ElementTreeTester, which is gone.
      * removes ElementTreeTester.
      * changes the semantics of a test for scrollables because we couldn't
        convince ourselves that the old semantics made sense; it only worked
        before because flushing the microtasks after every event was broken.
      * fixes the flushing of microtasks after every event.
      * Reindent the tests
      * Fix review comments
  10. 20 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Hide routes from the API when they're not needed. (#3431) · 1b9476c4
      Ian Hickson authored
      The 'routes' table is a point of confusion with new developers. By
      providing a 'home' argument that sets the '/' route, we can delay the
      point at which we teach developers about 'routes' until the point where
      they want to have a second route.
  11. 14 Apr, 2016 1 commit
  12. 15 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Tapping drawer during animation causes it to stick · a710676d
      Adam Barth authored
      The problem was we were using a tap gesture to stop the motion of the
      drawer and a drag gesture to settle it. That can cause a broken
      lifecycle. Now we use a single drag recognizer to drive the whole
      Fixes #775
      Fixes #1276
  13. 13 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  14. 16 Dec, 2015 1 commit
  15. 03 Dec, 2015 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Fix a large number of Drawer bugs · 1d195cb9
      Adam Barth authored
      This patch restructures how we handle drawer. The drawer is now a child of the
      Scaffold, which wraps the Drawer in a DrawerController. The DrawerController
      manages the interaction with the navigator as well as the edge swiping. The
      DrawerController's state machine is driven almost entirely off its Performance,
      which it now owns completely.
      Fixes #90
      Fixes #187
      Fixes #192
      Fixes #194
      Fixes #604
  16. 30 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      NavigatorTransaction · f9ea1ce8
      Hixie authored
      To make it easier to avoid pushing twice in one frame, provide a
      transaction mechanism for the navigator.
  17. 23 Nov, 2015 1 commit
  18. 16 Nov, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      More resilient Widget tests · d041f3ea
      Hixie authored
      - force the time dilation to 1.0 for the Widget tests, so that a local
        change doesn't break all the tests during development.
      - add missing license block to all the files.
      - set ui.window.onBeginFrame to null when you use WidgetTester, so that
        the engine doesn't trigger any confusing frames after our fake frames.
  19. 27 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Ian Hickson's avatar
      Track scroll position · 8a900f90
      Ian Hickson authored
      - Change RouteArguments to pass the route's BuildContext rather than
        the Navigator. This caused the bulk of the examples/ and .../test/
        changes (those are mostly mechanical changes). It also meant I could
        simplify Navigator.of().
      - Make initState() actually get called when the State's Element is in
        the tree, so you can use Foo.of() functions there. Added a test for
        this also.
      - Provide a RouteWidget so that routes have a position in the Widget
        tree. The bulk of the route logic is still in a longer-lived Route
        object for now.
      - Make Route.setState() only rebuild the actual route, not the whole
      - Provided a Route.of().
      - Provided a Route.writeState / Route.readState API that tries to
        identify the clients by their runtimeType, their key, and their
        ancestors keys, up to the nearest ancestor with a GlobalKey.
      - Made scrollables hook into this API to track state. Added a test to
        make sure this works.
      - Fix the debug output of GestureDetector and the hashCode of
      - Fixed ScrollableWidgetListState<T> to handle infinite lists.
  20. 22 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Adam Barth's avatar
      Add Navigator.of · de395582
      Adam Barth authored
      Now you don't need to pass the navigator around everywhere.
  21. 16 Oct, 2015 1 commit
    • Hixie's avatar
      Sundry debugging aids and fixes · d0d84e16
      Hixie authored
      (These are all the debugging-related fixes and trivial typo fixes that I
      extracted out of my heroes branch.)
      Fix rendering.dart import order.
      Introduce a debugLabel for Performances so that when you create a
      performance, you can tag it so that if later you print it out, you can
      figure out which performance it is.
      Allow the progress of a PerformanceView to be determined (but not set).
      Allow subclasses of PerformanceView that are constants to be created by
      defining a constant constructor for PerformanceView.
      Introduce a debugPrint() method that throttles its output. This is a
      test to see if it resolves the problems people have been having with
      debugDumpRenderTree() et al having their output corrupted on Android. It
      turns out (according to some things I read On The Internets) that
      Android only has a 64KB kernel buffer for its logs and and if you output
      to it too fast, it'll drop data on the floor. If this does in fact
      reliably resolve this problem, we should probably move the fix over to
      C++ land (where "print" is implemented) so that any use of print is
      handled (avoiding the interleaving problem we have now if you use both
      debugPrint() and print()).
      Fix a bug with the debugging code for "size". In the specific case of a
      RenderBox having a parent that doesn't set parentUsesSize, then later
      the parent setting parentUsesSize but the child having its layout
      short-circuited (e.g. because the constraints didn't change), we didn't
      update the _DebugSize object to know that now it's ok that the size be
      used by the parent, and we'd assert.
      Also, allow a _DebugSize to be used to set the size of yourself.
      Previously you could only set your size from a regular Size or from your
      child's _DebugSize.
      Add more debugging information to various Widgets where it might be
      Make GlobalKey's toString() include the runtimeType so that when
      subclassing it the new class doesn't claim to be a GlobalKey instance.
      Include the Widget's key in the Element's description since we don't
      include it in the detailed description normally (it's in the name part).
      Fix a test that was returning null from a route.
  22. 15 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  23. 10 Oct, 2015 1 commit
  24. 09 Oct, 2015 2 commits
  25. 08 Oct, 2015 1 commit